Hi all,
We're moving this discussion to the mailing list, as it seems it is
more generic and complex than we've thought initially.
The issue arose when I started doing load testing of the OsmoTRX
transceiver and disabled all gating in it. As a result, all incoming
noise was processed as valid Normal Bursts and Access Bursts and sent
up to OsmoBTS. This leads to a situation, similar to a RACH flood,
when there are more RACH requests coming, than a BTS could reasonably
process. And this leads to an unbounded increase of the AGCH queue in
the BTS - it consumes a few Mb per minute.
I think that this is the root cause of the issue we've seen at a
Netherlands festival installation, when 20K phones suddenly started
connecting to our station after official networks went down. When the
amount of RACH requests exceeded available CCCH capacity (took <5
seconds), mobile phones stopped answering out IMM.ASS messages.
Hypothesis is that the AGCH queue became so long, requests were sent
too late for a phone to receive it. And thus no phones answered to our
IMM.ASS messages. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to collect enough data
to check this hypothesis during that time and we don't have another
big festival on hands atm.
An attached is a quick fix for the unbounded queue growth. It uses a
hardcoded value for the maximum queue length, which is fine for our
load testing, but not flexible enough for the real life usage. We
should make the AGCH queue long enough to keep high performance. At
the same time, it must not exceed MS timeout or _all_ IMM.ASS messages
will miss their target MS's.
We could make this parameter user-configurable on a BTS side, but it
seems more reasonable to automatically calculate it, depending on the
channel combination and timeout values. But this should be done on the
BSC side. So the questions are:
1) what is a good way to calculate it?
2) should we configure this queue length over OML, or move the queue
from BTS to BSC?
Alexander Chemeris.
CEO, Fairwaves LLC / ООО УмРадио
Hash: SHA1
Hey there,
I have come across a nanoBTS 165AU but since is used and not tested from the previous owner, I guess it has set a static IP.
After turned on is booting (RED light) and then remains (ORANGE not flashing) even if the eth is connected to the router.
At the moment I am trying with ipaccess-find and BtsInstaller to find in on my LAN .
Unfortunately it is not answering and is not even getting an IP from the router by the DHCP daemon.
Two possibilities, I have thought:
- - an hw/sw issue;
- - a Static IP is set.
Supposing that is the 2nd possibility, I was thinking:
- - to change private class of my LAN, to see if it changes something;
- - to make an hard reset of the bts.
Do you know if it possible to reset in someway?
Ever happened this issue to you guys?
Suggestions or insults are welcome.
Thanks in advance.
P.S.: I don't recall exactly, but one time I heard that is possible to reset by short-circuiting some pins of the LAN/48VDC eth connector. Is it right?!
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
In case of a headroom in a message, the 'head' pointer will not point to
the actual data.
src/osmo-bts-sysmo/l1_transp_fwd.c | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/osmo-bts-sysmo/l1_transp_fwd.c b/src/osmo-bts-sysmo/l1_transp_fwd.c
index 5050705..87c230b 100644
--- a/src/osmo-bts-sysmo/l1_transp_fwd.c
+++ b/src/osmo-bts-sysmo/l1_transp_fwd.c
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ static int fwd_read_cb(struct osmo_fd *ofd)
static int prim_write_cb(struct osmo_fd *ofd, struct msgb *msg)
/* write to the fd */
- return write(ofd->fd, msg->head, msg->len);
+ return write(ofd->fd, msg->l1h, msgb_l1len(msg));
int l1if_transport_open(int q, struct femtol1_hdl *fl1h)
Hi list,
I managed to add interaction to the USSD implemented in the OpenBSC.
I attached a patch with the changes realized.The most important changes made are in the ussd.{c, h} files. I implemented the gsm0480_send_ussd_facility. Basically, I copied the gsm0480_send_response, change the GSM0480_OPERATION_CODE field value to GSM0480_OP_CODE_USS_REQUEST, removed the 2 bytes before this field and replaced the GSM0480_MTYPE_RELEASE_COMPLETE byte by GSM0480_MTYPE_FACILITY.
Now, I don't know how to proceed. More precisely, I don't know what function is called in the OpenBSC when the user send the response in the mobile phone.
Do you guys know the entry point function in this case ?
Best Regards
Hi all,
I'm working on OsmoNITB software and i am very interested in SMPP features.
I have read some posts about SMPP in OSMONITB and i have some question
about how to make it works.
I have compiled openbsc ( based on
http://openbsc.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/network_from_scratch ) with libsmpp34.
All is good.
When i start my OSMONITB, my netstat show listening port 2775.
But how to connect and send a SMS via SMPP?
I tried a little PHP script on github :
But i couldn't connect : INVALID SERVER ID Error 0xf
Do i need to put a USERNAME and PASSWORD ?
When i looked the code : in accept-all mode, all username and password are
My BTS is in accept-all mode but i couldn't connect.
So I tried an another program in C. And same error.
Have you fixed this problem ? Is it working for you ?
Second, Is there a mechanism to pass SMS from OSMONITB to an another server
via SMPP ?
Thanks for your help.
*Ludovic RATEAU*
R&D Engineer
*Ludovic RATEAU
*Mobile : +33 6 04 10 5000
Hello everyone,
I just recently learn about openbsc, and still in the phase of
compiling and try to run the osmo-nitb app.
1st problem
The problem is one of my teammate said the osmo-nitb will also started/call
the osmo-sgsn program, but after examine the code, I still don't know how
osmo-sgsn is called from osmp-nitb, may be I was wrong, anyone can help me
with this, how can I activate osmo-sgsn from osmo-nitb, with extra
2nd problem
Another question, when I try to compile osmo-sgsn, the gtp lib is missing,
as define in the makefile:
*bin_PROGRAMS = osmo-gbproxy osmo-sgsn*
*bin_PROGRAMS = osmo-gbproxy*
I don't know where to get this lib, so I modified by adding osmo-sgsn to
the *else clause* as-well to have osmo-sgsn compiled. I still can run
osmo-sgsn, but it show error about the gtp socket, i think the
configuration is not correct, but not because of missing gtp lib, should
this be a problem?
Best regards,
Hi Andreas,
We were testing TCH/H yesterday and stumbled upon an issue when a call
is made between TCH/F and TCH/H.
- When the call is from TCH/F to TCH/H, it doesn't connect.
- When the call is from TCH/H to TCH/F, it connects, but voice
quality is bad - sounds like 50% packet loss.
Logs and localhost Wireshark captures of calls in both directions are here:
Do you see what's wrong with them?
Our configuration was
* Dual-TRX with 1 TCH/F and 14 TCH/H channels. We have to keep some
TCH/F channels, since there are old phones which doesn't support
* Codecs enabled were FR, AFS and AHS.
* LCR was connected to the MNCC socket, but in the case of
TCH/F->TCH/H call I didn't see it coming to LCR at all.
Alexander Chemeris.
CEO, Fairwaves LLC / ООО УмРадио
Hi Harald (sorry for the typo).
I think that line 10 is a log of the USSD call I made.
My configuration is:
- Followed the tutorial. (
http://openbsc.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/network_from_scratch (using all
configurations shown in the tutoria, except the network name, that I
changed to DCG).
- Using a Ettus USRP N210
- All libraries installed in my notebook, with Ubuntu 13.04
kernel 3.8.0-29-generic.
- Starting osmo-nitb with the following command: osmo-nitb -c
~/.osmocom/open-bsc.cfg -l ~/.osmocom/hlr.sqlite3 -P -m -C
- I manually select the network in the Network Preferences. The phone is an
old Motorola Z6.
Hope it helps. If you need more information, just ask. If you need, I can
use other configurations or command options.
Best Regard,
On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 5:37 PM, Alexander Chemeris <
alexander.chemeris(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Of-list: His name is "Harald", not "Herald" :)
> On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 12:36 AM, Alexander Chemeris
> <alexander.chemeris(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> > Maicon,
> >
> > Your log doesn't show any user activity, so you either (1) haven't
> > enabled enough logging or (2) your phone is not attached to the
> > OsmoNITB network.
> >
> > If you followed instructions from
> > http://openbsc.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/network_from_scratch, then you
> > should have enough logging enabled. In this case we have only option
> > (2) left and it would be great if you specify your software and
> > hardware setup and describe the procedure you're using to select the
> > network in your phone.
> >
> > On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 11:46 PM, Maicon Kist <maicon.kist(a)inf.ufrgs.br>
> wrote:
> >> Hi Herald,
> >>
> >> I'm trying to check the log messages. I'm trying to understand whats
> >> happening, but so far nothing came to my mind.
> >> I'm attaching the osmo-nitb log messages right before I call the *#100#
> >> number.
> >>
> >> Do you have any suggestion?
> >>
> >> PS: SMS and calls are working perfectly.
> >>
> >> Best Regards,
> >>
> >>
> >> On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Alexander Chemeris
> >> <alexander.chemeris(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 9:40 PM, Maicon Kist <maicon.kist(a)inf.ufrgs.br
> >
> >>> wrote:
> >>> > Is there a tutorial in how to make a USSD application work in a
> OpenBSC
> >>> > network?
> >>> > Firstly I'm want to implement a simple "Hello World" application. eg.
> >>> > the
> >>> > client enter with a valid USSD number (*something) and the "Hello
> World"
> >>> > application executes.
> >>>
> >>> Look at the openbsc/src/libmsc/ussd.c file - it's very easy to extend
> >>> it to respond to various USSD requests. It would be great if we have a
> >>> kind of external API for implementing external USSD applications
> >>> without touching the OsmoNITB code. Patches for this are welcome.
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Regards,
> >>> Alexander Chemeris.
> >>> CEO, Fairwaves LLC / ООО УмРадио
> >>> http://fairwaves.ru
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Regards,
> > Alexander Chemeris.
> > CEO, Fairwaves LLC / ООО УмРадио
> > http://fairwaves.ru
> --
> Regards,
> Alexander Chemeris.
> CEO, Fairwaves LLC / ООО УмРадио
> http://fairwaves.ru