second try to add support to bs11_config for bport0/1 configuration. This
time with enum abis_bs11_line_cfg.
It seems sometimes creating bport1 fails, even LMT shows create obj
greyed out. Don't know why yet.
Daniel Willmann
Daniel Willmann (1):
Add {create,delete}-bport1 and bport0-{star,multidrop} to bs11-config
openbsc/include/openbsc/abis_nm.h | 10 +++++++++-
openbsc/src/abis_nm.c | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
openbsc/src/bs11_config.c | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
Hi all,
Patch-file is attached - addresses a FIXME in abis_nm.c, parsing the
parameters passed by a Software Activate request. I've tested this on
three different IpAccess BTSs (including one which didn't work with the
original code), would be good if someone could check it on a BS11.
Best regards, Mike H.
Hey guys,
back in January I added ref-counting to the lchan and it has worked to some
degree, and we have seen ref-leaks as well (fixed thanks to Andreas). Currently
I'm working on integrating OpenBSC into a real MSC at on-waves.com and this
has made me read the GSM08.08 specification a bit more.
I would like to implement the following.
- Remove the refcount from lchan
- Replace it with the "transaction" concept. On certain 04.08 messgaes
(e.g. paging response, various MM messages) open a transaction
from BSC to MSC code. The channel is bound to the transaction.
The lchan is getting released when the transaction is finished, in
case of the "RSL chan" is going away too early there will be a
"clear" signal/method called from the BSC and the MSC side is asked
to let it go.
The benefit of this:
- BSC and MSC are better separated
- My MSC code could wrap the transaction into a SCCP connection
- Channel leak == transaction_free not getting called.
Hi Zecke,
I've been reviewing some of your patches:
> commit 45f9b3d3fc47074652be951eb74df2b0be2a230f
> Author: Holger Hans Peter Freyther <zecke(a)selfish.org>
> Date: Fri Aug 21 05:30:19 2009 +0200
> [paging] Use one of the two reserved LAC to page every BTS
> For the on-waves.com MSC case we want to page every BTS reached
> of the network. Our gsm_subscriber entry does not have a LAC
> entry set and defaults to zero. Use the reserved 0x0000 to
> indicate that we want to use every bts in the network.
> This will influence the paging code to start and stop paging.
The problem is that in the current code, we use LAC == 0 to indicate that the
subscriber has sent an IMSI DETACH message, i.e. switched his phone off.
You are now redefiniing the LAC 0 to something like the opposite case, which
I don't particularly like. Is there some alternative solution?
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
This week end I started coding a channel driver to integrate OpenBSC
and Asterisk directly.
You can find the code here http://github.com/smunaut/ast_chan_openbsc
The current public version is what I coded this Saturday, it doesn't
do much, only registers itself as a channel driver and runs the
openBSC core within asterisk. It will work only for the ip.access at
first (at least) because I'm directly bridging the RTP audio from the
nanoBTS to the RTP subsystem of Asterisk.
I spent a good part of today hacking together enough code to make a
call and it worked, I got bidirectional audio.
This latest code is not public yet because it's just a big mess and
only take care of setup and not cleanup (so you can do 1 call and then
restart :) With this hack, I just wanted to confirm that it could work
without too much problem. I will try to clean it up ASAP and publish
it so that there is a minimal functionality testable :)
OTOH, my time is limited and I split it between OpenBSC, OpenBTS and
airprobe so some weeks may be slow.
Hi everyone,
This evening I spent a few hours hacking a small test to activate
ciphering and I tought people might be interested with tinkering with
it. If you want to try for yourself, start off from the encryption
branch of Harald, then apply the 4 patches I just posted to this list
then apply the quick hack attached to this message.
This patch is not for merge since it's a gross hack just 'to see if it
works', and it does ! ( See the log in attachment )
What this patch does is pretty simple:
- When there is a location update, it does a AUTHENTICATION REQUEST
with a static RAND.
- When the AUTHENTICATION RESPONSE is received, it compares the
result with the 'known expected' results (see the wiki for AT commands
to get SRES and Kc for a given RAND)
- When sending a SMS to the MS, it activates the ciphering after
receiving the paging response with the 'known precomputed' Kc. If
everything goes well, the ME sends back a CIPHER MODE COMPLETE and the
rest of the talk is ciphered.
The included patch uses A5/2 but can be trivially modified for A5/1. I
just wanted to see if the iPhone would accept A5/2 and it doesn't
(works with A5/1 tough) ! My old Ericsson T610 takes A5/2 and A5/1.
Of course, this is no where near a good implementation but at least it
provides proof that the lower level functions works. I'm not sure
what's the best solution to get SRES and Kc. Most of the time getting
the Ki is not an option, so either we have a fixed RAND, or a bunch
RAND and corresponding SRES and Kc ... Or a side channel to run the
algo on the phone itself ...
commit 90e04861aa587d192025dd42aff5501e3742672a
Author: Sylvain Munaut <tnt(a)246tNt.com>
Date: Thu Sep 24 01:32:41 2009 +0200
[gsm_04_11] Free transaction on RX_RP_ACK for SMS
When only one SMS is sent, the freeing of the lchan will
automatically free all transactions on the lchan.
However, if there are several SMS sent at once, the call
to gsm411_send_sms_lchan will create a new transaction
with the same caracteristics as the previous one. If
the old one is not free'd, the next call to trans_find_by_id
(triggered by the next incoming RP-ACK) will not return the good
transaction and things go haywire.
Signed-off-by: Sylvain Munaut <tnt(a)246tNt.com>
openbsc/src/gsm_04_11.c | 3 ++-
1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
has anyone tried running OpenBSC with the junghanns.net singleE1 MiniPCI card?
It has got the CologneChip HFC-E1 controller and seems to be supported by
mISDN. Target system would be an alix3d3.