Hi all,
Just wanted to share an issue and a quick workaround I found for it in case
anyone else has the same problem. I believe a cmd2 update is causing
pySim-shell to fail. After installing it on a fresh install of Ubuntu
Server 20.04 and getting the following error when I run "python3
pySim-shell -p0":
>Using PC/SC reader interface
>Autodetected card type: sysmoUSIM-SJS1
>AIDs on card:
> USIM: a0000000871002ffffffff8907090000
>Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "pySim-shell.py", line 512, in <module>
> app = PysimApp(card, rs, opts.script)
> File "pySim-shell.py", line 59, in __init__
> super().__init__(persistent_history_file='~/.pysim_shell_history',
allow_cli_args=False, use_ipython=True, auto_load_commands=False,
command_sets=basic_commands, >startup_script=script)
>TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'use_ipython'
If you run into this you can fix it by uninstalling cmd2 and reinstalling
cmd2 with "pip3 install cmd2==1.5".
My name is Brackley Cassinga Form DRC, we run a community network called
pamoja net where we offer gsm services using osmocom open source software
and OC Base station.
Recently I have tried to install another base station as the same installed
but I could not find any resource guiding through all the steps to take to
run NIB on a base station.
I'm currently running Ubuntu and I will appreciate if you could guide me on
the installation of BSC,hlr,MSC , in order to run a basic gsm network.
Thank you. Regards
*Ir Brackley heshima Casinga **Pacifique*
*CEO and Founder of kwanzatechnologie*
KwanzaTechnologies ,GlobalElectronics
+243977265291 | +243977265291 | Pcassinga(a)gmail.com/
www.kwantechnologies.jimdosite.com <http://www.kwantechnologies.com/> |
Skype: Brackley cassinga <https://webapp.wisestamp.com/#>
Av Semliki N 43
Dear fellow Osmocom developers,
as you all know, we've sadly had to skip OsmoDevCon 2020 and 2021,
trying to compensate it at least to some extent with our OsmoDevCall
every two weeks.
The COVID-19 pandemic is far from over, and we don't know what the
upcoming winter season will bring.
Nevertheless, I think it would be a good idea to start a discussion of
whether we should plan for an OsmoDevCon in 2022.
I personally would say let's plan for the usual late April 2022 time frame,
and if the pandemic situation deteriorates, we can still cancel it with
something like one month lead time.
I would also personally suggest to limit attendance to people who are fully
vaccinated, and in addition do a self-test for all participants every
In terms of venue, we might also consider to move to a venue that allows better
ventilation. Irrespective of the above we can also bring the air filters from
the sysmocom office.
So with that as an input statement, I would like to hear your opinion
on the above proposals. Who would want to attend? Any complaints against
the "vaccinated only plus daily self-tests in the morning" approach?
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)osmocom.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
Hi Osmocom,
I'm trying to integrate the FreeSwitch as my external MNCC in my test lab using split stack. Currently, I'm getting an error message on FreeSwitch SIP/2.0 400 Missing Contact Header. I'm little bit confused with the error and I don't know where to troubleshoot this.
I've attached my osmo configurations and pcap trace for your reference. Hoping for your reply. Thank you.
Justin Mark Repollo
Hello all!
I'm sorry for a stupid question, but I can't find an answer by myself.
We are using Osmocom solution in University to demonstrate to students
how GSM works.
We have and fully virtualized workplaces with osm-bts-virtual and
osmocom-bb UE via virtual Um.
We are making an IMSI Attach procedure and capturing traces with
wireshark. Virtual Um messages are visible in wireshark traces with
"gsmtap" filter. According standart description, after RACH request UE
should receive channel assignment via AGCH channel. But AGCH is not
visible in traces. Am I wrong in my expectations somewhere? I tried to
filter out messages, tried to filter gsmtap.chan_type == 4 but still
no luck.
Thank you
Dear Osmocom community,
It's my pleasure to announce the next OsmoDevCall at
November 25, 2021 at 20:00 CET (yes, Thursday instead of Friday this time!)
This meeting will have the following schedule:
20:00 meet + greet
20:10 presentation "Control/User Plane Separation (CUPS) + PFCP" by laforge
21:00 unstructured supplementary social event [*]
Attendance is free of charge and open to anyone with an interest
in Osmocom or open source cellular technologies.
More information about OsmoDevCall, including the schedule
for further upcoming events can be found at
Looking forward to meeting you on Friday.
Best regards,
[*] this is how we started to call the "unstructured" part of osmocom
developer conferences in the past, basically where anyone can talk about
anything, no formal schedule or structure.
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)osmocom.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
Dear all,
I am pleased to announce new tagged releases for Osmocom Cellular
Network Infrastructure components.
Find more information about the release here [1].
Osmocom "Latest" repositories in OBS [2] should already contain packages
for the new versions.
OpenEmbedded related meta-layers such as meta-telephony usual
stable/testing branch "201705" [3] have also been updated to build
recipes for new versions.
[1] https://osmocom.org/news/152
[2] https://osmocom.org/projects/cellular-infrastructure/wiki/Latest_Builds
[3] https://git.osmocom.org/meta-telephony/log/?h=201705
- Pau Espin Pedrol <pespin(a)sysmocom.de> http://www.sysmocom.de/
* sysmocom - systems for mobile communications GmbH
* Alt-Moabit 93
* 10559 Berlin, Germany
* Sitz / Registered office: Berlin, HRB 134158 B
* Geschaeftsfuehrer / Managing Director: Harald Welte
Dear Osmocom community,
It's my pleasure to announce the next OsmoDevCall at
November 12, 2021 at 20:00 CET
This meeting will have the following schedule:
20:00 meet + greet
20:10 presentation "E1 / TDM / PDH / SDH basics" by laforge
20:30 presentation "icE1usb in practice" by tnt
later USSE: unstructured supplementary social event [*]
Attendance is free of charge and open to anyone with an interest
in Osmocom.
More information about OsmoDevCall, including the schedule
for further upcoming events can be found at
Looking forward to meeting you on Friday.
Best regards,
[*] this is how we started to call the "unstructured" part of osmocom
developer conferences in the past, basically where anyone can talk about
anything, no formal schedule or structure.
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)osmocom.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
Dear Osmocom users,
the Linux kernel developers are considering to remove mISDN from the
kernel, as can be seen in posts like
They are aware that Osmocom still supports mISDN, but it would of course
be interesting if anyone is actually still using this approach.
I've switched to DAHDI a long time ago (4- and 8-port cards for PCIe
available) and only used mISDN very early on with the HFC-E1 in the
2008-2011 timeframe.
These days, I'm using both DAHDI and icE1usb.
IMHO, mISDN based interface cards are becomming less and less
attractive, as the chips only support parallel PCI bus and I've never
seen cards with more than two ports.
So the point of this post is to find out if anyone still is using
[or planning to use] mISDN. If so, please let me, netdev + Anrd Bergmann
know about it.
Basically it is kind of a "speak now or forever hold your peace" kind of
moment, as mISDN would then likely be phased out from mainline Linux.
Even in that case I think libosmo-abis should keep mISDN support, as
there will be Linux systems on older kernels for many years to come, and
the mISDN support doesn't hurt the rest of our code base in any way.
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
i recently noticed that the `export` command from pysim-shell is failing on some basic files like EF.ICCID.
However if i manually select the file it can be read. This happens on a generic USIM and on the orange sysmousim-SJS1.
see the logs below to illustrate.
sysmo usim:
# Export summary #
# total files visited: 165
# bad files: 75
# MF/EF.DIR, string indices must be integers
# MF/EF.ICCID, string indices must be integers
pySIM-shell (MF)> select EF.ICCID
pySIM-shell (MF/EF.ICCID)> read_binary_decoded
"iccid": "8988211000000169394"
Using PC/SC reader interface
Waiting for card...
ATR: [59, 157, 149, 128, 63, 199, 160, 128, 49, 160, 115, 190, 33, 83, 81, 6, 131, 5, 144, 0, 63]
Autodetected card type: Generic-UISIM
AIDs on card:
USIM: a0000000871002ff81ff108904150001
Welcome to pySim-shell!
pySIM-shell (MF)> select EF.ICCID
pySIM-shell (MF/EF.ICCID)> read_binary_decoded
"iccid": "8981100055906574179"
pySIM-shell (MF/EF.ICCID)> select MF
pySIM-shell (MF)> export
# directory: MF (3f00)
# file: EF.DIR (2f00)
# bad file: MF/EF.DIR, string indices must be integers
# directory: MF (3f00)
# file: EF.ICCID (2fe2)
# bad file: MF/EF.ICCID, string indices must be integers