Hi all,
Just wanted to share an issue and a quick workaround I found for it in case
anyone else has the same problem. I believe a cmd2 update is causing
pySim-shell to fail. After installing it on a fresh install of Ubuntu
Server 20.04 and getting the following error when I run "python3
pySim-shell -p0":
>Using PC/SC reader interface
>Autodetected card type: sysmoUSIM-SJS1
>AIDs on card:
> USIM: a0000000871002ffffffff8907090000
>Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "pySim-shell.py", line 512, in <module>
> app = PysimApp(card, rs, opts.script)
> File "pySim-shell.py", line 59, in __init__
> super().__init__(persistent_history_file='~/.pysim_shell_history',
allow_cli_args=False, use_ipython=True, auto_load_commands=False,
command_sets=basic_commands, >startup_script=script)
>TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'use_ipython'
If you run into this you can fix it by uninstalling cmd2 and reinstalling
cmd2 with "pip3 install cmd2==1.5".
My name is Brackley Cassinga Form DRC, we run a community network called
pamoja net where we offer gsm services using osmocom open source software
and OC Base station.
Recently I have tried to install another base station as the same installed
but I could not find any resource guiding through all the steps to take to
run NIB on a base station.
I'm currently running Ubuntu and I will appreciate if you could guide me on
the installation of BSC,hlr,MSC , in order to run a basic gsm network.
Thank you. Regards
*Ir Brackley heshima Casinga **Pacifique*
*CEO and Founder of kwanzatechnologie*
KwanzaTechnologies ,GlobalElectronics
+243977265291 | +243977265291 | Pcassinga(a)gmail.com/
www.kwantechnologies.jimdosite.com <http://www.kwantechnologies.com/> |
Skype: Brackley cassinga <https://webapp.wisestamp.com/#>
Av Semliki N 43
Dear fellow Osmocom developers,
as you all know, we've sadly had to skip OsmoDevCon 2020 and 2021,
trying to compensate it at least to some extent with our OsmoDevCall
every two weeks.
The COVID-19 pandemic is far from over, and we don't know what the
upcoming winter season will bring.
Nevertheless, I think it would be a good idea to start a discussion of
whether we should plan for an OsmoDevCon in 2022.
I personally would say let's plan for the usual late April 2022 time frame,
and if the pandemic situation deteriorates, we can still cancel it with
something like one month lead time.
I would also personally suggest to limit attendance to people who are fully
vaccinated, and in addition do a self-test for all participants every
In terms of venue, we might also consider to move to a venue that allows better
ventilation. Irrespective of the above we can also bring the air filters from
the sysmocom office.
So with that as an input statement, I would like to hear your opinion
on the above proposals. Who would want to attend? Any complaints against
the "vaccinated only plus daily self-tests in the morning" approach?
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)osmocom.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
I need help to understand my problem installing a simple HelloWorld applet
on USIM card.
There is already a USIM applet (AID: a0000000871002ffXXffXX89) running
there, so perhaps that's the issue.
1. Should I remove it?
Here is my code to INSTALL (for load), LOAD, INSTALL (for install):
2. All of them returns 9000, which is OK, I'm using a simple CardReader,
but when I insert the SIM to a phone, no applet comes up.
Initially, I thought that the AID for instance is the reason. So when I do
... module_aid="d07002CA44900101", app_aid="d07002CA44900101"
I'm getting 6A88 (Referenced data not found). I changed it to
A000000087 - RID for 3GPP
1002 - USIM
FFff - country code
FFff - card issuer code
89 - Telecom
00000101 - App version? Havent figured out this yet
the answer is 9000. But no app pops up on the phone once I insert SIM card
3. Also I'm checking if any load file actually ends up by taking some
non-volatile space in SIM -- no difference.
4. After Install for install, there is nothing to be done, rght? Like
updating EF_DIR is not required, where USIM is the only applet.
Could you please assist? My twitter is twitter.com/novitoll
Dear Osmocom community,
It's my pleasure to announce the next OsmoDevCall on
January 28, 2022 at 20:00 CET
In this edition, laforge will present a number of brief (lightning)
talks about a number of projects he's currently been thinking about or
working on, including
* efficient TDMoIP protocol
* TDMoIP community network
* hardware design of ISDN BRI interface for TDMoIP community network
* continuous testing setup for simtrace2 "cardem" firmware
* non-transparent ISA-over-USB bridge attached to qemu
The idea is to ping-pong some ideas wit others and maybe find somebody interested in helping out.
This meeting will have the following schedule:
20:00 meet + greet
20:10 various brief talks (see above)
21:00 unstructured supplementary social event [*]
Attendance is free of charge and open to anyone with an interest
in Osmocom or open source cellular technologies.
More information about OsmoDevCall, including the schedule
for further upcoming events can be found at
Looking forward to meeting you on Friday.
Best regards,
[*] this is how we started to call the "unstructured" part of osmocom
developer conferences in the past, basically where anyone can talk about
anything, no formal schedule or structure.
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)osmocom.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
Sorry, for the late reply. (replying again in new thread as prev mails failed).
Quoted prev mails in quotes below.
>> Which is "your test sim". Can you share the make and model?
It's a sysmoUSIM-SJS1, I believe.
I'm receiving 9000 for INSTALL for load, and for consequent LOAD
commands 9000 as well. Only for the last INSTALL for install, I'm
getting 6A88 (reference data not found). I think, the issue is in
AIDs. I'm trying to figure out if I should use arbitrary bytes for AID
or construct AID (which includes RID + RIX) the same way as
existing Load Files, Applets' AID are on the SIM card?
I'm using d07002CA44 from this https://github.com/mrlnc/HelloSTK2,
I believe that should be reason for the 6A88 error code.
Could you please assist?
Here is my Install for Install Python3 code:
def install_install_make_selectable(self, exe_rid="d07002CA44",
apdu = "".join([
"80", # CLS
"e6", # INSTR
"0c", # p1 ; for install (b3=1) ; for make selectable (b4=1)
"00", # p2
"%02x", # p3 ; Lc
#, page 170
data = "".join([
"%02x" % int(len(exe_rid)/2),
exe_rid, # V, executable Load file AID / load file AID
"%02x" % int(len(module_aid)/2),
module_aid, # V, executable Module AID / class file AID
"%02x" % int(len(app_aid)/2),
app_aid, # V, Application AID / instance AID
"0100", # L privileges ; V=00, 11.1.2 Privileges
Coding, page 146
"%02x", # L Install Parameters field
system_params_v = "".join([
"c802", # TL - non-volatile memory quota
"00ff", # V
"c702", # TL - volatile memory quota
install_params_tl = "".join([
"EF", # T - System Specific Parameters
install_params_v = ""
install_params_v += system_params_v
install_params_v += "".join([
# ETSI 102 226, page 23
# Coding of the SIM File Access and Toolkit
Application Specific Parameters
"%02x", # TL
toolkit_app_params = "".join([
"01", # L of access domain
## Access Domain
## 00 - full access
## 01 - APDU access (reserved for 2G; see 3GPP TS 31 116)
## 02 - UICC access (reserved for 3G)
## ff - no access
"ff", # V access domain
"01", # V priority
"00", # V max timers
"0f", # V max menu text
"02", # V max menu entries
"0000" * int("02"),
"00", # max number of channels for this application instance
"00", # length of MSL
install_params_v = install_params_v %
int(len(toolkit_app_params)/2) + toolkit_app_params
### C9 - Application Specific Parameters (none?)
applet_specific_params_v = "".join([
applet_specific_params_tlv = "".join([
"%02x" % int(len(applet_specific_params_v)/2),
install_params_v += applet_specific_params_tlv
install_params = install_params_tl %
int(len(install_params_v)/2) + install_params_v
data = data % int(len(install_params)/2) + install_params
data += "00" # load token
apdu = apdu % int(len(data)/2) + data
apdu += "00c0000000" # C-MAC
return apdu
> On Dec 24, 2021, 2:51 AM, Sabyrzhan Tasbolatov wrote:
> Hello,
> I need help with installing the HelloWorld.cap applet in my test SIM.
> I know how to construct APDUs and osmocom's shadysim.py,
> does not work properly for me. So I've written the script myself.
> https://gist.github.com/Novitoll/2d8146b85f4384eb4dd039eb8116d1ed
> GP "Card Specification – Public Release v2.3.1".
> 1. Install for LOAD, Data = 00, SW = 9000
> 2. LOAD 0, SW = 9000
> 3. LOAD 1, SW = 9000
> 4. LOAD 2, SW = 9000
> 5. LOAD 3, SW = 9000, final
> 6. Install for install and make selectable, SW = 6988 (Reference data not found)
> Trying to figure out where the issue is.
> I've tried to re-use `install_app` function from shadysim.py - same result.
> I'm using this https://github.com/mrlnc/HelloSTK2/blob/main/HelloSTK2.cap
> Could anyone assist?
>> On Tue, Jan 4, 6:30 PM, Harald Welte wrote:
>> Hi Sabr,
>> On Mon, Jan 03, 2022 at 03:51:54PM +0600, Sabyrzhan Tasbolatov wrote:
>>> Following up
>>I didn't see your original mail, sorry.
>>> > I need help with installing the HelloWorld.cap applet in my test SIM.
>>Which is "your test sim". Can you share the make and model?
>>> > I know how to construct APDUs and osmocom's shadysim.py
>>> > <https://git.osmocom.org/sim/sim-tools/tree/shadysim/shadysim.py>,
>>> > does not work properly for me.
>>please note that different cards have different expectations (and bugs) on the exact
>>parameters to load applets. Also, shadysim is a "early proof of concept"
>>and not something that intended to be a full implementation and/or
>>support a wide variety of cards with related workarounds, etc.
Hello all,
I'm looking for some guidance on adding an ADF which I will then be able to
select by AID to a SysmoISIM-SJA2. Primarily I'm curious if there's any
reason this WOULDN'T be doable before I continue down the rabbit hole of
figuring it out.
What I've tried so far is:
1) Pushing the applet to the SIM using shadysim_isim.py. It loads fine, and
when I enable SIM toolkit it appears properly on my Android device. When I
try to SELECT the AID however I get an error saying the AID doesn't exist.
2) I figure the above error is because EF.DIR doesn't include the AID, so
I update the first empty record in EF.DIR to include the AID of my applet.
When I try to SELECT the AID now I get the same error however.
I'm not sure how to proceed but I figure now is a good time to see if it is
in fact possible before spinning my wheels further. If anyone can point me
in the right direction or even just a yes/no about whether it can be done
that would be greatly appreciated.
Following up
On Fri, Dec 24, 2021 at 2:51 AM Sabyrzhan Tasbolatov <snovitoll(a)gmail.com>
> Hello,
> I need help with installing the HelloWorld.cap applet in my test SIM.
> I know how to construct APDUs and osmocom's shadysim.py
> <https://git.osmocom.org/sim/sim-tools/tree/shadysim/shadysim.py>,
> does not work properly for me. So I've written the script myself.
> https://gist.github.com/Novitoll/2d8146b85f4384eb4dd039eb8116d1ed
> GP "Card Specification – Public Release v2.3.1".
> 1. Install for LOAD, Data = 00, SW = 9000
> 2. LOAD 0, SW = 9000
> 3. LOAD 1, SW = 9000
> 4. LOAD 2, SW = 9000
> 5. LOAD 3, SW = 9000, final
> 6. Install for install and make selectable, SW = 6988 (Reference data not
> found)
> Trying to figure out where the issue is.
> I've tried to re-use `install_app` function from shadysim.py - same result.
> I'm using this https://github.com/mrlnc/HelloSTK2/blob/main/HelloSTK2.cap
> Could anyone assist?
> --
> Sabr
Hi all,
I'd like to draw attention again to the state of codecs handling in OsmoMSC master.
The reason being that the recent IuUP changes create conflicts with the
neels/mncc_codecs3 branch.
I fear that we are currently doing the same thing that we discourage everyone
else from doing: keeping an important branch on the side and not upstreaming it.
There is recurrent overhead on rebasing the branch.
Facts about OsmoMSC: master neels/codecs_mncc*
heeds MS Bearer Cap from ComplL3 NO YES
logically combines codec constraints NO YES
communicates available codecs to/via SIP NO YES
worked at last congress NO YES
has the last IuUP patches YES NO
I think the reasoning for completing that codecs work and merging the branch is
compelling. Can we somehow achieve that before OsmoMSC diverges further?
I could start maybe by holding a talk on it in an OsmoDevCall? That way I've
read all of the code again and can explain what the patch does why, to ease
review. Or maybe spend that time on merging the code instead? Or both? :)
Dear Osmocom community,
It's my pleasure to announce the next OsmoDevCall on
January 14, 2022 at 20:00 CET
This meeting will have the following schedule:
20:00 meet + greet
20:10 presentation "Codesc in OsmoMSC, MNCC and SIP" by neels
21:00 unstructured supplementary social event [*]
Attendance is free of charge and open to anyone with an interest
in Osmocom or open source cellular technologies.
More information about OsmoDevCall, including the schedule
for further upcoming events can be found at
Looking forward to meeting you on Friday.
Best regards,
[*] this is how we started to call the "unstructured" part of osmocom
developer conferences in the past, basically where anyone can talk about
anything, no formal schedule or structure.
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)osmocom.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)