Hi All,
Using zebra/quagga VTY code was a great idea back then and has served us
nicely in all those years. I like the general style of the command-line
based interface with its various nodes, the strict syntax checking, the
tab completion and the interactive context-sensivive help.
However, it feels a bit 20ieth-century-ish to have to manually write
code to parse and to save the respective values. This is not a
productive way to spend our development resources, and it is error
prone. The "save" can be forgotten, resulting in non-saveable config
parameters. The save can store values that the "parse" function will
not be able to read again, etc.
Furthermore, the VTY is inherently a human user interface, not intended
for programmatic consumption. For programmatic access, we have
developed the control interface. In reality though, only 1% of the
parameters available in the VTY are exported via the control interface.
And rather than adding all the missing bits and pieces with hand-crafted
code to the control interface, we should have a generic way to define a
new configuration value, and that value should then be automatically
parse- and storable via VTY as well as a programmatic interface.
The next "problem' is that the current telnet connections live within
the process of the application. This means that a user can effectively
"stall" the main application by performing I/O intensive operation on
the VTY, or even on as many VTY/telnet sessions as he wants. There
shouldn't be any need for this, at least not for something as mundane as
performing configuration changes. Of course the VTY has different use
cases such as runtime introspection of system state as well as logging.
But still.
Yet another concern is "VTY and telnet port proliferation".
Particularly with the conversion from NITB to BSC+MSC+HLR, we are yet
again getting more network elements with their own telnet ports.
Remembering the port numbers is clumsy. It would be more convenient if
a single command line interface could provide access to the
configuration and the state of multiple different processes / network
Last, but not least, the current implementation is fixed to telnet,
without any form of authentication, and without a path to migrate e.g.
to something like SSL or SSH. I don't think it is a major concern (you
can always SSH to the system and then telnet locally).
So what I had in mind for quite some time (actually since netconf 1.2
about one year ago), is to have some kind of an external "VTY/MIB
daemon" (or even separate daemons for each) which maintains a
hierarchical database of configuration values. The MIB deamon simply
offers an API (via client library) to GET or SET the individual values,
or to NOTIFY an application about a changed value. This API is both
used by the actual Osmocom programs to obtain their configuration (and
obtain updates to it during runtime), as well as by the "VTY daemon"
providing interactive shell access to it. Finally, other external
applications could use the same interface/client library to do the same.
A proxy to SNMP or REST interfaces can be imagined, for even more
interfacing with the outside world.
What I don't like about many existing MIBs I've used (as a
sysadmin/user, not a developer) is their simple type system. You can
often specify any random value to such a MIB, even one that is
completely useless. A simple INT or STRING type is not sufficient, we
really want the ability to have ENUM types, to have integers with
ranges, etc. - just like we have in the VTY.
Also, the MIBs I've used typically are nothing more than a hierarchical
key-value store. They do not contain the information required for
interactive, context-sensitive help needed for the "VTY" feel :( This
is btw also the problem I have with OpenWRT's uci: It just has keys and
values, with no way to constrain those values to something that's
reasonable to the given program/context that is being configured, and
there's no help or other information associated with those keys and
So what I would like to see in this context, is some way to have a
machine-parseable description of a "MIB/config item", together with
syntax, ranges, enum values, help texts, etc (ideally in the C source
code, possibly in comments?) which is used by some kind of MIB compiler
to build up the hierarchical structure of the MIB and all of its keys as
well as their permitted values and syntax reference. This information
is then available to the VTY/telnet connections, irrespective of whether
a given application [using those values] is running at all.
Once an application starts, it can query for the configuration values it
is interested in and populate its internal data structures from it.
Ideally, one would even be able to generate a 'struct' from the MIB
compiler, so that there is no need to explicitly call a "get" function
on each single configuration value, but one simply gets a C-language
'struct' with all the values filled in by the client library.
As stated above, there should be some way how he MIB can notify
applications about changes to certain nodes in the MIB tree, so the
application[s] can react to that. I don't have a clear picture yet how
transaction logic (like changing multiple values and then committing
them at once) would work, or whether applications should even be able to
reject/revert a modification?
In either case, I just wanted to share my thoughts on this. I know it
sounds rather complex, but I think the investment in some kind of
unified configuration database system would save us of a lot of
boilerplate code and subtle bugs and inconsistencies.
I've created https://osmocom.org/issues/1975 with above text to keep
track of it, but I think at this point it's more of a mailing list
discussion rather than something we can put into an issue. I guess the
progress would rather be
* first discuss it here and/or at OsmoDevCon
* create something like a specification in the wiki
* then follow-up with actual tickets on the work items
All of this is brainstorming and vaporware, but I can't help to think of
better ways of doing this. If somebody has experience with any existing
systems and wants to share if and how they might fit, or what other
ideas are useful to borrow: Please share!
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
some weeks a go the topic about using dependency-artifacts to speed up
gerrit verifications was mentioned by Neels in the "RFC: jenkins
pipeline" thread [1].
I was curious and wrote a bash script (osmo-artifacts.sh) [2], which
enables build jobs to archive and fetch dependencies. Instead of
Docker it simply uses archives to store them. An artifact's name has
the following form:
( n(${project}.${branch}.${shortRev}_) ).tar.gz
Openbsc builds are 50 % faster when using artifacts. [3]
The jenkins.sh [2] script had to be slightly modified i.e. basically
split into two functions:
1) buildProjectDeps()
2) buildProject()
A third function to generate the artifact name has been added. The
template.sh [2] script illustrates this description.
What do you think about the result/artifactStore/approach in general?
A cleanUpArtifactStore.sh script running as a cron job is already on
my mind, but imo it's a good point to discuss the intermediate result.
[1] http://lists.osmocom.org/pipermail/openbsc/2017-March/010400.html
[2] git clone https://github.com/blobbsen/diy-artifacts.git
[3] https://jenkins.blobb.me/job/openBSC_multi-configuration_withArtifacts_test…
this is the BTS test report for week13 2017.
BTS models which have been tested with OsmoNITB are:
- sysmoBTS1002
- octasic OCTBTS3500
- ettus USRP B200
- nanoBTS model:165G
All test cases have passed.
For additional information related to test cases, timeslots
configuration and voice codecs used, please visit:
following are some git hashes/version strings of tested components:
libosmo-abis: 5e87fdfcabc9cabe0025d7350b7ab31cdc4b6fa3
libosmocore: d78c973cd89fc7c119573357cfbebb891dbc697a
libosmo-netif: 5fe77a4656f3590c343861ea96bcec18e370e437
libosmo-sccp: 8e708d1f2da1b187f631bf08172a5194a85b1a23
libsmpp34: cc0bcd6bc051d5ccaf32cdbbc28f073369900857
openbsc: b1e6b3749389ec5b3f33d5ac0fcc7f43df3f4641
openggsn: 19e19e3609508d121ba46c165e5ed1502a3cf9da
osmo-bts: e16b59357411ffa4903ac110ac4ce46d343e878d
osmo-bts-octphy: e16b59357411ffa4903ac110ac4ce46d343e878d
osmo-pcu: e6d26ec09c2bcd2126416a58cb23af27318ec67e
osmo-trx: e0c12189d455eb0d17299e4504749ce36629e18b
sysmobts: OsmoBTS version
sysmobts: Osmo-PCU version 0.2.900-e6d2
octbts: (name='octsdr_gsm', desc='Software Define Radio',
ver='02.07.00-B1039', ver_hdr='02.07.00-B1039')
octbts: (platform='Opus2',
nanobts: Equipment_Version='165g029_79'
nanobts: Software_Version='168d462_v200b202d0'
if you are interested in the details, drop me a mail and i'll forward
the whole report.
kind regards
- Joachim Steiger <jsteiger(a)sysmocom.de> http://www.sysmocom.de/
* sysmocom - systems for mobile communications GmbH
* Alt Moabit 93
* 10559 Berlin, Germany
* Sitz / Registered office: Berlin, HRB 134158 B
* Geschaeftsfuehrer / Managing Directors: Harald Welte
Hi all.
I have a python script I'd like to commit to openbsc/contrib.
It reads the SMS table, gives stats and retrieves individual messages.
- should maybe go in openbsc/contrib/sms ?
Anyway, should I submit this via gerrit + code review or is there
another way?
There's really no point in having jenkins look at it, right?
I would like to propose the two changes for pysim, the first is for fixing
the sysmo-usim-sjs1 support and the second fixes the missing support for
writing the ICCID to a sysmo-usim-sjs1.
If there are no major concerns with that I would like to merge the two
patches to master.
Repo: https://git.osmocom.org/pysim
Branch: pmaier/fixfci
Philipp Maier
Philipp Maier (2):
Fix select control parameter
fix writing of ICCID for sysmo-usim-sjs1
pySim/cards.py | 15 ++++++++-------
pySim/commands.py | 11 +++++++++--
2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
OsmoCon 2017 updates
There are some updates related to OsmoCon2017, the first Osmocom
Conference, held on April 21st, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.
See http://osmocom.org/news/68 for the web version of this announcement.
== Summary ==
Summary (for those too busy to read the full post):
* Schedule of talks has been released
* Travel Grants available for participants who are otherwise unable to
travel to Berlin: http://osmocom.org/projects/osmo-dev-con/wiki/OsmoCon2017_TravelGrants
* Social Event details available, including menu:
* April 21st is approaching fast, make sure you get your Ticket in time.
Limited number of seats available
== Details ==
=== Schedule has been released ===
The list of talks with their abstracts has been on the website for quite
some time, but now we actually have put together a schedule based on
those talks.
Please see
for the schedule.
As you can see, the day is fully packed with talks about Osmocom
cellular infrastructure projects. We had to cut some talk slots short
(30min instead of 45min), but I'm confident that it is good to cover a
wider range of topics, while at the same time avoiding fragmenting the
audience with multiple tracks.
=== Travel Grants ===
We are happy to announce that we have received donations to permit for
providing travel grants!
This means that any attendee who is otherwise not able to cover their
travel to OsmoCon 2017 (e.g. because their interest in Osmocom is not
related to their work, or because their employer doesn't pay the travel
expenses) can now apply for such a travel grant.
For more details see
and/or constact osmocon2017(a)sysmocom.de.
=== Social Event ===
Tech Talks are nice and fine, but what many people enjoy even more at
conferences is the informal networking combined with good food. For
this, we have the social event at night, which is open to all attendees.
See more details about it at
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
Has someone made osmocom.org login redirect to projects.osmocom.org?
Because since recently I observe this:
I go to osmocom.org, click on "Sign in".
It *redirects* me to projects.osmocom.org/login.
I log in.
I go to gerrit, enter, as always
I get another login screen, this time on osmocom.org without 'projects.'
Interesting, there seem to be two realms, maybe from cookie rules.
Ok then, I add projects to the openid, for gerrit login:
and it works, nice.
However, now I seem to be logged in as a kind of ghost of my user. I'm logged
in as 'nhofmeyr(a)sysmocom.de', but no patches are on my page and I don't have
the voting nor admin permissions I normally have.
When instead of clicking on "Sign in" on osmocom.org redmine, I *manually* enter
(omitting projects.), I can login on osmocom.org and my gerrit user works out.
I notice that with projects.osmocom.org I am user ID 1000073,
while with osmocom.org I am 1000005.
In the gerrit user database, I see distinct user IDs:
▶ ssh go 'gerrit gsql -c "select * from account_external_ids where account_id = 1000073 or account_id = 1000005"'
1000005 | nhofmeyr(a)sysmocom.de | https://osmocom.org/openid/user/91
1000005 | NULL | username:neels
1000073 | nhofmeyr(a)sysmocom.de | https://projects.osmocom.org/openid/user/91
When I manually patch up the 1000073 to 1000005 in the last row, both openid
URLs work out to the correct user.
So gerrit potentially gets confused by one and the same user, fails to match
the email addresses rather than the openid provider.
Looking at the other registered users, most use the osmocom.org and not
projects.osmocom.org, so you all may be susceptible to the same issue.
I also see that four have entered http:// as openid, without SSL, which seems
to me is something we should rather not allow.
For example, laforge's user is shadowed in the same way just because of the non-https:
1000004 | laforge(a)gnumonks.org | https://osmocom.org/openid/user/7
1000021 | laforge(a)gnumonks.org | http://osmocom.org/openid/user/7
If redirecting to projects.o.o is intentional and the way to go (TM), I should
probably pre-empt problems for existing users by creating external ids with
'projects' in the openid url, pointing at the proper existing users.
Otherwise we should avoid magical forwarding of osmocom.org logins to
Dear Osmocom list
We are getting several audio problems and dropped calls.
The audio sounds like static. We are also getting large frame correction
in the logs, and SACCH deactivation timeout.
Any ideas what could be the likely culprit?
2017-03-24_14:30:57.93546 <001a> rtp_proxy.c:295 Correcting frame
difference of 74518293571 frames
2017-03-24_14:31:11.45899 <001a> rtp_proxy.c:295 Correcting frame
difference of 1 frames
2017-03-24_14:31:11.51590 <001a> rtp_proxy.c:295 Correcting frame
difference of 2 frames
2017-03-24_14:31:11.65513 <001a> rtp_proxy.c:295 Correcting frame
difference of 1 frames
2017-03-24_14:32:08.95028 <0004> abis_rsl.c:1343 (bts=1,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0)
SACCH deactivation timeout.
2017-03-24_14:37:10.11844 <0004> abis_rsl.c:662 (bts=1,trx=0,ts=1,ss=0) is
back in operation.