Dear fellow Osmocom developers,
as you all know, we've sadly had to postpone OsmoDevCon 2020 back in
April this year. At the time, we discussed to re-visit the situation
in October 2020.
While legally it is no problem at all to host an event with ~ 20
participants in Berlin/Germany (specific regulations really only start
from 50+ participants) - I'm not entirely convinced it would be the
smartest move.
Legality and public health regulations are only one part of the equation
- common sense and profound care for the key members of our community
for sure are more relevant considerations to me.
I'm not 100% in favour and not 100% against. Hence, I would like to get
your input. Should we
a) try to get an event organized on-site in Berlin? We'd have to move
to a larger venue than IN-Berlin with proper ventilation and sufficient
space so we can keep physical distance, but I think that's
manageable for sysmocom as organizer.
b) simply postpone to 2021? I'm convinced the situation will not change
significantly (in a positive way) until late April 2021, so it's not
really a "solution" as it will likely mean we have to think of late
2021 or 2022.
c) plan some kind of online conference? To be honest, I think this
model works fine for events where a single speaker wants to give
lectures to hundreds or thousands of participants. But OsmoDevCon
is much more interactive. We could record or live-stream some talks
or screencasts from home, sure. But that only captures one part of
the event. We could also try to set a date for a collaborative
mumble, or the like - for the "hallway track".
What are your thoughts? Let's avoid cross-posting the discussion to all
of the mailing lists and simply have it on openbsc(a)
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)>
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
attached is a patch to fl2k_file that introduces the -3 command line
option. If this option is in use, fl2k_file will treat the input file
as a sequence of frames of 3 samples for each of the red, green, and
blue output channels.
This implementation is not exactly optimal in CPU use, since the patch
de-interleaves the input first, and the underlying library then
proceeds to re-interleave it (in the weird hardware-specific order).
This is because I didn't feel comfortable trying to redesign the
fl2k_data_info_t structure to support interleaved data without
guidance from the architect. But with a more flexible structure, these
stages could be combined, improving the throughput.
Riley Faelan