Attached are 2 patches:
1 - Try to detach kernel driver from device, when kernel driver present.
2 - add rtl_tcp binary to gitignore.
Michal Demin
Hi everyone,
can someone explain to me, what the origin of the ghost signal close
to center frequency is?
It can be seen at [1] and [2] - both are EzTV668 with no antenna connected.
It seems to me, that the higher the frequency, the more one can see
the "burst-like" nature
of this signal. Is this some mixer artefact from the E4k tuner?
The best workaround is probably tuning a bit off the actual target
frequency and using frequency xlate?
Also, in [3] (german) the blind spot at 0Hz due to the coupling
capacitors between E4k & RTL is mentioned.
Is it possible to replace the capacitors with 0-Ohm resistors to work
around this issue, or will this cause
other unwanted side-effects?
Or does this make no sense at all since one should always tune a bit
off and use xlate due to the ghost signal?
I guess it should also be possible (w/ some hot glue & wires) to
insert some jumpers (like OsmoSDR)
instead, so one can use the ADCs directly for LF/MF with some extra
analog stuff?
Regarding the OsmoSDR source - I also gave the RTL-source from gr-baz
a try and noticed,
that with averaging enabled in the spectrum view in GR, the top-block
GUI usually won't react to user input
any longer when using OsmoSDR, but this doesn't happen with the gr-baz
RTL source, although I used
the same sample rate in both cases. Does anyone understand why it
doesn't hang with the gr-baz source?
Thanks for your answers!
[1] http://hackdaworld.org/~hunz/rtl-sdr/wo_ant_2m_osmo.png
[2] http://hackdaworld.org/~hunz/rtl-sdr/wo_ant_70cm_osmo.png
[3] http://www.mikrocontroller.net/topic/253371#2610540
Benedikt Heinz
Hash: SHA1
Hi everybody,
just as a short heads up: The new boards have arrived and the first
batch of 20 is assembled. Since we did changes to the layout we will
verify them before we do the other 80. This should take no more than a
few days. Stay tuned!
BTW: The new pre-amp/lnb really does add 18dB :)
Best regards,
- --
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Dear Osmocon-SDR People,
Thank you so much for providing the information on the RTL-SDR USB sticks on your webpage!
I've used the stick to get a DRM+ receiver implementation running and the stick seems to work quite well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeGs7CQlvRg
I've had to twiddle around with the tuner parameters of the FC0013 to get it running stable. However, I've never reached more than 25 dB SNR for the in-band OFDM signal (which has a bw of 100 kHz and I'm resampling from 1 MS/s to 120 kS/s). I wonder if the tuner is the limiting factor or the RTL chip. With a resolution of 8 bit, I would have expected more. Hmm, maybe it's the phase noise of the tuner or the IQ correction routines of the RTL chip? Has anybody of you guys a meaningful measure for the quality of the different tuners for the RTL stick? I know that the E4000 supports a higher bandwidth but does it provide a better IQ signal with less distortion?
Hi All
The Compro Videomate U620F has the magic RTL2832+E4000 combination.
rtl-sdr recognises it with the patch:
Hi all,
together with Oliver DL6KBG (that really provides me with all the hardware needed, thanks !), we
are attempting to write a server suitable for use with ghpsdr3-alex SDR software.
A first attempt using the a home built code was quite successfully, albeit some defect is yet there.
Now we are trying to use the librtlsdr: first off, many thanks to developers.
We are stucked into rtlsdr_wait_async that is using a fixed quite large buffer, as per
#define BUF_LENGTH (16 * 16384)
now that is quite inconvenient in ghpsdr3-alex, because, at low sample rate (250000) we use, we are
unable to cope with the large delay that this large buffer introduces.
So, just as crude workaround, we simply patched the value into the lib.
What would be ideal is an additional parameter in rtlsdr_wait_async that allow us to reduce the
buffer to a more suitable size for our needs.
Thanks in advance
Andrea Montefusco iw0hdv http://www.montefusco.com
tel: +393356992791 fax: +390623318709
Does anybody have some hints, experiences on the performance difference (filtering, sensitivity, IQ imbalance, DC offset,..) between fc0012, fc0013 and e4000 tuners ?
I could not get my hands on an e4000 yet but just fc0012 and fc0013. On FM band I see quite a number of mirror images from strong signals.
> I'd like to know what was the reasoning behind that statement ?
> To me it shows a deep lack of understanding on how that script works ...
the reason for this statement was, that i read somewhere,
that the example-file was recorded with 1,8 MS/s and decimation of 174.
yes, you are right, i don't know how that script works,
i read the sources and understood maybe 5% of it, because
this is all really new for me, as i am not a professional
and my last programm i wrote, was for the 6510 about 20 years ago....
now i did some more readings and found, that to have needed bandwith
of 200 khz with 1,8 MS/s is a decimation rate of 9 ?
decimation=MS/bw ?
guess i have to read a lot more, thanks for your info!
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Thanks to Steve for finding the bug in my GPIO code. This patch
should have the FC0012 using it's VHF/UHF filters correctly.
The difference in the UHF band is pretty stunning: http://imgur.com/a/gEutK
David Basden (1):
Correctly switch UHF and VHF filters for FC0012
include/tuner_fc0012.h | 3 +++
src/rtl-sdr.c | 8 +++++++-
2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)