Hi guys,
I think some of us would like to move to redmine and start using public tickets more frequently. So in case we move there are some topics to be discussed and I would like to start with a couple of them right now.
Redmine has a global linear sequence of ticket numbers. If we move from many tracs to a single redmine we can either:
* not import tickets
* only import from one project
* deal with changing ticket numbers
In terms of installations the GMR trac is broken in regard to tickets, there are some for SDR that are probably not being fixed anytime soon, baseband might be relevant and OpenBSC is unlikely to be relevant. I don't think we have ever used ticket reference in OpenBSC commit messages so in terms of OpenBSC having changing ticket numbers would not be a big deal. E.g. we could add a custom field with the old trac number?
We have external references that should be redirected to the new place. Is there any way besides maintaining a list in the apache2/nginx configuration and making redirects as we find broken references? Can we proactively manage this? Is anybody willing to come up with a script and nginx configuration for doing this?
kind regards
I have installed all the thing and I get the main API:
How to configure in order to see LoRa trafic?
(if I click on aquisition, I get an error message "no sample source
Maybe a quickstart help exists?
I know there is a precompiled binary but it is 2 years out of date. Anyone
have any luck compiling it for 32 bit windows? (I need some functionality
that was just recently added in)
As already on github, I fixed rtl_fm's arbitrary resampling by fixing the
output buffer length and allowing upsampling by copying the audio data since
the algorithm cannot work in-place.
I have attached a patch, if you are interested to integrate it into the
official branch.
Ferdinand Meyer-Hermann
If would be nice to have a newer official release available; installation
using the package manager on many Linux distros gets a two year old
librtlsdr that's missing the rtlsdr_set_tuner_bandwidth function (added
about nine months ago), as well as, other nice updates and fixes.