I have some questions:
1) When I start bsc_hack bsc_init.c first establishes OML link and
initializes the bts then it establishes RSL link and bts starts
broadcasting. However, it takes so much time to start the bts. Instead of
this I want to do the following: it establishes OML link at the beginning
and only once, then when i want to start broadcasting it establishes just
the RSL link and bts will start faster since i don't have to wait for OML
link. What should be done for this?
2) If i send one or two word messages from telnet interface it is okay. But
if i send a longer message the phone could't receive the end of the message
correctly(last words may be incomplete). Did any one encounter with this
problem? What is wrong with me?
3) Could I send SMS in which extension of the sender is text not integer.
For example, i want to send an information SMS that this is a test network.
For this purpose i want to send an SMS from 'OpenBSC'. I set the extension
of the first subscriber in database as text and tried to send the SMS but
SMS wasn't delivered. What should i do?
4) Can i add SMS externally to SMS table of database?
With the help of graphviz, I have written a small perl-based tool that
allows you to generate ladder diagrams. It can be found at
For your reference, I'm attaching a sample input and output file.
The bent/curved arrows are a result of graphviz trying to indicate
that the message is between e.g. MS and MSC and 'bypasses' BTS and BSC.
I'm still waiting for somebody with more graphviz skills to make this an
Hope this is useful for some of you...
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
Collin Mulliner, Tobias Engel and myself have been meeting yesterday to
discuss a generic application interface for OpenBSC.
They are both doing security analysis and want to achieve a clean way
how an external application can get access to a more or less transparent
communication channel to the phone.
The purpose of this is to be able to send intentionally malformed
packets to the mobile phone GSM stack at various different levels within
the stack.
As of now, they have both hacked some custom code into openbsc that gets
them half way where they want to be - but not quite all the way.
The requirements can be summarized as follows:
1) Ability to establish a SDCCH or TCH channel by paging the phone
As of now, the 'silent call' feature from the VTY already does this.
2) Ability to send arbitrary layer3 protocol messages to the phone
Adding this is relatively easy (use rsl_sendmsg on the lchan from the
silent call)
3) Ability to receive responses from the phone, as well as error
conditions such as 'readio link failure'. We don't have a solution
for this yet, and we also have no clean way to identify what might
be a response from the phone to the external app, and what might
be a message from the phone to the normal network code in OpenBSC
4) Ability to selectively disable partial protocol handling in
OpenBSC. Let's say you want to play with the mobile phone call
control implementation. In this case, you want to make sure all CC
related messages go from/to the external program and not from the
regular OpenBSC network code.
So what I've been thinking of as a solution to the problem:
* store a bypass_flags bitmask related to the subscriber structure,
where we indicate values such as BYPASS_RR, BYPASS_MM, BYPASS_CC,
* if we process an incoming message from the MS in gsm0408_rcvmsg(),
we check if a bypass flag matching the message is found. If yes,
forward the message to the external program
* if we want to send a message from our own protocol stack to the MS,
we check if a bypass flag matching the message is found. If yes,
we drop the message that we were about to send.
* any messages received from the application will be forwarded to the MS
The application interface protocol will likely have a close resemblance
to RSL RLL. We need to exchange the following primitives with the
application, like:
* ESTABLISH REQUEST -- app requests a channel be established to MS (by IMSI)
* ESTABLISH CONFIRM -- network confirms a channel has been established
* ESTABLISH INDICATION -- network tells app connection was made by MS
* [UNIT] DATA REQUEST -- app requests data to be sent to MS
* [UNIT] DATA INDICATION -- network indicates data was received from MS
* ERROR INDICATION -- network tells app something went wrong
* RELEASE REQUEST -- app asks network to release channel
* RELEASE CONFIRM -- net tells app that channel was released (as rqd)
* RELEASE INDICATION -- net tells app that channel was released (by MS)
The channel_number of RSL (indicating on-air timeslot) doesn't make much
sense in this context, of course.
The link_identifier on the other hand is great as it allows the app to
indicate SDCCH/FACCH or SACCH as well as the SAPI.
The actual RSL-like protocol would be encapsulated by UDP and available
on a socket of the MSC.
What do you think?
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
Sorry for hijacking the thread , next time I will create new thread ...
I will try to bind using IP to avoid using SO_BINDTODEVICE ,and I will google IP_BOUND_IF as well.
Another issue is the linux command for vty which is the c function under linux called cfmakeraw which I removed from vty.c cause there is no library under SUN for that command or function to link with.
Can you please ensure that this commented line will not affect vty functionality ?
Omar atia
------Original Message------
From: Holger Hans Peter Freyther
Sender: openbsc-bounces(a)lists.gnumonks.org
To: openbsc(a)lists.gnumonks.org
Subject: OpenBSC on Solaris (WAS: Re: Notes from the 27C3 network)
Sent: Dec 31, 2010 11:28 AM
On 12/31/2010 12:30 AM, Omar Atia wrote:
> Dears ,, please help ::
Dear Omar,
please do not hijack threads, start a new one instead.
> in ipaccess-find.c , can we use bind instead of setsockopt cause solaries
> doesn't have SO_BINDTODEVICE defined in socket.h.
For ipaccess-find is sending a broadcast packet, so it is important to select
the physical interface it should be send on. For the user it is more
convenient to write the interface name then to remember the ip address of this
Does Solaris provide another way to bind to a specific interface? What about
IP_BOUND_IF? If that is not the case we could consider doing a normal bind and
bind to the interface via an ip...
Sent via BlackBerry® from mtc touch
Hi all!
This subject came to my attention again recently: Why not relicense
OpenBSC under AGPLv3?
Right now we are licensing under GPLv2+ (v2 or any later version). However,
if an operator was to make lots of private modifications and then operate
it on his own network, there would be no distribution and thus no need
for him to release his modified versions of the source code.
This may sound a bit strange to those who have been with the project
since its early days. But we are reaching production quality now, and
we already have the first number of production deployments of the software.
Companies like Netzing and On-waves have been FOSS-friendly and funding
parts of our development effort. They have no issues with the result being
Free Software again. However, there are definitely other companies out
there who are less fond of sharing...
So thus my idea is to put OpenBSC under AGPLv3. This way whoever uses
OpenBSC _in modified form_ to operate a communications network will
have to provide the source code to that modified form on a network
server at no charge.
The only controversial question to me is "your modified version must
prominently offer all users interacting with it remotely through a computer
network (if your version supports such interaction) an opportunity to receive
the Corresponding Source".
1) does a gsm network count as computer network? i'd say yes.
2) is using a gsm network 'interacting with it remotely'? I'd also say yes
3) what does 'prominently offer' mean in the context of GSM? We don't want
the operator to spam their users with advertisement SMS just to know
that they can get the soruce code, after all.
Notwithstanding those open questions, such a network operator would always
have the option of simply sending back his changes for integration in the
official project - and thus he would no longer use a modified version which
then means there is no need for the prominent notice / download at all.
We can make this very clear in the project documentation, putting further
The actual relicensing should be less problematic than I thought, since AGPLv3
is compatible with GPLv3.
So I could re-license all parts that I own copyright on (which should be
the majority of the code base anyway) under AGPLv3, while the former GPLv2+
components (like VTY code from zebra, or contributions by other people)
then become GPLv3-or-later.
Of course I would want to encourage all developers/contributors to also
follow the re-licensing. Particularly Holger Freyther, Dieter Spaar, Andreas
Eversberg, Jan Luebbe, Sylvain Munaut, Daniel Willmann, Stefan Schmidt.
So let's start with a poll:
a) Do you think re-licensing to AGPLv3 is a good idea?
b) If you have contributed, would you re-license your code under AGPLv3?
If we have some kind of concesus in the community, I would approach
On-waves whether they would want to do the same for their share of the
copyright. As their "modifications" are all part of OpenBSC git repository,
they would not be subject to any different conditions than before.
Thanks in advance for your feedback,
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
Hello Holger,
On Fri, 31 Dec 2010 11:24:41 +0100, "Holger Hans Peter Freyther" <holger(a)freyther.de> wrote:
> If that is set on the socket for the telnet interface it does make a difference.
Just in case, Cygwin also misses cfmakeraw(), my private modification for
this is the following which is of course the same you quoted from the man
#if defined(__CYGWIN__)
/* Workaround for Cygwin, which is missing cfmakeraw */
/* Pasted from man page */
void cfmakeraw(struct termios *termios_p)
termios_p->c_oflag &= ~OPOST;
termios_p->c_lflag &= ~(ECHO|ECHONL|ICANON|ISIG|IEXTEN);
termios_p->c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE|PARENB);
termios_p->c_cflag |= CS8;
#endif /* defined(__CYGWIN__) */
Maybe there is a Solaris-specific preprocessor symbol and we can add
this function to an appropriate place.
Best regards,
Dieter Spaar, Germany spaar(a)mirider.augusta.de
Hi all,
here are some notes about bsc_hack as it ran on the 27C3. In day0 we
discovered a nice SQL injection bug, in day1 we had plenty of segfaults,
mostly in the error and time-out paths of the MSC (but also some in the BSC
API). These included crashes due clearing the channel and removing the ->lchan
from the conn, RLL time out handling in the SMS code and some more.
The network ran without segfault (only one crash due my stupidity on a new VTY
command) after this. The biggest issue as that SMS got stuck. Code review has
found some issues immediately but this didn't fix it. On more code review an
issue with the 'subscr_get_channel' was identified.
First of all the transaction layer just stopped paging requests, e.g. stopping
the paging for someone else's subscr_get_channel, then the Call Control code
never called subscr_put_channel when it is done. I have created two band aids
for this situation but there is a bigger issue with the code.
If somebody has spare time and wants to do some simple changes one can do:
1.) The subscriber layer passes the 'subscr' pointer to the paging layer, it
should pass the request to it.
2.) It should be possible to cancel channel requests that were not scheduled yet.
3.) Once we started auth on the channel the 'request' state should be changed
too. It is not right now due 1.).
4.) ....
--- openbsc-request(a)lists.gnumonks.org <openbsc-request(a)lists.gnumonks.org> schrieb am Mo, 27.12.2010:
Von: openbsc-request(a)lists.gnumonks.org <openbsc-request(a)lists.gnumonks.org>
Betreff: OpenBSC Digest, Vol 24, Issue 26
An: openbsc(a)lists.gnumonks.org
Datum: Montag, 27. Dezember, 2010 13:00 Uhr
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Today's Topics:
1. RE: OpenBSC+LCR+Asterisk installation problem (Caleb Pal)
Message: 1
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2010 14:41:39 -0800
From: "Caleb Pal" <cleb(a)defcon-3.net>
Subject: RE: OpenBSC+LCR+Asterisk installation problem
To: "'jason mercury'" <jmercury313(a)gmail.com>,
Message-ID: <004901cba54e$0ffe0950$2ffa1bf0$@net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Are you using Asterisk 1.8? If so, you should checkout the asterisk_1_8
branch of LCR. LCR git was down, it is now back up at a slightly different
location, git://git.misdn.org/lcr.git/. mISDN and mISDNuser git are also at
the new path.
From: openbsc-bounces(a)lists.gnumonks.org
[mailto:openbsc-bounces@lists.gnumonks.org] On Behalf Of jason mercury
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 8:15 AM
To: openbsc(a)lists.gnumonks.org
Subject: OpenBSC+LCR+Asterisk installation problem
I am trying to install a OpenBSC+LCR+Asterisk system according to the how to
send to the mail list by Konrad Meier on Tue Oct 12 18:27:33 2010. During
installation of LCR I got following error:
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/idb/openbsc/lcr'
gcc -DWITH_GSM_BS -I./openbsc/include -I./libosmocore/include -I./openbsc
-Wall -DCONFIG_DATA="\"/usr/local/lcr\"" -DSHARE_DATA="\"/usr/local/lcr\""
-DEXTENSION_DATA="\"/usr/local/lcr/extensions\"" -D_GNU_SOURCE -fPIC -c
chan_lcr.c -o chan_lcr.po
chan_lcr.c: In function 'lcr_indicate':
chan_lcr.c:2274: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
chan_lcr.c:2289: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
chan_lcr.c:2316: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
chan_lcr.c:2381: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
chan_lcr.c:2382: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
chan_lcr.c: In function 'load_module':
chan_lcr.c:2818: warning: passing argument 2 of 'ast_register_application2'
from incompatible pointer type
/usr/include/asterisk/module.h:427: note: expected 'int (*)(struct
ast_channel *, void *)' but argument is of type 'int (*)(struct ast_channel
*, void *)'
make[1]: *** [chan_lcr.po] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/idb/openbsc/lcr'
make: *** [all] Error 2
Why is this occur? My ubuntu kernel is 2.6.32-24-generic and i exactly
followed the steps. I am attaching that how to again.
I also couldn't git check out OpenBSC, LCR , mISDN, mISDNuser and i download
them from http://www.linux-call-router.de/download/lcr-1.7/. I want to ask
that why i can't git clone. When i try to git clone i take following:
git clone git://git.misdn.org/git/lcr.git/
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/idb/op/lcr/.git/
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
If any you have idea please help.
Dear All,
I will introduce myself , It is Omar Atia from Lebanon , 8 years telecom
experience , willing to know more about open BSC , how can I get the sources
if it is free download them (not through unix), from where could I buy the
BTS stations are they available it has been sold out as written on the web
site . can we configure OpenBTS with OpenBSC ? is it configurable or not
tested yet .
I have a lot of questions related to this Area as I want to implement the
GSM network for testing purposes only to go deeply into it .
Omar Atia
TPSG - Functional Consultant
ITS Logo.png
T. + (961) 9 641555 ext. 416
M. + (961) 3 001294
F. + (961) 9 641555 ext. 217
degital signeture.pngE. <mailto:omar.atia@its.ws> omar.atia(a)its.ws
I am trying to install a OpenBSC+LCR+Asterisk system according to the how to
send to the mail list by Konrad Meier on *Tue Oct 12 18:27:33 2010. *During
installation of LCR I got following error:
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/idb/openbsc/lcr'
gcc -DWITH_GSM_BS -I./openbsc/include -I./libosmocore/include
-I./openbsc -Wall -DCONFIG_DATA="\"/usr/local/lcr\""
-DSHARE_DATA="\"/usr/local/lcr\"" -DLOG_DIR="\"/usr/local/lcr\""
-DEXTENSION_DATA="\"/usr/local/lcr/extensions\"" -D_GNU_SOURCE -fPIC -c
chan_lcr.c -o chan_lcr.po
chan_lcr.c: In function ‘lcr_indicate’:
chan_lcr.c:2274: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
chan_lcr.c:2289: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
chan_lcr.c:2316: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
chan_lcr.c:2381: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
chan_lcr.c:2382: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
chan_lcr.c: In function ‘load_module’:
chan_lcr.c:2818: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘ast_register_application2’
from incompatible pointer type
/usr/include/asterisk/module.h:427: note: expected ‘int (*)(struct
ast_channel *, void *)’ but argument is of type ‘int (*)(struct ast_channel
*, void *)’
make[1]: *** [chan_lcr.po] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/idb/openbsc/lcr'
make: *** [all] Error 2
Why is this occur? My ubuntu kernel is 2.6.32-24-generic and i exactly
followed the steps. I am attaching that how to again.
I also couldn't git check out OpenBSC, LCR , mISDN, mISDNuser and i download
them from http://www.linux-call-router.de/download/lcr-1.7/. I want to ask
that why i can't git clone. When i try to git clone i take following:
git clone git://git.misdn.org/git/lcr.git/
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/idb/op/lcr/.git/
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
If any you have idea please help.