osmocom-sdr April 2016

  • 6 participants
  • 12 discussions

Moving from trac to a single redmine
by Holger Freyther
8 years, 4 months

post a new release
by Joseph Poirier
8 years, 7 months

MSVC Patch
by Geof Nieboer
8 years, 9 months

Sampling at 250 kHz without aliasing
by Syed Karim
8 years, 9 months

Heatmap with unwanted vertical lines
by John
8 years, 9 months

Fixing gr-fosphor compilation
by Elliot Saba
8 years, 9 months

sdrangelove build issues on mipsel
by Arturo Borrero Gonzalez
8 years, 9 months

Patch to build static library (libgnuradio-osmosdr.a)
by Tom Rondeau
8 years, 9 months

Mailing list moderation/administration
by Harald Welte
8 years, 10 months

fosphor benchmark result
by Geof Nieboer
8 years, 10 months
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