So far three persons have indicated their interest to join
a meeting at my place.
Considering the time it takes to drive to my place, it
probably makes sense to have the meeting at the weekend
(either Saturday or Sunday) so that there is more time
for the meeting itself. I can suggest one of the following
dates for the first meeting, somewhere between 10:00 to
18:00 on each day:
25.8. (Sa) or 26.8. (Su)
1.9. (Sa) or 2.9. (Su)
8.9. (Sa) or 9.9. (Su)
So please let me know when you have time and also make
suggestions in which Osmocom topic you are interested
in so that we can have some sort of agenda for the
meeting to make best use of the time.
Best regards,
Dieter Spaar, Germany spaar(a)
Hello everyone,
I've just finnished writing together a small web interface for the OpenBSC
HLR. It allows you to modify various parameters in the database and also
provides a set of functions to modify the HLR or sending SMSes in your own
The project is still very alpha but it seems to work reasonably good. Feel
free to give any feedback!
Screenshots and source code is available on my website:
*Best regards,
Peter Caprioli*
Hello list,
First of all congratulation to developers of this project making such
wonderful project in an interesting subject. I am new to this project and
for past few days i managed to go through the documentation and get most of
it tested. Thanks for pretty good documentation in most of the areas as
I have the osmo-nitb working very fine using a nano bts.
How ever when i try to install it with LCR to interconnect with external
switch, im facing some problems. Initially i thought i must use
LCR+Asterisk. But later i figured out there is a built in SIP interface on
LCR which there is no need to asterisk or chan_asterisk. I would prefer to
use this LCR SIP interface as i dont want to use asterisk and just want to
forward all calls to another SIP switch.
Now in this context there seems absolutely no documentation on both openbsc
and LCR/mISDN lists.
Can some one please shed me some light here on how to build a LCR with SIP
to be work with osmo-nitb.
All i want to test is
GSM phone > Osmo-nitb > LCR with SIP > SIP softswitch
Thank you very much for every one's effort in this project and would be
glad to see some response for this.
Best Regards
I have some questions:
1) When I start bsc_hack bsc_init.c first establishes OML link and
initializes the bts then it establishes RSL link and bts starts
broadcasting. However, it takes so much time to start the bts. Instead of
this I want to do the following: it establishes OML link at the beginning
and only once, then when i want to start broadcasting it establishes just
the RSL link and bts will start faster since i don't have to wait for OML
link. What should be done for this?
2) If i send one or two word messages from telnet interface it is okay. But
if i send a longer message the phone could't receive the end of the message
correctly(last words may be incomplete). Did any one encounter with this
problem? What is wrong with me?
3) Could I send SMS in which extension of the sender is text not integer.
For example, i want to send an information SMS that this is a test network.
For this purpose i want to send an SMS from 'OpenBSC'. I set the extension
of the first subscriber in database as text and tried to send the SMS but
SMS wasn't delivered. What should i do?
4) Can i add SMS externally to SMS table of database?
Hi Andreas, Harald,
the recent "SI generation" fix broke multi trx setups. This is because
when the first (c0) TRX is going up bts->si_valid will include SI2 and
other SIs scheduled on the BCCH and once the second trx is going up the
code decides it only needs to generate the SI5 (and more).
But si_valid still includes SI2 and it will be set on the second trx. I
have fixed it locally by setting si_valid to 0 early in the set_system_infos
routine and added a warning for this case.
How should this be properly fixed for master? Will the content of a specific
SI differ from TRX0 to TRX1 of a BTS? Should the si_valid be moved to the
trx data structure?
I have attached my local patch and would like to have a review for it.
comments? ideas?
as indicated in the previous mail there are some things to be done
before we get to the venue. I would like to experiment with sprints
to solve some of the stability issues we had with osmo-nitb.
The idea is that we assemble (physically or online) and work on some
specific issues of osmo-nitb that impact the quality of service for
the upcoming event. I can provide food and snacks during these sprints
and guidance on OpenBSC code.
The first sprint is scheduled for the 9th, 10th (and maybe 11th) of
November. There is no venue for it yet, maybe the CCCB. Please indicate
if you are interested to join.
The general list of osmo-nitb issues are:
* Channel release process. There is a branch I created at the last
congress but I have never tested it. This includes making a SAPI=3
local release, using the proper timeouts for the abnormal release
making sure the SACCH is deactivated and some more issues. This
requires quite a bit of testing.
* Allow to block/unblock failing lchans. We have had this issue with
Nokia BTS but it can happen on other BTS as well. E.g. a given
timeslot might not be allocatable, or we get LCHAN ACT NACK. In that
case OpenBSC should block the lchan.
* smsqueue/auth/paths. In the past years we have seen that the smsqueue
and other parts can get stuck because of the 'subscr_get_con' not
being properly called in all error conditions. We need to review the
code and check how things get stuck.
* Handover testing and patching out the 'timestamp' adjusting or
fixing it. Right now it can be used to add a lot of delay by switching
Hi guys,
i'm trying to interconnect a WLAN router with my GSM-sysmoBTS and to use the EAP-SIM authentication protocol. For that i installed a Freeradius on an external board that i use as radius server. The Freeradius should use a database file in order to realise the authentication and the idea is that Freeradius should be able to read the hlr.sqlite3 file from my sysmoBTS. I'm not so far to do this part of the work so, i first want to do some tests using the sim card from sysmoBTS (imsi und ki) and the triplets (RAND, Kc and SRES). I want to create a flat file containing this values so the Freeradius will directly use the file to get the triplets.
I thought i could get the triplets stored in one of the tables of hlr.sqlite3 (AuthLastTuples) but there is no information on it. From the table AuthKeys i could find some Ki values (e.g X'019B7083FBAFC928421A147DE795217782'). I found that there is an "osmo-auc-gen" program for computing the triplets. By using the Ki from AuthKeys and a self generated RAND (e.g 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF) the program doesn't run and doesn't give the triplets. The used authentication algorithm is the COMP128v1.
Has anyone an idea why it doesn't work and why there is no information in the AuthLastTuples table from sysmoBTS ?
best regards
I modified the patch for ipaccess-find based on Jim's and Holger's suggestions.
Still not sure what to do about the (coming) librt dependency, so no new
version of that patch for now.
Tobias Engel (1):
Remove iface arg if SO_BINDTODEVICE isn't available
openbsc/src/ipaccess/ipaccess-find.c | 13 +++++++++++--
1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-- (Apple Git-33)
I am thinking about selling my Siemens BS-11 and a compatible HFC-E1 Evaluation Board.
If anyone is interested please send me a mail: baumgrass at .