So far three persons have indicated their interest to join
a meeting at my place.
Considering the time it takes to drive to my place, it
probably makes sense to have the meeting at the weekend
(either Saturday or Sunday) so that there is more time
for the meeting itself. I can suggest one of the following
dates for the first meeting, somewhere between 10:00 to
18:00 on each day:
25.8. (Sa) or 26.8. (Su)
1.9. (Sa) or 2.9. (Su)
8.9. (Sa) or 9.9. (Su)
So please let me know when you have time and also make
suggestions in which Osmocom topic you are interested
in so that we can have some sort of agenda for the
meeting to make best use of the time.
Best regards,
Dieter Spaar, Germany spaar(a)
Hello everyone,
I've just finnished writing together a small web interface for the OpenBSC
HLR. It allows you to modify various parameters in the database and also
provides a set of functions to modify the HLR or sending SMSes in your own
The project is still very alpha but it seems to work reasonably good. Feel
free to give any feedback!
Screenshots and source code is available on my website:
*Best regards,
Peter Caprioli*
I have some questions:
1) When I start bsc_hack bsc_init.c first establishes OML link and
initializes the bts then it establishes RSL link and bts starts
broadcasting. However, it takes so much time to start the bts. Instead of
this I want to do the following: it establishes OML link at the beginning
and only once, then when i want to start broadcasting it establishes just
the RSL link and bts will start faster since i don't have to wait for OML
link. What should be done for this?
2) If i send one or two word messages from telnet interface it is okay. But
if i send a longer message the phone could't receive the end of the message
correctly(last words may be incomplete). Did any one encounter with this
problem? What is wrong with me?
3) Could I send SMS in which extension of the sender is text not integer.
For example, i want to send an information SMS that this is a test network.
For this purpose i want to send an SMS from 'OpenBSC'. I set the extension
of the first subscriber in database as text and tried to send the SMS but
SMS wasn't delivered. What should i do?
4) Can i add SMS externally to SMS table of database?
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In case anyone on this list is interested in owning a BS-11, I have
decided to sell off one more of the units that I still had here for my
personal use.
I'm also able to sell a compatible HFC-E1 or DAHDI/Digium card along
with it.
Price is up to negotiation. I don't intend to give it away for free,
unless it is somebody with a known track record of
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)>
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
I have been trying to implement some basic CSD functionality into
openbsc. V.110 transparent mode, to be specific, since this should be
the most simple to implement.
At first I tried with a nanobts, but that didn't seem to work at all.
Now I am using a bs-11.
The two phones I use establish a connection, but they cannot exchange
data and what I see on the Abis link also doesn't really make sense to
me. (Needless to say everything works as expected when using the same
phones on a production network.)
I attached a pcap of a CSD call I made via the bs-11. The second
attachment is the raw dump of the traffic frames I received from the
BS-11 for _one_ of the phones. (It looks pretty much the same for the
other phone.)
The first idle data frames received look ok:
00000000 00 00 c5 ff ff ff ff ff fd ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
00000010 ff fd ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff fd ff ff ff ff ff
00000020 ff ff ff fd ff ff ff ff
C bits (Uplink data), D bits (all set to "1" == idle) and E bits (9.6
kbit/s) are all set as expected.
But after the synchronisation phase, things start to get strange. The
idle frames suddenly look like this:
00000460 00 00 8a ff ff fe fe fe fa fe fe fe fe fe fe fe
00000470 fe fa ff fe fe fe fe fe fe fe fa ff fe fe fe fe
00000480 fe fe fe fa ff fe fe fe
The BTS "forgets" to set the first bit of every octet to "1" on most
(but not all) octets. Also, the C bits now state that this is a
14.5kbit/s data frame. The E bits say the user rate now is 7.2 kbit/s.
There are only four frames with actual payload data in the dump. These
frames are at the positions I expect them to be (40600, 60520, 80440,
100400 - they were sent in intervals of 10 seconds). They look like this:
00009e90 00 00 8a ff 2b a2 fa aa
00009ea0 fa 86 02 22 22 6e fe 1a 26 fa d7 4e d6 52 36 56
00009eb0 4e d6 fa 53 36 56 4e d6 52 36 56 fa 4f d6 52 36
What has been sent by the phone is an eight byte timestamp followed by
22 bytes of 0xaa. But I only get one data frame for each of these
transmissions (30 bytes of payload don't fit into one data frame), and
if I parse it as V.110 data, I get these 20 bytes:
00000000 15 7d 0d 10 d5 ff 33 fb ae f5 ff ae ba ef fd ba
00000010 ef ae ba ff
So no 0xaa bytes there...
Does anybody have any idea what I might be doing wrong here?
i have already installed libosmocore,libosmo-aabis,and openBsc,and
have been clone and integrated all the items into eclipse via egit.
i am a newbie in telco, does anyone in this forum know how to start up
openBSC ? i do want to know how does the Box work, and really confuse
how to start from.Would you guys send me a technical startup document
globally, so then i have an understanding regarding this stuff
Best Regards
On 9/24/12, openbsc-request(a)
<openbsc-request(a)> wrote:
> Send OpenBSC mailing list submissions to
> openbsc(a)
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. new comer (TAUFIQ WAHYUDI)
> 2. Re: new comer (Peter Stuge)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2012 21:36:30 -0700
> From: TAUFIQ WAHYUDI <taufiq.wahyudi.12(a)>
> To: openbsc(a)
> Subject: new comer
> Message-ID:
> <CACxKs184Ma=PeW5sPi=HWWJm6xb+sqywmHBEgMs+XKKqiXEy+g(a)>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> hi all,
> i am new comer in this group, i already have installed openbsc until to
> this step, i have problems would you mind all giving me a hand in the
> future?
> thank you very much
> Best Regards
Good Day,
I have been working with OpenBSC for the past few weeks and I am able to
make voice calls and send SMS messages within the private network without
I am now attempting to add GPRS to the mix, and have been having less
success. I have been able to make it to the internet from my phones
occasionally, but in general, there appears to be an issue between
osmo-sgsn and OpenGSN. My hope is that it is a simple configuration
issue. However, I suspect it may be due to an issue in the code, or
perhaps something mentioned last May (I have been scouring the mail
archive) regarding foreign vs local TLLIs.
My current setup is:
One Linux workstation which runs all three pertinent executables:
osmo-nitb, osmo-sgsn and ggsn.
A nanoBTS 165BU (PCS1900)
Two Nokia 6013b phones
I am working in an RF chamber. I have some T-Mobile SIMs so, I have the
network set to T-Mobile rather than the test network.
I had previously been able to connect to the internet perhaps 1 in 10
times, presumably because the PDP contexts were not being created (the ggsn
output would not state that it was creating a context when I tried to
connect from the phone). I modified gprs_llc.c to handle the issue that
Frank Maas mentioned in May, regarding llme_alloc not localizing the TLLI.
Now, I can usually connect with a phone more consistently (but not always)
on a fresh restart of the three executables.
However, after connecting to the internet via the phone, if I cycle the
power on the phone, I am usually not able to connect to the internet again.
Sometimes the ggsn states that it "Received create PDP context request,"
and sometimes it doesn't state it when the sgsn (apparently) makes a
request. At times, the ggsn reports "Received packet with no
destination!!!" During these times, when I check the PDP contexts in
osmo-sgsn, I get:
OsmoSGSN> show pdp-context all
PDP Context IMSI: 310260XXXXXXXXX, SAPI: 3, NSAPI: 5
PDP Address: IPv4
SGSN PDP Context Statistics:
User Data Messages ( In): 0 (0/s 0/m 0/h 0/d)
User Data Messages (Out): 0 (0/s 0/m 0/h 0/d)
User Data Bytes ( In): 0 (0/s 0/m 0/h 0/d)
User Data Bytes (Out): 0 (0/s 0/m 0/h 0/d)
The times when the ggsn does not state that it received a create PDP
context request, the "show pdp-context all" command shows nothing.
My newbie guess is that osmo-sgsn is saving the state of the phone's
connection (based on the IMSI?), and is not releasing or clearing it when
the phone is powered off. When the phone is powered back on, it will have
different connection parameters, but it will use the original parameters
after retrieving them based on the IMSI. I have started to look through
the code in the src/gprs directory to see if this is the case.
I am wondering if anyone might have some insight into why the connection is
not fully restored. Or perhaps they can offer guidance where I might begin
to look in the code. I can send logs and pcap files of a typical session if
anyone is interested.
hi all,
i am new comer in this group, i already have installed openbsc until to
this step, i have problems would you mind all giving me a hand in the
thank you very much
Best Regards