I picked up a SDRplay RSP2 recently, and the gr-osmosdr support needed
some work. Here's a rewrite that works with RSP2 and has other
improvements. When the RSP1A comes in, I'll finish support for that. No
plans to pick up a RSP1, but someone can see if this works if
interested. This was tested against the Nov 2017 binary blob.
Complete rewrite of sdrplay support
- Supports RSP2
- Will support RSP1A when hardware arrives
- RSP1 is untested
- Uses streaming callbacks instead of polling
- Tuning, gain control imporoved, AGC supported
- Better performance (one less layer of buffers)
Hello. Question about gsm0503_tch_ahs_decode function in gsm0503_coding
from libosmocore (
. Can you please explain wat's "int odd" mean? If it's odd frame
number then which of the 8? And why to function need 8 burst if in function
loop to 4?
Dear Osmocom Community,
[please respect the Reply-To and post all follow-up discussion to this
to openbsc(a)lists.osmocom.org, so we avoid having long threads
cross-posted to several mailing lists.]
Like every year in early December, it is time to discuss as schedule for
OsmoDevCon in the upcoming year.
Note: Ths is about OsmoDevCon, the more private meeting of developers,
*NOT* about OsmoCon, the public conference.
== When, Who, Where ==
I propose the following date for OsmoDevCon 2018:
April 20 - April 23rd, 2018
* Who: Active developers/contributors of Osmocom projects (as usual)
* Where: IN-Berlin, Berlin (as usual)
Please let me know ASAP if that proposed date works for everyone who'd
want to attend. We can still change it now, but I would want to nail
down the date pretty soon.
== Format ==
After the experiment of reducing from 4 to 3 days last year (due to
OsmoCon), we will again go for *four days* in 2018.
However, we should clearly divide the days in a way that e.g. "GSM/3G"
topics are on two days, while SDR+Other topics are on the other days, so
people not interested in some topics can skip one or two days, as
We could even divide it further like:
* 1 day 3GPP RAN (osmo-bts, osmo-bsc, osmo-pcu, virt_phy, fake_trx, ...)
* 1 day 3GPP CN (osmo-msc, osmo-hlr, osmo-sip-connector, nextepc, etc.)
* 2 days misc
Regards, and looking forward to meeting you [again] in 2018,
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
Waiting for your response.
Warm Regrads,
Shiv Gautam | Manager Communication Systems
The Tata Power Company Limited Strategic Engineering Division (Tata Power
42 - 43 Electronics City Hosur Road Bengaluru 560 100 India
Tel: +91 80 6785 4501 | Fax: +91 80 6785 9901 | Mobile: +91 74110 01394
Website: www.TataPowerSED.in <http://www.tatapowersed.in/>
From: Shiv Shankar Gautam [mailto:ssgautam@tatapowersed.com]
Sent: 21 November 2017 10:01
To: 'osmocom-sdr(a)lists.osmocom.org'
Subject: SDR board design for hand Held tactical SDR
We are looking for SCA compliance SDR hardware design. Please send us the
Warm Regrads,
Shiv Gautam | Manager Communication Systems
The Tata Power Company Limited Strategic Engineering Division (Tata Power
42 - 43 Electronics City Hosur Road Bengaluru 560 100 India
Tel: +91 80 6785 4501 | Fax: +91 80 6785 9901 | Mobile: +91 74110 01394
Website: www.TataPowerSED.in <http://www.tatapowersed.in/>
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