Hi all,
This patch set adds to libosmocore an optimized Viterbi decodeer for
architecture specific (Intel SSE) and non-specific cases. The
implementation covers codes with constraint lengths of K=5 and K=7 and
rates 1/4 to 3/4, which make up the majority of GSM use cases. Speedup
from the current implementation is in the range of 5 to 20 depending on
the processor and code type. API is unchanged.
Tested on Haswell (i7-4770K) and Atom (D2550). Additional test codes
from osmo-bts are included. Further tests for AWGN bit-error-rate
and benchmarks can be found in the following repository.
Here are some examples.
Bit error test for GPRS CS2 with SNR of 5 dB and 100000 bursts.
$ ./conv_test -c 2 -e -r 5 -i 100000
[+] Testing: GPRS CS2
[.] Specs: (N=2, K=5, non-recursive, flushed, not punctured)
[.] Input length : ret = 290 exp = 290 -> OK
[.] Output length : ret = 588 exp = 588 -> OK
[.] BER tests:
[..] Testing base:
[..] Input BER.......................... 0.042443
[..] Output BER......................... 0.000006
[..] Output FER......................... 0.001350 (135)
[..] Testing SIMD:
[..] Input BER.......................... 0.042460
[..] Output BER......................... 0.000005
[..] Output FER......................... 0.001240 (124)
Timed AFS benchmark with 8 threads and 100000 bursts per thread.
$ ./conv_test -b -c 10 -j 8 -i 100000
[+] Testing: GSM TCH/AFS 6.7
[.] Specs: (N=4, K=5, recursive, flushed, punctured)
[.] Input length : ret = 140 exp = 140 -> OK
[.] Output length : ret = 448 exp = 448 -> OK
[.] Performance benchmark:
[..] Encoding / Decoding 800000 bursts on 8 thread(s):
[..] Testing base:
[..] Elapsed time....................... 4.320001 secs
[..] Rate............................... 25.925920 Mbps
[..] Testing SIMD:
[..] Elapsed time....................... 0.458272 secs
[..] Rate............................... 244.396341 Mbps
[..] Speedup............................ 9.426718
Gentoo Linux now supports Network from Scratch in 5 easy steps. We're
using jolly's branches for the live ebuilds. (ETA on when we can ship
Network from Scratch on Gentoo
1. Add these to packages.keywords (in /etc/portage):
=net-wireless/openbsc-9999 **
=net-wireless/osmobts-9999 **
=net-wireless/osmotrx-9999 **
=net-libs/libosmo-abis-9999 **
2. Make sure your portage tree is up to date, and emerge the right packages:
$ sudo emerge --sync
$ sudo emerge openbsc osmobts osmotrx
3. Download configuration templates:
$ mkdir ~/.osmocom
$ wget -O ~/.osmocom/open-bsc.cfg http://bpaste.net/raw/236987/
$ wget -O ~/.osmocom/osmo-bts.cfg http://bpaste.net/raw/237000/
4. Edit configuration templates to work on spectrum you have a license for:
$ vim ~/.osmocom/*.cfg
5. Start these babies up, in separate shells:
shell1 $ osmo-nitb -c ~/.osmocom/open-bsc.cfg -l
~/.osmocom/hlr.sqlite3 -P -C --debug=DRLL:DCC:DMM:DRR:DRSL:DNM
shell2 $ osmobts-trx -c ~/.osmocom/osmo-bts.cfg
shell3 $ osmo-trx
Funny bug. osmo-nitb, jolly's branches for everything.
Send a blank SMS. Receiver doesn't get blank message. Instead receiver
gets garbage, different everytime. Presumably this is uninitialized
memory until the first null.