I have some questions:
1) When I start bsc_hack bsc_init.c first establishes OML link and
initializes the bts then it establishes RSL link and bts starts
broadcasting. However, it takes so much time to start the bts. Instead of
this I want to do the following: it establishes OML link at the beginning
and only once, then when i want to start broadcasting it establishes just
the RSL link and bts will start faster since i don't have to wait for OML
link. What should be done for this?
2) If i send one or two word messages from telnet interface it is okay. But
if i send a longer message the phone could't receive the end of the message
correctly(last words may be incomplete). Did any one encounter with this
problem? What is wrong with me?
3) Could I send SMS in which extension of the sender is text not integer.
For example, i want to send an information SMS that this is a test network.
For this purpose i want to send an SMS from 'OpenBSC'. I set the extension
of the first subscriber in database as text and tried to send the SMS but
SMS wasn't delivered. What should i do?
4) Can i add SMS externally to SMS table of database?
Hi all,
Dieter and I have been thinking about building a simple/basic E1 line
interface. The idea is to simply put trnasformers + LIU + crystal on a
small PCB, which then exposes the Rx and Tx signals at stanard 3.3V CMOS
levels which can be fed in your favourite FPGA or even directly into a
The first interesting LIU that's available in single quantity is the
Dallas/Maxim DS21348:
It can be operated in "software mode" where all configuration (E1/T1/J1,
attenuation, amplification, termination, ...) is set via SPI from a
However, it expose "Rx Positive" and "Rx Negative" and does not have the
HDB3/AMI/B8ZS encoder internally. This means there would be two synchronous
serial streams going into the FPGA or microcontroller. This is probably
ok for an FPGA - but it is a problem for most microcontrollers that only
have one sync serial interface like the sam3s/sam7s SSC.
The other option seems to be the IDT 82V2081
(http://www.idt.com/?genId=82V2041E&cid=58553), which as internal
HDB3/AMI/B8ZS encoders and decoders (so-called "single rail mode"). It
is a bit more expensive (USD 20 in single qty), but this would enable us
to hook it up directly at a sam3s / sam7s.
As jolly points out, there is still a lot of work required like
framing, s-bits, multiplexing, hdlc, etc. in order to turn it into a
full E1 interface.
But then, maybe there are some applications that don't even require all
those features, such as building a sniffer-only device, or something
that "simply" tries to forward E1 over IP based transports without
parsing too much of the contents.
Open questions:
* stay with 1port design or immediately do a 4port unit? (for
bidirectional sniffing you already need two)
* how do we achieve synchronization between Rx and Tx data path?
Looking forward to your comments, feedback.
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
Hi all,
just a quick review of things we saw/learned during the congress
* OsmocomBB LAPDm and nanoBTS LAPDm appear to have some communication issues
leading to timeouts (nanoBTS resends a message with N(R) not incremented as a
response to our I frame with Identity Response (or timeout) but with the old
data). We don't have a fix/clear understanding of this yet... looks a bit like
a bug in the nanoBTS firmware (but then other phones appear to work just fine)
* CHANNEL ACTIVATION NACK on a TS. No idea why (maybe we closed a channel with
our auto-timer but the nanoBTS thinks it is open). IIRC the nanoBTS sends us a
report about open channels, we should cross-check every n-th report with our
view of the channels... on top of that we should block failed channels
(configurable, still to do).
* Open channels... E.g. with a nanoBTS reboot or "drop bts connection ", there
was a bug in libosmo-abis that the e1inp_event was not sent as the link was
already taken out of the list of sign links when close is called (fixed in
libosmo-abis and sharing code between rsl.c and ipaccess.c)
* one OML NACK drops all BTS.. The code is there to deal with a crashed BTS to
not have it connected in a bad state... (fixed in zecke/28c3)
* subscriber queue, thanks to jolly's SMS setup we increased the amount of SMS
and there still appear to be paths in the code that do not properly release
the transaction/subscr_put and the queue got stuck. We should start by merging
jolly's sms rework.. and see how we can move the queue out of process...
* Local End Release for SAPI > 0 should be done in the channel release code,
we need to implement T3109... thanks to jolly reading GSM 08.58/04.08 with me
and discussing the normal/abnormal case. I have some work in progress (only
tested the success case) patches in the zecke/28c3 branch.
* I uploaded our scripts but somehow the core dumping does not work correctly
(core_pattern appears to be right though) for running the network
* Purging subscribers from the VLR, we do it too aggressively (on failed
paging), it should take the periodic updating timer into account.
* Sometimes i miss dates.. e.g. when was the channel opened
probably some more things I forgot now, would be a great opportunity if
someone gives a hand in cleaning things up.
PS: jenkins will be back in january, ZFS crashed, the secret key was on the
ZFS, grep didn't find the backup script...
Hi Andreas, all,
right now there is no ack/nack for the MNCC_LCHAN_MODIFY and I would like to
introduce _ACK/_NACK for it.
The MNCC_LCHAN_MODIFY message will end up calling the
gsm0808_assignment_request of the BSC API and in case the call is not on a TCH
it will assign a new TCH. Things will go wrong from here. osmo-nitb does not
implement the assign_compl/assign_fail callbacks and in case of an assignment
failure we crash right now (master has dummy callbacks).
I would like to introduce MNCC_LCHAN_MODIFY_ACK/MNCC_LCHAN_MODIFY_NACK, change
the mncc_sock.c:mncc_setup_ind and handling of MNCC_CALL_CONF_IND.
what do you think?
Hi This is the libboost version that i have but still get the same error.
root@debian:~/gnuradio# apt-cache search libboost-system
libboost-system1.42.0 - Operating system (e.g. diagnostics support) library
and this is the boost tree
root@debian:~# apt-cache search boost
libboost-date-time1.42.0 - set of date-time libraries based on generic
programming concepts
libboost-thread1.42.0 - portable C++ multi-threading
libboost-iostreams1.42.0 - Boost.Iostreams Library
libboost-serialization1.42-dev - serialization library for C++
libboost-program-options1.42.0 - program options library for C++
libboost-dev - Boost C++ Libraries development files (default version)
libboost-thread1.42-dev - portable C++ multi-threading
libboost-system1.42.0 - Operating system (e.g. diagnostics support) library
libboost-thread-dev - portable C++ multi-threading (default version)
libboost-signals1.42.0 - managed signals and slots library for C++
libboost1.42-dev - Boost C++ Libraries development files
libboost-date-time1.42-dev - set of date-time libraries based on generic
programming concepts
libboost-serialization1.42.0 - serialization library for C++
libboost-filesystem1.42.0 - filesystem operations (portable paths,
iteration over directories, etc) in C++
On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 2:00 PM, <openbsc-request(a)lists.osmocom.org> wrote:
> Send OpenBSC mailing list submissions to
> openbsc(a)lists.osmocom.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> https://lists.osmocom.org/mailman/listinfo/openbsc
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> openbsc-request(a)lists.osmocom.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> openbsc-owner(a)lists.osmocom.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of OpenBSC digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: OpenBSC Digest, Vol 36, Issue 8 (Holger Hans Peter Freyther)
> 2. Re: omsosgsn test phone recommendation? (Seungju Kim)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2011 09:26:33 +0100
> From: Holger Hans Peter Freyther <holger(a)freyther.de>
> To: openbsc(a)lists.osmocom.org
> Subject: Re: OpenBSC Digest, Vol 36, Issue 8
> Message-ID: <4EE9AF39.6060105(a)freyther.de>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> On 12/15/2011 06:41 AM, Dick Rwegaba wrote:
> > dear pals please help with this error for gnuradio build
> Hi Dick,
> do not top post. You can use a service like gmane.org to post to this
> mailinglist without being subscribed and following the netiquette. If you
> include the output of a program, include the full output (e.g. autoconf
> pointed you to config.log).
> Let me try to explain autoconf's error output, maybe it is helpful.
> "configure: error: Could not link against libboost_system!"
> configure: The configure program you invoked.
> error: This means an error has occured.
> "Could not link against libboost_system": Is the error that happened.
> "Could not link": It means no binary could be linked together (config.log
> will
> have the output of linking process.
> "against libboost_system": Take a look at config.log, you might find a line
> with -lboost_system and the output of the linker, the most likely source is
> that you don't have 'libboost-system' installed.
> And most interestingly, do you feel like introducing yourself, what you do,
> what you will work on?
> holger
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2011 18:43:42 +0900
> From: Seungju Kim <admin(a)manateeshome.com>
> Cc: "openbsc(a)lists.osmocom.org" <openbsc(a)lists.osmocom.org>
> Subject: Re: omsosgsn test phone recommendation?
> Message-ID: <3AF5AEBE-3698-4D73-918D-7246253DF11F(a)manateeshome.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> I can add the following phones to the list
> Apple iPhone 4
> Apple iPhone 3GS
> Samsung Omnia II
> Samsung Galaxy S II
> Samsung SGH-i780
> HTC touch Diamond
> Envoy? de mon iPhone
> Le Dec 15, 2011 ? 4:35 AM, Tobias Engel <t-openbsc(a)tobias.org> a ?crit :
> > Hi David,
> >
> > adding to Haralds list, I can confirm that the Nokia E71 also works.
> >
> > -Tobias
> >
> > On 14.12.2011 19:05, David A. Burgess wrote:
> >> Harald -
> >>
> >> Thanks for the list. We'll try to find one of these. I have a few
> iPhones sitting in front of me, but unfortunately they are all 850/1900 and
> my available hardware is 900. :(
> >>
> >> Does you have an example GSMTAP/PCAP trace of a successful PDP context
> activation using OmsoSGSN? That would be useful for comparison. (And do
> you find the GPRS L3 & SNDCP decoding in the current Wireshark 1.7 to be
> reliable?)
> >>
> >> -- David
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Dec 14, 2011, at 1:36 AM, Harald Welte wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi David,
> >>>
> >>> On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 09:37:19PM -0800, David A. Burgess wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Can someone recommend a good smartphone for testing with OsmoSGSN? We
> >>>> are having trouble getting our GPRS modem to recognize a ACTIVATE PDP
> >>>> CONTEXT ACK message and are trying to determine if the error is in the
> >>>> modem, in OmsoSGSN or somewhere in between.
> >>>
> >>> I've successfully used at least SE K800i, Google Nexus S, Dell Streak,
> >>> HTC Hermes II, Motorola A780 here on my side. I know some other people
> >>> have been using OsmoSGSN/OpenGGSN for iPhone related work, though I
> >>> don't know which particular model they've used.
> >>>
> >>>> Better yet, is there anything out there that can generate an L2 or L3
> >>>> trace, like the Nokia 3310, but for GPRS as well as GSM?
> >>>
> >>> The only ones that come to my mind are the TEMS variants of the K800i,
> >>> but those are of course hard to come by and/or expensive :/
> >>>
> >>> Have you considered using Luca's work on gprsdecode? This way you
> could
> >>> do an air interface trace of what's happening between BTS and MS.
> >>>
> >>> Regards,
> >>> Harald
> >>> --
> >>> - Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org>
> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
> >>>
> ============================================================================
> >>> "Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
> >>> (ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch.
> A6)
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> OpenBSC mailing list
> OpenBSC(a)lists.osmocom.org
> https://lists.osmocom.org/mailman/listinfo/openbsc
> End of OpenBSC Digest, Vol 36, Issue 11
> ***************************************
dear pals please help with this error for gnuradio build
checking for boost >= 1.35... yes
checking for the pthreads library -lpthreads... no
checking whether pthreads work without any flags... no
checking whether pthreads work with -Kthread... no
checking whether pthreads work with -kthread... no
checking for the pthreads library -llthread... no
checking whether pthreads work with -pthread... yes
checking for joinable pthread attribute... PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE
checking if more special flags are required for pthreads... no
checking whether the boost::thread includes are available... yes
checking for exit in -lboost_thread-mt... yes
checking whether the boost::date_time includes are available... yes
checking for exit in -lboost_date_time-mt... yes
checking whether the boost::system includes are available... yes
configure: error: Could not link against libboost_system!
root@debian:~/gnuradio# ^C
On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 2:00 PM, <openbsc-request(a)lists.osmocom.org> wrote:
> Send OpenBSC mailing list submissions to
> openbsc(a)lists.osmocom.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> https://lists.osmocom.org/mailman/listinfo/openbsc
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> openbsc-request(a)lists.osmocom.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> openbsc-owner(a)lists.osmocom.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of OpenBSC digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. slightly off the topic (Akib Sayyed)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 10:28:24 +0530
> From: Akib Sayyed <akibsayyed(a)gmail.com>
> To: "openbts-discuss(a)lists.sourceforge.net List"
> <openbts-discuss(a)lists.sourceforge.net>, openbsc(a)lists.osmocom.org
> Subject: slightly off the topic
> Message-ID:
> <CAMG-S91QY0FLChBfiG3g3n6w_WLinW9VQXsxbLqNra12VXk0ZQ(a)mail.gmail.com
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> guys i wanted to know what gnuradio version is needed for airprobe.
> i tried asking on airprobe list but dint got any repsonse.
> also i tried to compile gnuradio 3.1.2 but dint worked for me.
> can any one please
> explain??
> thanks in advance
> --
> Akib Sayyed
> Matrix-Shell
> akibsayyed(a)gmail.com
> akibsayyed(a)matrixshell.com
> Mob:- +91-966-514-2243
<DISCLAIMER> Please follow-up to openbsc(a)lists.osmocom.org </DISCLAIMER>
Hi all,
this idea has been around for quite some time, and for 2012 I really
want to turn it into reality:
I'd like to have a Osmocom developer workshop
The idea here is to get all the active contributors of the project
together for a couple of days (maybe 2-4 days), in order to exchange
ideas, get to know each other better and last but not least work
together on ironing out some of the more difficult issues.
* City:
Regarding the location: I think for me it is only possible to organize
it if it is to be held in Berlin. I'mn happy if somebody else wants to
host it at some other location, but then that person would also have to
take care of local organization. Berlin also has good train and flight
connections, which is definitely a plus.
* Venue:
If it is in Berlin, we might consider talking with c-base or
Raumfahrtagentur as possible venues.
* Date:
Regarding a proposed date, I'm completely open for suggestions. Of
course there shouldn't be any overlap with other major FOSS or Sescurity
related conferences, and it should also not coincide with major public
holidays, as that only makes travel + accomodation more expensive.
* Funding:
As we don't have that many commercial users of Osmocom projects, getting
funding for e.g. travel / accomodation is probably going to be
difficult. We can ask the "usual suspects" among those commercial users
we know,, but I guess it will only be possible in exceptional cases to
provide that kind of funding.
Any ideas / comments / feedback is much appreciated. If somebody has
a particular suggestion.
<DISCLAIMER> Please follow-up to openbsc(a)lists.osmocom.org </DISCLAIMER>
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
Hi -
Can someone recommend a good smartphone for testing with OsmoSGSN? We are having trouble getting our GPRS modem to recognize a ACTIVATE PDP CONTEXT ACK message and are trying to determine if the error is in the modem, in OmsoSGSN or somewhere in between.
Better yet, is there anything out there that can generate an L2 or L3 trace, like the Nokia 3310, but for GPRS as well as GSM?
-- David
guys i wanted to know what gnuradio version is needed for airprobe.
i tried asking on airprobe list but dint got any repsonse.
also i tried to compile gnuradio 3.1.2 but dint worked for me.
can any one please
thanks in advance
Akib Sayyed
Mob:- +91-966-514-2243
I've committed the following bits and pieces regarding authentication:
1) libosmocore now has a generic core for authentication algorithm
implementations. Using this API, even external plugins can register
algorithms which are not available in libosmocore itself.
libosmocore includes COMP128v1 and (now) MILENAGE
2) a small command-line program "osmo-auc-gen", which can be used to
generate authentication vectors from the command line. You hav to
specify all the required parameters. For GSM, this is only ki, but
for 3G, you also have to specify at least OPC and SQN.
osmo-auc-gen is part of libosmocore.git
3) a small pythong script called "osmo-sim-auth.py", available from a
new git repository (http://cgit.osmocom.org/cgit/osmo-sim-auth,
It is the counterpart for the MS side. It can execute authentication
on both SIM and USIM.
I've tested the tools with a COMP128v1 SIM and a MILENAGE USIM,
it seems to be working fine.
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)