Howdy guys.
I see some work around getting gr-osmosdr working nicely with GR 3.8, but
have there been any discussions around GR 3.9 (really current 'master')?
I recently decided to pick GNU Radio back up and hook up my rtl dongle. In
particular, I wanted to dust off my C++ chops that I haven't been able to
exercise in my current $DAYJOB. Naturally then I started with GNU Radio
master! It looks like one major change is that they have replaced swig with
pybind, which means that the current gr-osmosdr can't even begin to work.
So has there been any discussion about the porting effort necessary to move
it over?
I'm interested in starting to poke at getting it working under current GR
3.9/master, but had a few questions before I started:
1) Has anyone else started on the changes that I could coordinate with?
2) Is there generally any attempt at tracking gr master, or do you
typically only target release branches?
3) Am I putting the cart before the horse and really need to focus any of
my willingness to help on getting the GR 3.8 solid (if it isn't already)?
Thanks for time,
The LUT changes in 2e7d343fed inadvertently started interpreting
samples as unsigned. This change puts it back to signed (and fixes an
outdated comment).