== OsmoCon 2018 ==
OsmoCon (Osmocom Conference) 2018 is the technical conference for
Osmocom users, operators and developers!
We are happy to announce the date of OsmoCon 2018. It has been scheduled
on October 18 + 19, 2018 and will happen in Berlin, Germany.
For the second time, the Osmocom Conference brings together users,
operators and developers of the Osmocom Open Source cellular
infrastructure projects, such as OsmoBTS, OsmoBSC, OsmoSGSN, OpenGGSN
and others.
Join us for two days of presentations and discussions with the main
developers behind Open Source Mobile Communications, as well as
commercial and non-profit users of the Osmocom cellular infrastructure
You can find some initial information in our wiki at
which will be updated as more information becomes available.
== Call for Participation ==
We're also at the same time announcing the Call for Participation and
call on everyone with experiences to share around the Osmocom member
projects to submit talks, workshops, discussions or other proposals.
You can find the CfP at https://pretalx.sysmocom.de/osmocon2018/cfp
We are particularly looking for contributions about:
* updates on features/functionality/status of individual Osmocom projects
* success stories on how Osmocom projects are deployed in practice
* migration from OsmoNITB to the post-NITB architecture
* tutorials / workshops on how to setup / analyze Osmocom projects
* statistics, reporting, operations aspects of Osmocom projects
* third-party open source utilities to be used with Osmocom projects
Looking forward to meeting many existing and new Osmocom users at OsmCon
this October!
Harald Welte
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
Hi all,
I just wanted to let you know I am working on adding interleaved IQ
support (to red and green DAC). Haven't had time to test it yet.
Is anybody else working on this?
For contributions, do you prefer patch files?
Best regards and thanks for this development!
Hi everyone, hi especially Steve,
I'm in the process of making a distro package for fl2k for sharing and
inclusion in my bootable Fedora sticks; as a version, I'd use
githash, but I think that's an understatement, because it looks to me
like fl2k was officially released at OsmoCon.
Now, I'm not the author, and I'd hate to be the one to define today's
git head as version 1, or something like that, but I honestly think
that it's worth encouraging tagging of a release (as it would make it
easy to refer to things like "hey, that used to work with, but
broke in", or include it with other software etc).
Would it be very annoying to kindly request that you add a version tag,
and to even brazenly recommend semver.org as versioning scheme?
Thanks, and I'm having great fun with this,
Hi folks,
I tried building the code on Mac, and it threw a bag full of errors.
Does anyone have a working mechanism/script to build on Mac, if not, what was the reference platform? What was this built on?
I'm (ab)using gr-fosphor for audio spectrum visualization by using
float to complex because it is the most colorful spectrum analyzer
that I have. Unfortunately, for some reason gr-fosphor is choppy at 48
kHz, while it is smooth at rtl-sdr output, about 2 MSPS or so. Is
there any FFT configuration setting like other spectrum analyzer to
change how many FFT bins and the framerate?
Hi Joshua,
have you tried your experiment with a powered USB hub? I've found a number
of times that a powered hub can solve mystery problems with USB devices.
-Justin N2TOH
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: DC7IA <mailinglists(a)dc7ia.eu>
To: osmocom-sdr(a)lists.osmocom.org
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2018 19:56:01 +0200
Subject: [osmo-fl2k] can't receive anything
Hi there,
I've set up osmo-fl2k yesterday and since then I'm trying to get WBFM or
GSM working, but I cannot receive anything.
Software does not give me any errors, so I don't know where to look for the
Maybe I should note that I'm only able to use USB 2.0 on my Thinkpad T400,
could that make trouble as it is a USB 3.0 device?
*73 Joshua Hoffmann DC7IA | KK4RVI *
stellv. AJW-Referent im Distrikt O
(Süd-Westfalen) AJW-Seite des Distriktes
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E-Mails an DC7IA(a)DARC.de senden, da sie andernfalls nicht rechtzeitig
gelesen werden.
--Evil people do evil things, how is irrelevant.
Hi there,
I've set up osmo-fl2k yesterday and since then I'm trying to get WBFM or
GSM working, but I cannot receive anything.
Software does not give me any errors, so I don't know where to look for
the problem.
Maybe I should note that I'm only able to use USB 2.0 on my Thinkpad
T400, could that make trouble as it is a USB 3.0 device?
*73 Joshua Hoffmann DC7IA | KK4RVI *
stellv. AJW-Referent im Distrikt O
(Süd-Westfalen) AJW-Seite des Distriktes
Diese E-Mailadresse ist ausschließlich für Mailinglisten E-Mails.
Normale E-Mails an DC7IA(a)DARC.de senden, da sie andernfalls nicht
rechtzeitig gelesen werden.