I try to install rtl-sdr and gnuradio on my computer, on Linux mint 18.1
cinnamon 3.2.7 64 bits.
the installation is going well but when I try to execute rtl_test :
Found 1 device(s):
0: Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 00000001
Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM
No supported tuner found
Enabled direct sampling mode, input 1
Supported gain values (1): 0.0
Sampling at 2048000 S/s.
I try intallling with a script and with pybombs, i have the same issue.
My dongle have RTL2832 chip and FC0012 tuner
it works on windows, and it works when i use "linux live gnuradio dvd".
And it works if I start on "linux live gnuradio dvd" and reboot after on
linux mint.
Thank you for your help
Best Regards
Hi - there appears to be problem with rtl-sdr with bias T and the
RTL2832U OEM Rafael Micro R820T tuner.
I get PLL errors when I try to calibrate it using kal - or when I use
Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
Exact sample rate is: 270833.002142 Hz
[R82XX] PLL not locked!
Setting gain: 33.8 dB
And I get the same error PLL when I run rtl_test.
If I back out of the latest git version to v0.5.3 it works correctly - I
can calibrate the dongle using kal and run rtl_test without any PLL errors.
This is a known problem?
-- Cinaed
When I updated to MacOS Sierra osmosdr::device::find stopped finding my NetSDR. This short program shows the problem -
fprintf(stderr,"I am here\n");
osmosdr::devices_t devs = osmosdr::device::find();
for(int k=0;k<devs.size();++k){
std::cerr << " k " << k << " "<< devs[k].to_string() << std::endl;
fprintf(stderr,"I am done 2\n");
src = osmosdr::source::make("rfspace=");
fprintf(stderr,"I am done 3\n");
I am here
sdrplay=0,label='SDRplay RSP2 1707039B20'
k 0 label='Realtek RTL2838UHIDIR SN: 00000001',rtl=0
k 1 label='SDRplay RSP2 1707039B20',sdrplay=0
k 2 hackrf,label='HackRF HackRF One'
k 3 label='RFSPACE SDR-IQ Receiver',sdr-iq=/dev/ttyUSB0
k 4 label='RFSPACE SDR-IP Receiver',sdr-ip=
k 5 label='RFSPACE NetSDR Receiver',netsdr=
k 6 cloudiq=,label='RFSPACE Cloud-IQ Receiver'
k 7 driver=sdrplay,label='SDRplay Dev0 RSP2 1707039B20',soapy=0
k 8 label='RTL-SDR Spectrum Server',rtl_tcp=localhost:1234
k 9 label='Red Pitaya Transceiver Server',redpitaya=
k 10 file=/path/to/your/file,freq=100e6,label='Complex Sampled (IQ) File',rate=1e6,repeat=true,throttle=true
I am done 2
gr-osmosdr v0.1.4-136-g49fb5538 (0.1.5git) gnuradio 3.7.11
built-in source types: file fcd rtl rtl_tcp sdrplay hackrf bladerf rfspace airspy soapy redpitaya
Using RFSPACE NetSDR SN NS000448 option --DRS BOOT 107 FW 112 HW 100 FPGA 1/7
I am done 3
The device::find routine locates the three other SDRs that I have plugged in, but not the netSDR. The source::make routine however finds it without problem. Looking at the search routines, they are similar to the old ones in CuteSDR. Early last year the CuteSDR routines were revised and now work correctly to find the RFspace NetSDR on Sierra and High Sierra.
When I updated to MacOS Sierra osmosdr::device::find stopped finding my NetSDR. This short program shows the problem -
fprintf(stderr,"I am here\n");
osmosdr::devices_t devs = osmosdr::device::find();
for(int k=0;k<devs.size();++k){
std::cerr << " k " << k << " "<< devs[k].to_string() << std::endl;
fprintf(stderr,"I am done 2\n");
src = osmosdr::source::make("rfspace=");
fprintf(stderr,"I am done 3\n");
I am here
sdrplay=0,label='SDRplay RSP2 1707039B20'
k 0 label='Realtek RTL2838UHIDIR SN: 00000001',rtl=0
k 1 label='SDRplay RSP2 1707039B20',sdrplay=0
k 2 hackrf,label='HackRF HackRF One'
k 3 label='RFSPACE SDR-IQ Receiver',sdr-iq=/dev/ttyUSB0
k 4 label='RFSPACE SDR-IP Receiver',sdr-ip=
k 5 label='RFSPACE NetSDR Receiver',netsdr=
k 6 cloudiq=,label='RFSPACE Cloud-IQ Receiver'
k 7 driver=sdrplay,label='SDRplay Dev0 RSP2 1707039B20',soapy=0
k 8 label='RTL-SDR Spectrum Server',rtl_tcp=localhost:1234
k 9 label='Red Pitaya Transceiver Server',redpitaya=
k 10 file=/path/to/your/file,freq=100e6,label='Complex Sampled (IQ) File',rate=1e6,repeat=true,throttle=true
I am done 2
gr-osmosdr v0.1.4-136-g49fb5538 (0.1.5git) gnuradio 3.7.11
built-in source types: file fcd rtl rtl_tcp sdrplay hackrf bladerf rfspace airspy soapy redpitaya
Using RFSPACE NetSDR SN NS000448 option --DRS BOOT 107 FW 112 HW 100 FPGA 1/7
I am done 3
The device::find routine locates the three other SDRs that I have plugged in, but not the netSDR. The source::make routine however finds it without problem. Looking at the search routines, they are similar to the old ones in CuteSDR. Early last year the CuteSDR routines were revised and now work correctly to find the RFspace NetSDR on Sierra and High Sierra.
This patch fixes a regression of rtl-sdr dongles with the FC00012 tuner.
The code to switch on the FC00012 tuner by pulling it's ~RESET line
low ended up with an off-by-one error in a refactor a long time ago,
The FC00012 only continued to work by accident as a different bug in
rtlsdr_set_gpio_output had a side-effect of pulling low the FC00012's
~RESET line
When the rtl_set_gpio_output bug was fixed in ba64a7459a43 the side-
effect also went away, leaving the FC00012 tuner in reset, and failing
to be detected (or indeed work at all).
This patch fixes the original off-by-one error. It's been tested
on an FC00012 in a GTek T803 from both warm and cold starts, but needs
testing on the FC2580 as both the FC00012 and FC2580 are brought out of
reset by a GPIO off the RTL (at least in some designs). If the FC2580
actually uses a different pin, this code will also break. (I'm only going
from vague memory that the FC2580 used the same pin.)
src/librtlsdr.c | 8 ++++----
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/librtlsdr.c b/src/librtlsdr.c
index b369a5d..678fadd 100644
--- a/src/librtlsdr.c
+++ b/src/librtlsdr.c
@@ -1565,11 +1565,11 @@ int rtlsdr_open(rtlsdr_dev_t **out_dev, uint32_t
/* initialise GPIOs */
- rtlsdr_set_gpio_output(dev, 5);
+ rtlsdr_set_gpio_output(dev, 4);
/* reset tuner before probing */
- rtlsdr_set_gpio_bit(dev, 5, 1);
- rtlsdr_set_gpio_bit(dev, 5, 0);
+ rtlsdr_set_gpio_bit(dev, 4, 1);
+ rtlsdr_set_gpio_bit(dev, 4, 0);
reg = rtlsdr_i2c_read_reg(dev, FC2580_I2C_ADDR, FC2580_CHECK_ADDR);
if ((reg & 0x7f) == FC2580_CHECK_VAL) {
@@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@ int rtlsdr_open(rtlsdr_dev_t **out_dev, uint32_t
reg = rtlsdr_i2c_read_reg(dev, FC0012_I2C_ADDR, FC0012_CHECK_ADDR);
if (reg == FC0012_CHECK_VAL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Found Fitipower FC0012 tuner\n");
- rtlsdr_set_gpio_output(dev, 6);
+ rtlsdr_set_gpio_output(dev, 5);
dev->tuner_type = RTLSDR_TUNER_FC0012;
goto found;
I recently found my dongle with the FC0012 again after having lost it for a
couple of years, and noticed the tuner wasn't detecting on recent builds
(by recent, it looks like at least a year and a half ago. :) )
There were a few other posts around that I saw with the same issue so I dug
into the problem a bit. It looks it was a behavioural regression in commit
which was a actually bugfix in the GPIO direction setting code (see below
for the commit comment). The bugfix patch references
http://lea.hamradio.si/~s57uuu/mischam/rtlsdr/ports.html which
The reason this regressed the FC0012 tuner support is that in tuner
detection code, before the probe for the FC00012 there are a few lines:
/* initialise GPIOs */
rtlsdr_set_gpio_output(dev, 5);
/* reset tuner before probing */
rtlsdr_set_gpio_bit(dev, 5, 1);
rtlsdr_set_gpio_bit(dev, 5, 0);
Looking at one of the early (ugly) patches I wrote trying to get the FC0012
working, This is the original code before cleaned up:
https://gist.github.com/dbasden/2171926#file-rtlsdr-fc0012-diff-L123 :
+ if (tuner_type == TUNER_FC0012) {
+ dump_rtl_regs();
+ DEBUGF("reset fs0012 tuner... ");
+ /* the fs0012 has it's RESET line hooked up to GPIO5
+ *
+ * If we don't set GPIO5 to an output and leave it floating,
+ * the tuner never comes up (just stays in RESET state)
+ *
+ * GPIO6 controls the V/U band filter, so we should set that
+ * to an output too
+ */
+ r = rtl_read_reg(SYSB, GPD, 1);
+ r &= (~(0x30)); rtl_write_reg(SYSB, GPO, r, 1);
+ r = rtl_read_reg(SYSB, GPOE, 1);
+ r |= 0x30; rtl_write_reg(SYSB, GPOE, r, 1);
+ /* Do reset */
+ rtl_set_gpio_bit(5,1);
+ rtl_set_gpio_bit(5,0);
+ dump_rtl_regs();
+ }
This code was eventually abstracted out to The bug in the code above
described in http://lea.hamradio.si/~s57uuu/mischam/rtlsdr/ports.html,
linked to in the commit log of the ba64a7459a43652354990855176a7d8dad5b9d54
fixing the same bug.
The code was cleaned up eventually abstracted into rtl_sdr_set_output(),
which had the same typo as my original code: I wrote back the GPD register
to GPO. This accidentally worked enough to fix the specific case I was
wanting (to stop the RESET line of the FC0012 floating), but didn't
actually write to the GPIO direction register.
Looking at some of the forum posts, and checking myself, if the older code
runs once, the tuner will be just fine until the dongle loses power. Then
as GPIO5 is not set up into a state for the FC0012 to be happy, it will not
come up again. This seems to have made the problem harder to debug (I
don't know if I would have not known where to look if I had not already hit
the problem when originally porting the driver)
Digging through some more just now (I really don't have a great dev
environment right now, and nothing to probe the hardware itself easily
available), I checked the state of GPD, GPO and GPOE before the tuner
probing, at it looks like the only real side effect from the code above
being buggy would be to set bit 1<<4 low. calling rtl_set_gpio_bit(4,0)
brought up the FC0012 tuner. Re-reading the old and new code, it looks like
it's an off-by-one error in GPIO numbering:
* The original code set GPOE on 0x30, which is (1<<4) | (1<<5).
* These are referred to in the code above as "GPIO5" as the FC0012 RESET
line and
"GPIO6" as the V/U band filter control.
* rtlsdr_set_gpio_output(5) and rtl_set_gpio_bit(5,0) are switching the
V/U band filter, not the RESET line for the FC0012
Sorry, I don't have access to the datasheet for the RTL, so I'm not sure if
bit 0 is GPIO0 or GPIO1. In any case, it looks like the solution is to
just fix the off-by-one error in the FC0012 probe code. I'll post a patch.
(commit for bugfix where fc0012 tuner regressed.)
commit ba64a7459a43652354990855176a7d8dad5b9d54
Author: Lucas Teske <lucas(a)teske.net.br>
Date: Wed Aug 17 20:31:33 2016 -0300
lib: fix direction bit in GPIO code
source: http://lea.hamradio.si/~s57uuu/mischam/rtlsdr/ports.html
* Removed unnecessary comment of old code.
Signed-off-by: Fabian P. Schmidt <kerel-fs(a)gmx.de>
Signed-off-by: Steve Markgraf <steve(a)steve-m.de>
:040000 040000 12c5ea73db04c45699d7befa2c5916ae074a1999
2d08166fe31338f5ff90186272b40bc6ed3254fa M src
(HEAD) davidb@grey:~/Personal/sdr/rtl-sdr$
I think my messages are getting filtered, but on the chance that someone is
reading these as unmoderated, the fix for the FC0012 is to set GPIO 4 to 0.
It could be that GPIO4 is the RST, or that it is something else entirely.
Looking through the code, and the state of the registers on startup, one
of the surprisingly few side effects of writing GPD to GPO would be to set
GPIO4 to 0. Multiple bugs working together made the whole thing work.