Hello everyone,
I've just finnished writing together a small web interface for the OpenBSC
HLR. It allows you to modify various parameters in the database and also
provides a set of functions to modify the HLR or sending SMSes in your own
The project is still very alpha but it seems to work reasonably good. Feel
free to give any feedback!
Screenshots and source code is available on my website:
*Best regards,
Peter Caprioli*
I have some questions:
1) When I start bsc_hack bsc_init.c first establishes OML link and
initializes the bts then it establishes RSL link and bts starts
broadcasting. However, it takes so much time to start the bts. Instead of
this I want to do the following: it establishes OML link at the beginning
and only once, then when i want to start broadcasting it establishes just
the RSL link and bts will start faster since i don't have to wait for OML
link. What should be done for this?
2) If i send one or two word messages from telnet interface it is okay. But
if i send a longer message the phone could't receive the end of the message
correctly(last words may be incomplete). Did any one encounter with this
problem? What is wrong with me?
3) Could I send SMS in which extension of the sender is text not integer.
For example, i want to send an information SMS that this is a test network.
For this purpose i want to send an SMS from 'OpenBSC'. I set the extension
of the first subscriber in database as text and tried to send the SMS but
SMS wasn't delivered. What should i do?
4) Can i add SMS externally to SMS table of database?
I was going on with the autotools cleanup (in order of listing in cgit)
but I'm a bit surprised about the libosmo-sccp structure, which
contrarily to libosmocore, libosmo-abis and libosmo-dsp is not using
libtool, but it's actually building three static archives, with one
source file each.
Now, I don't know if it might be too late to consider changing this but
I'm wondering why it has been done this way; when using a shared object
it might make sense (although the overhead of using more than one object
is probably higher than loading the unused code), but with static
archives all the Unix link editors I know only take by default only the
objects that are actually needed by what it's being linked; that is
using a single libosmo-sccp.a will only bring in the final linking the
object files that are actually needed.
I also wonder if it wouldn't make more sense to have everything built in
the same project/source tree with libosmocore — in general this seems to
be small enough, and the time/space spent for these three files is
probably well recovered by the extra ./configure run that it has to run.
Let me know if I can be of help — I'll still send the autotools cleanup
for this project today I think.
Diego Elio Pettenò — Flameeyes
flameeyes(a)flameeyes.eu — http://blog.flameeyes.eu/
I'm trying to answer this question. I think the issue is just including
Here is the additional patch attached. I think someone with access to
wiki should update the mISDN.diff.
See you
Hi list!
I'm trying make calls between sip phones and mobiles throw OpenBSC but
doesn't works. I've registered extensions in Asterisk and mobile phones in
OpenBSC. When I try call inter mobile phones and LCR shows (error in red):
*000000 DEBUG (in Port() line 149): new port of type 4625, name 'GSM-1-in'*
*000000 DEBUG (in PmISDN() line 182): Created new mISDNPort(GSM-1-in).
Currently 1 objects use, port #1*
*000000 DEBUG (in Pgsm() line 151): Created new GSMPort(GSM-1-in).*
*000000 DEBUG (in Pgsm_bs() line 54): Created new GSMBSPort(GSM-1-in).*
*000000 TRACE 25.06.12 18:48:30.344 CH(18): MT_NEW_L3ID INDICATION port 1
callref new=0x8000000c*
*000000 TRACE 25.06.12 18:48:30.344 CH(18): CHANNEL SELECTION (setup) port
1 channel reserved=0 conclusion 'channel available' connect channel=1*
*000000 DEBUG (in seize_bchannel() line 1028): PmISDN(GSM-1-in) seizing
bchannel 1 (index 0)*
*000000 ERROR (in _bchannel_create() line 415): Error: Failed to bind
bchannel-socket for index 0 with mISDN-DSP layer (errno=92). Did you load
*000000 DEBUG (in bchannel_open() line 228): Activating GSM side channel
index 0.*
*000000 TRACE 25.06.12 18:48:30.345 CH(18): MNCC_SETUP_IND LCR<->BSC port
1 calling number=29848 imsi=460003113237934 dialing number=02000*
*000000 DEBUG (in Endpoint() line 48): EPOINT(18): Allocating enpoint 18
and connecting it with: ioport*
*000000 DEBUG (in portlist_new() line 146): EPOINT(18) allocating port_list.
*000000 DEBUG (in epointlist_new() line 125): PORT(18) allocating
*000000 TRACE 25.06.12 18:48:30.345 CH(18): unknown LCR<->BSC port 1 mode
*000000 TRACE 25.06.12 18:48:30.345 CH(18): MNCC_CALL_PROC_REQ LCR<->BSC
port 1 progress coding=3 location=1 descr=8*
*000000 DEBUG (in new_state() line 252): PORT(GSM-1-in) new state
*000000 TRACE 25.06.12 18:48:30.345 CH(18): unknown LCR<->BSC port 1*
*000000 DEBUG (in message_put() line 61): message MESSAGE_SETUP written
from 18 to 18 (memory 8ccc588)*
*000000 DEBUG (in message_get() line 107): message MESSAGE_SETUP reading
from 18 to 18 (memory 8ccc588)*
*000000 DEBUG (in ea_message_port() line 2649): EPOINT(18) incoming call
from callerid=29848, dialing=02000*
*000000 TRACE 25.06.12 18:48:30.345 EP(18): SETUP from CH(18) caller id
number=29848 present=allowed dialing 02000 complete true*
*000000 DEBUG (in port_setup() line 1535): EPOINT(18) incoming call is
external or voip*
*000000 DEBUG (in port_setup() line 1616): EPOINT(18) call from external
*000000 DEBUG (in message_put() line 61): message MESSAGE_TONE written from
18 to 18 (memory 8ccfe40)*
*000000 TRACE 25.06.12 18:48:30.345 EP(18): TONE to CH(18) directory
default name dialing*
*000000 DEBUG (in process_dialing() line 2300): EPOINT(18): terminal ''
dialing: '02000', checking matching rule of ruleset 'main'*
*000000 DEBUG (in route() line 1914): parsing ruleset 'main'*
*000000 DEBUG (in route() line 1916): checking rule in line 8*
*000000 TRACE 25.06.12 18:48:30.345 EP(18): ACTION (match) action remote
line 8*
*000000 DEBUG (in process_dialing() line 2324): EPOINT(18): a rule with
action 'remote' matches.*
*000000 DEBUG (in process_dialing() line 2361): EPOINT(18): terminal :
current action 'remote' has a init function, so we call it...*
*000000 DEBUG (in process_dialing() line 2372): EPOINT(18): terminal ''
action: remote (dialing '02000')*
*000000 DEBUG (in process_dialing() line 2375): EPOINT(18): terminal :
current action 'remote' has a dialing function, so we call it...*
*000000 DEBUG (in _action_init_call() line 34): EPOINT(18): Creating new
join instance.*
*000000 TRACE 25.06.12 18:48:30.346 EP(18): ACTION remote (not available)
applicatio astersik*
*000000 DEBUG (in message_put() line 61): message MESSAGE_DISCONNECT
written from 18 to 18 (memory 8cd36f8)*
*000000 TRACE 25.06.12 18:48:30.346 EP(18): DISCONNECT to CH(18) cause
value=27 location=1-Local-PBX*
*000000 DEBUG (in message_put() line 61): message MESSAGE_TONE written from
18 to 18 (memory 8cd6fb0)*
*000000 TRACE 25.06.12 18:48:30.346 EP(18): TONE to CH(18) directory
default name cause_1b*
*000000 DEBUG (in message_get() line 107): message MESSAGE_TONE reading
from 18 to 18 (memory 8ccfe40)*
*000000 DEBUG (in message_epoint() line 602): PORT(GSM-1-in) isdn port with
(caller id 29848) setting tone 'dialing' dir ''*
*000000 DEBUG (in set_tone() line 1532): isdn port now plays tone:'dialing'.
*000000 DEBUG (in message_get() line 107): message MESSAGE_DISCONNECT
reading from 18 to 18 (memory 8cd36f8)*
*000000 TRACE 25.06.12 18:48:30.346 CH(18): MNCC_DISC_REQ LCR<->BSC port 1
progress coding=3 location=1 descr=8 cause coding=3 location=1 value=27*
*000000 DEBUG (in new_state() line 252): PORT(GSM-1-in) new state
*000000 DEBUG (in message_epoint() line 778): Pgsm_bs(GSM-1-in) gsm port
with (caller id 29848) received unhandled nessage: 11*
*000000 DEBUG (in message_get() line 107): message MESSAGE_TONE reading
from 18 to 18 (memory 8cd6fb0)*
*000000 DEBUG (in message_epoint() line 602): PORT(GSM-1-in) isdn port with
(caller id 29848) setting tone 'cause_1b' dir ''*
*000000 DEBUG (in set_tone() line 1532): isdn port now plays
*000000 TRACE 25.06.12 18:48:40.552 CH(18): MNCC_REL_IND LCR<->BSC port 1
cause coding=3 location=0 value=16*
*000000 DEBUG (in message_put() line 61): message MESSAGE_RELEASE written
from 18 to 18 (memory 8ccaf90)*
*000000 DEBUG (in free_epointlist() line 81): PORT(18) removed epoint from
*000000 DEBUG (in new_state() line 252): PORT(GSM-1-in) new state
*000000 DEBUG (in message_get() line 107): message MESSAGE_RELEASE reading
from 18 to 18 (memory 8ccaf90)*
*000000 DEBUG (in ea_message_port() line 2735): EPOINT(18) release with
cause=16 location=0 (terminal '', caller id '29848')*
*000000 TRACE 25.06.12 18:48:40.552 EP(18): RELEASE from CH(18) cause
value=16 location=0-User*
*000000 DEBUG (in port_disconnect_release() line 2207): EPOINT(18) current
multipoint cause 0 location 0, received cause 16 location 0.*
*000000 DEBUG (in port_disconnect_release() line 2209): EPOINT(18) new
multipoint cause 16 location 0.*
*000000 DEBUG (in process_hangup() line 2420): EPOINT(18): terminal ''*
*000000 DEBUG (in process_hangup() line 2500): EPOINT(18): terminal :
current action 'remote' has a hangup function, so we call it...*
*000000 TRACE 25.06.12 18:48:40.553 EP(18): ACTION hangup*
*000000 DEBUG (in free_portlist() line 185): EPOINT(18) removed port_list
from endpoint*
*000000 DEBUG (in release() line 215): EPOINT(18): do pending release
(joincause 16 location 0)*
*000000 DEBUG (in release() line 233): EPOINT(18) do pending release
(portcause 16 portlocation)*
*000000 DEBUG (in release() line 310): EPOINT(18) do pending release of
epoint itself.*
*000000 DEBUG (in ~Pgsm_bs() line 62): Destroyed GSM BS process(GSM-1-in).*
*000000 DEBUG (in ~Pgsm() line 159): Destroyed GSM process(GSM-1-in).*
*000000 DEBUG (in drop_bchannel() line 1063): PmISDN(GSM-1-in) dropping
*000000 DEBUG (in ~PmISDN() line 213): destroyed mISDNPort(GSM-1-in).
Currently 0 objects*
*000000 DEBUG (in ~Port() line 210): removing port of type 4625, name
*000000 DEBUG (in ~Endpoint() line 134): removed endpoint 18.*
I've tried:
*rivas@pfc:/etc/asterisk$ sudo modprobe mISDN_dsp*
*FATAL: Error inserting mISDN_dsp
(/lib/modules/3.2.0-24-generic-pae/extra/mISDN_dsp.ko): Unknown symbol in
module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg) *
Osmo-NITB shows:
*<000b> bsc_api.c:349 Sending ChanModify for speech 1 1*
*<0001> gsm_04_08.c:1575 Error: RTP proxy is disabled*
*<000b> osmo_msc.c:73 Assignment complete should not have been reached.*
In Asterisk I've configure extensions like the howto:
*exten => _02X.,1,GotoIf($[${CALLERID(name)} != ""]?4)*
*exten => _02X.,2,Set(CALLIDORIG=${CALLERID(num)})*
*exten => _02X.,3,Set(CALLERID(num)=02${CALLIDORIG})*
*exten => _02X.,4,Dial(LCR/GSM/${EXTEN:2},120)*
Extensions number are 02000 and 02001 respectively.
Please help me. I believe that the problem is not in asterisk because its
CLI doesn't shows anything.
Thank you!
Hi all!
On Wednesday, 25th of July we would have the next Osmocom meeting
berlin. However, neither Holger nor I will be in Berlin on that day to
host the event. I also know that Tobias will not be in Berlin.
Nonetheless, if there are other people that want to meet up, there is no
reason to not hold it! So I would like to get some feedback on who
would want to attend next wednesday. If there are a couple of people,
I'll try to find somebody who can open the CCCB for you.
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
Am I right in thinking that a nanoBTS supports only one band and this
cannot be changed, so a 165B version would be no use in Europe?
Andrew Back
Hi all!
This is the announcement for the next Osmocom Berlin meeting.
Jul 11, 8pm @ CCC Berlin, Marienstr. 11, 10113 Berlin
There is no formal presentation scheduled for this meeting. However,
updates will be provided on various current developments, such as
* Progress in development of GPRS PCU
* Status of Osmocom UMA/GAN controller development
* Planning phase of custom calypso board
* OsmoSDR roadmap
If you are interested to show up, feel free to do so. There is no
registration required. The meeting is free as in "free beer", despite
no actual free beer being around.
Updates and the blog post can be found here:
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)