== OsmoCon 2018 ==
OsmoCon (Osmocom Conference) 2018 is the technical conference for
Osmocom users, operators and developers!
We are happy to announce the date of OsmoCon 2018. It has been scheduled
on October 18 + 19, 2018 and will happen in Berlin, Germany.
For the second time, the Osmocom Conference brings together users,
operators and developers of the Osmocom Open Source cellular
infrastructure projects, such as OsmoBTS, OsmoBSC, OsmoSGSN, OpenGGSN
and others.
Join us for two days of presentations and discussions with the main
developers behind Open Source Mobile Communications, as well as
commercial and non-profit users of the Osmocom cellular infrastructure
You can find some initial information in our wiki at
which will be updated as more information becomes available.
== Call for Participation ==
We're also at the same time announcing the Call for Participation and
call on everyone with experiences to share around the Osmocom member
projects to submit talks, workshops, discussions or other proposals.
You can find the CfP at https://pretalx.sysmocom.de/osmocon2018/cfp
We are particularly looking for contributions about:
* updates on features/functionality/status of individual Osmocom projects
* success stories on how Osmocom projects are deployed in practice
* migration from OsmoNITB to the post-NITB architecture
* tutorials / workshops on how to setup / analyze Osmocom projects
* statistics, reporting, operations aspects of Osmocom projects
* third-party open source utilities to be used with Osmocom projects
Looking forward to meeting many existing and new Osmocom users at OsmCon
this October!
Harald Welte
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
I've compiled osmo-fl2k with libusb-1.0.22-1 and this happens when I
tried to start fl2k_test:
feanor@silmaril ~> fl2k_test -s 162e6
Using 6 zero-copy buffers
libusb: error [op_dev_mem_alloc] alloc dev mem failed errno 12
Failed to allocate zero-copy buffer for transfer 4
Reporting PPM error measurement every 10 seconds...
Press ^C after a few minutes.
real sample rate: 15372775 current PPM: -905106 cumulative PPM: -905106
then when I try to connect red and ground output to oscilloscope,
there is no output at all, even if I use fl2k_fm
Hi everyone,
There has been a considerable discussion in the past couple of days about a
device called the Tzumi MagicTV. This is an Atheros-chipset OpenWRT device
connected to an RTL2832P, which seems to be used as a bridge/DAC for a
MaxLinear MxL608 tuner and a Panasonic ATSC demodulator.
The device is sold at Wal-Mart stores for $13, and is intended to allow the
user to view OTA broadcasts using a WiFi connection to the device, which
functions as an access point by default. There also seems to be an Eardatek
Tevemo device which is similar.
>From tear-down inspection as well as poking around the file system, some
uses have concluded that the device could be used as a software defined
radio with some software modifications (for example replacing the default
ATSC server software with rtl_tcp). However, librtlsdr does not currently
support the MxL608 tuner, and right now rtl_tcp (when placed on the openWRT
device) defaults to direct sampling mode.
There is a general sense in these discussion groups that MaxLinear's source
code could be ported to work with librtlsdr, but someone would have to make
that happen.
I am sending this message to the group, to reach out with a humble
request/suggest/beg that someone(s) please help us out by doing the
1. Sanity-check the claims being made; if what is being discussed is not
workable, it would be of benefit for us to be told so.
2. Start work on forking librtlsdr and porting the MxL608 driver over (if
3. Coordinate with the broader community to beta-test and refine // help
spread the knowledge so that the community can maintain/improve the fork
and perhaps submit a pull-request in the future.
Please let me know if I can help you help us by procuring/shipping a couple
of hardware units for development purposes.
I understand that asking people to do volunteer work can be
presumptuous/annoying. All I can say in my defense is that there are
already at least a few dozen people who would be really happy and
appreciative if this came to fruition, and "one does not get what one does
not ask for."
Moreover, adding MxL608 support to librtlsdr might help broaden the hobby
to include a whole bunch of other devices; MaxLinear tuners seem to be used
a lot with set-top gear.
Thank you very much,
James "Gwen" Dallas, AD5NL
Reddit user: texasyojimbo
Phone: 1-713-254-4175
P.S. here are the existing discussion threads for reference:
1. RTL-SDR.com blog:
2. Reddit RTLSDR group:
P.P.S here is a link to the existing MxL608 driver source code:
and data sheet: https://datasheet.lcsc.com/szlcsc/MXL608-AG-T_C141783.pdf
I am packaging some of your software for Arch Linux. For that, I need
to fetch the source tree I want to build. The problem is that there's
no need to fetch the whole git repository to build a specific tag. As a
solution, I propose that compressed files from every tag would be
available, like GitHub releases.
Please let me know if this is something you would consider doing.
Filipe Laíns (FFY00)
3DCE 51D6 0930 EBA4 7858 BA41 46F6 33CB B0EB 4BF2
Sent via Migadu.com, world's easiest email hosting
I am having this problem with all of my dongles (from multiple sources) and was wondering if it could be some sort of problem with it not getting closed properly,
In all cases the chip that gets hot is the actual SDR not the tuner. But I don’t understand why it is heating up when the dongle is not in use and is just plugged in.
Or is this just some weird problem with the dongles.
would like to know, what is the average time that an RTL-SDR (R820T2) can
run nonstop without affecting its internals
The use case, is to sniff GSM packets
noting that sniffing will take several intervals during the day, and the
experiment should only run for 1 day , thus what could be the appropriate
Is there any reason for this to be turned on during normal operation of the
Turning it off seems to reduce current usage by 10 to 20 mA. To turn it off
set reg 0x05 bit 7 to 1. Seems to turned be on by default. Haven't seen any
effects from turning it off.