My name is Brackley Cassinga Form DRC, we run a community network called
pamoja net where we offer gsm services using osmocom open source software
and OC Base station.
Recently I have tried to install another base station as the same installed
but I could not find any resource guiding through all the steps to take to
run NIB on a base station.
I'm currently running Ubuntu and I will appreciate if you could guide me on
the installation of BSC,hlr,MSC , in order to run a basic gsm network.
Thank you. Regards
*Ir Brackley heshima Casinga **Pacifique*
*CEO and Founder of kwanzatechnologie*
KwanzaTechnologies ,GlobalElectronics
+243977265291 | +243977265291 | Pcassinga(a)gmail.com/
www.kwantechnologies.jimdosite.com <http://www.kwantechnologies.com/> |
Skype: Brackley cassinga <https://webapp.wisestamp.com/#>
Av Semliki N 43
Dear Osmocom community,
pySim-prog was nice when there were only 5 parameters on a SIM that we
could program, and where the use case was pretty limited. Today, we
have SIM/USIM/ISIM cards with hundreds of files and even more parameters
to program. We cannot add a command line argument for each file to
Instead, this introduces an interactive command-line shell / REPL,
in which one can navigate the file system of the card, read and update
files both in raw format and in decoded/parsed format.
The idea is primarily inspired by Henryk Ploetz' venerable
cyberflex-shell, but implemented on a more modern basis using
the cmd2 python module.
You can see the very first prototype in the laforge/shell branch of pysim.git
You can do things with it like this:
===> Start-up and authenticate with adm pin
$ ./pysim-shell.py -p 0
Using PC/SC reader interface
Autodetected card type: sysmoISIM-SJA2
AIDs on card: ['a0000000871002ffffffff8907090000', 'a0000000871004ffffffff8907090000']
Welcome to pySim-shell!
pySIM-shell (3f00)> verify_adm 92990895
===> interactive help
pySIM-shell (3f00)> help
Documented commands (use 'help -v' for verbose/'help <topic>' for details):
ISO7816 Commands
read_binary select_adf select_file update_binary update_record verify_chv
pySim Commands
intro verify_adm
USIM Commands
read_ehplmn ust_service_activate ust_service_deactivate
pySim-shell built-in commands
alias help macro quit run_script shell
edit history py run_pyscript set shortcuts
===> more interactive help
pySIM-shell (3f00)> help read_binary
usage: read_binary [-h] [--file-id FILE_ID] [--offset OFFSET] [--length LENGTH] [--record-nr RECORD_NR]
Read binary data from a transparent EF
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--file-id FILE_ID File ID
--offset OFFSET Byte offset for start of read
--length LENGTH Number of bytes to read
--record-nr RECORD_NR
Number of record to read
===> navigating the FS and reading files
pySIM-shell (3f00)> select_file 7f20
pySIM-shell (3f00/7f20)> read_binary --file-id 6f07
===> interaction with local filesystem, i.e. I/O redirect + shell commands
pySIM-shell (3f00)> select_adf a0000000871002
pySIM-shell (a0000000871002)> select_file 5f3b
pySIM-shell (a0000000871002/5f3b)> read_binary --file-id 4f20 > /tmp/f
pySIM-shell (a0000000871002/5f3b)> !cat /tmp/f
===> piping output through shell tools like grep
pySIM-shell (3f00)> read_ust | grep 86
Service 86 - Allowed CSG Lists and corresponding indications
===> enabling/disabling services
pySIM-shell (3f00/7f20)> ust_service_activate 123
pySIM-shell (3f00/7f20)> ust_service_deactivate 123
It's a very first prototype, but it is really promising.
The major tasks I see to make this go anywhere is:
* have "File" class with encoder/decoder methods, which are registered
automatically with a 'file system' layer that knows about the DF/ADF
** this allows us to have a "read-decoded" command, which will
call the decode method of the file, automatically resolved by the
selected FID/path
* automatic mapping of file-name -> FID and FID -> file name
** when printing (like in the path), use the human-readable names
** allow users to use human-readable names in SELECT
* decode + display the TLVs / FCPs after a SELECT (like cyberflex-shell
* ability to enable/disable APDU trace
* dynamically register/deregster commands based on the path, i.e. offer
USIM commands only when in ADF_USIM
We have quite a bit of that infrastructure in the c-language libosmosim,
(part of libosmocore.git), but unfortunately not in python :/
Let me know if anyone is interested in joining this effort.
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
Dear Osmocom community,
as the pandemic continues and physical meetings are out of the question
for the forseeable future, it would be a good idea to have a periodic
virtual online meeting of the interested Osmocom community.
I was thinking of a format where we would serve two major purposes:
1) technical talks about osmocom relevant topics - ideally
current/recent developments
* can be pre-recorded to avoid any problems with technical setup,
streaming, ...
* should ideally have a Q+A session at their initial "airing" during
one OsmoDevCall
2) unstructured solicited social event (USSE)
* random chat in audio (optionally video)
* not recorded, obviously
The recording of the technical presentation should then be permanently
made available (like the presentations of our prior OsmoCon /
Not every OsmoDevCall would neccessarily need the two parts, but I think
it would be great if we can make that happen. We could also have e.g. a
two-weekly schedule for the USSE and a monthly schedule for the
technical presentation.
We'd need somebody to volunteer to "manage" the "broadcast" side of
this, preferably somebody with at least some prior exposure to online
events (like the c3voc).
I'm using https://osmocom.org/issues/4928 to collect a tentative list
of topics. Feel free to add your ideas there, as well as any comment/
feedback you may have.
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)osmocom.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
not many discussions found on OsmoHNBGW topic.
1. Can we connect O' HNBGW directly to SGSN without STP (IPSP mode)?
2. If not, I am wondering do OSMOCOM have development support for IPSP M3UA
mode in SIGTRAN development files or elsewhere?
Thank you in advance, and keep shaking mobile development world.
Mirko K.
Hi Osmocom Community.
I'd like to extend the SMPP protocol alert notifications to be able to
differentiate between IMSI_ATTACH, NORMAL and PERIODIC LURs
The reason is to be able to react to an initial attach by sending a
"Welcome" SMS.
SMPP specifies only three status possibilities:
0 = Available
1 = Disabled
2 = Not Available (Detaching)
I've added 3 for IMSI_ATTACH - Actually I ended up using != PERIODIC
because not all phones send an ATTACH after a DETACH, some send NORMAL LUR.
With this the ESME can respond to an alert notification that has status
3 by looking up the IMSI to see if it's known/autorised etc (this is
outside of osmo-hlr in my use case, although I guess it could also be
done by checking what the HLR says inside the MSC)
Anyway.. I'm wondering if anybody else ever did this, and do we
want/accept this functionality in master osmo-msc?
Or.. any better ideas on how to do it?
Hi Community,
Happy New Year!
Would like to ask if anyone here have experience integrating OsmoBSC to Nokia MSC? Currently we are doing the integration in Nokia MSC and we encountered issue. Basically, in the SCCP part, the BSC is trying to send UDT (BSSAP) Reset but no response from the MSC. After the default timer of the RESET, we observed a SACK SST and SACK UDTS. In the SACK SST, we saw the trace that there is no Calling indicator which is my BSC point code. When checking the trace we saw this Affected Subsystem Number: 254. I’ve red some documentations in OSMO but I don’t find any SCCP management configuration in OSMO so I think this one is on MSC side. Below is the Trace we captured.
BSC Point code - 2262
Nokia Point code - 7039
I would like to start a discussion to set for all osmocom core
network projects a language standard (could be also set for other
osmocom projects).
The current state is the code is compiled with the compilers choice of
c/c++. This produce unexpected build failures on newer or older system.
I would like to start setting it to c11/c++11 + gnu extensions. This is
a more random choice of standard. I would argue to have at least c99
for c.
Any feedback?
Alexander Couzens
mail: lynxis(a)fe80.eu
jabber: lynxis(a)fe80.eu
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