>Yeah, the nVidia driver is annoying ... it used to work and they broke
>it a few years ago and they don't care enough to fix it.
>And since I got a new laptop a few years back, I don't have a nvidia
>card to debug or work around it.
I compared fosphor to the nVidia OpenCL Simple OpenGL Interop example [1]
and noticed that fosphor calls glMapBuffer/glUnmapBuffer to clear the
spectrum vbo between the calls to glBufferData and clCreateFromGLBuffer.
If I eliminate the map/memset/unmap here by removing the call to
gl_vbo_clear in gl_deferred_init [2], then clCreateFromGLBuffer returns
CL_SUCCESS and fosphor appears to work with CL/GL sharing. It is not clear
to me if clearing the vbo_spectrum is necessary here, since
cl_queue_clear_buffers later initializes the mem_spectrum buffer to the
noise floor.
I'm using an nvidia GTX 1650 with version 430.50 of the nvidia drivers
under Linux Mint 18. A friend of mine tested the GTX 1060 and also had
success with this workaround.
Dear friends and fans of software-defined radio,
the SDR track at next year's FOSDEM still has some slots left! We already
some submissions and we are in the process of ranking those, but we will
add YOUR presentation to the list!
If you have anything related to the field of free software radio, please
head to:
and submit your short abstract! We're looking very much forward to your
For the committee,
Nicolas Cuervo
On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 8:19 PM Nicolas Cuervo Benavides <
cuervonicolas(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear friends and fans of software-defined radio and free/open-source radio
> topics in general,
> FOSDEM 2020 (the free and open-source developer's meeting in Brussels,
> Europe) will, once again, feature a track on Software Defined Radio, and
> any other radio-related topics in the (now known as) *Free Software Radio* devroom.
> Therefore, we invite developers and users from the free software radio
> community to join us for this track and present your talks or demos.
> Software Radio has become an important tool to allow anyone to access the
> EM spectrum. Using free software radio libraries and applications and cheap
> hardware, anyone can now start hacking on wireless communications, remote
> sensing, radar, fun hacks of all sorts, or other applications. At FOSDEM,
> we hope to network all these projects and improve collaboration, bring new
> ideas forward and get more people involved.
> The track's web site resides at the link below. The final schedule will be
> available through Pentabarf and the official FOSDEM website.
> https://fosdem.org/2020/schedule/track/free_software_radio/
> Additional Information will be also available at:
> https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/FOSDEM_2020
> ** Submit your presentations
> To suggest a talk, go to https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM20 and
> follow the instructions (you need an account, but can use your account from
> last year if you have one). You need to create an 'Event'; make sure it's
> in the Free Software Radio track! Lengths aren't fixed, but give a
> realistic estimate and please don't exceed 30 minutes unless you have
> something special planned (in that case, contact one of us). Also, don't
> forget to include time for Q&A.
> We will typically go for 30-minute slots -- shorter talks, unless they're
> really short, usually tend to screw up the schedule too much.
> You aren't limited to slide presentations, of course. Be creative.
> However, FOSDEM is an open-source conference, therefore we ask you to stay
> clear of marketing presentations and present something relevant to
> free/open software. We like nitty-gritty technical stuff.
> Topics discussed in this devroom include:
> * SDR Frameworks + Tools
> * Cellular/telecoms software
> * Free/Open SDR hardware
> * Wireless security
> * Random fun wireless hacks
> * SDR in education
> * Satellite/spacecraft communication
> * Ham radio related topics
> ** Important Dates
> FOSDEM is February 1st and 2nd, 2020. The Free Software Radio devroom is
> happening on Sunday, the 2nd of February.
> The submission deadline is Friday, December 6th. A complete schedule for
> the presentations in the devroom will be available on the 15th of December.
> In the last years we were always full to the brim with presentations, so
> if you want to present, please make sure to submit your abstracts soon!
> ** Steering Committee
> The track committee consists of:
> * Phil Balister - "Crofton"
> * Sylvain Munaut -"tnt"
> * Derek Kozel - "dkozel"
> * Nicolas Cuervo - "primercuervo"
> * Martin Braun - "mbr0wn" (Emeritus)
> Hope to hear from you soon! And please forward this announcement.
Im an engineering student and would love to see gr-osmosdr working again.
Is there anyone working on gr-osmosdr at present?
I'm thinking that it will be a great feature to work on, and i can try to help to maintiain the feature if you solve my doubts and my newbie errors. I don't think that this is a newbie to gnu dev task but i really would love to see gr-osmocom working again.
Im an engineering student and would love to see gr-osmosdr working again.
Is there anyone working on gr-osmosdr at present?
I'm thinking that it will be a great feature to work on, and i can try to help to maintiain the feature if you solve my doubts and my newbie errors. I don't think that this is a newbie to gnu dev task but i really would love to see gr-osmocom working again.
I just got an email from someone at RedHat; they seem to think that I am one of the gr-iqbal maintainers since I have the most recent commit ;).
Apparently they have their own patch for Python 3 and Gnuradio 3.8, but wanted to know if upstream would be supporting the migration. Since I am not really upstream, I thought I'd forward the patch along.
Brian M. Waters
Clang doesn't automatically define the "complex" keyword like old versions of GCC apparently used to. Appending this little check enabled compiling gr-iqbal w/ Clang, which is now the default compiler on OpenBSD and I think FreeBSD too.
diff --git a/lib/optimize_c.cc b/lib/optimize_c.cc
index 2cad998..6c8b706 100644
--- a/lib/optimize_c.cc
+++ b/lib/optimize_c.cc
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
-#if GCC_VERSION >= 40800
+#if GCC_VERSION >= 40800 || defined(__clang__)
# define complex _Complex
Brian M. Waters
Gets rid of librt, which doesn't exist on OpenBSD. The version of librtlsdr in the OpenBSD ports tree is extremely old (~2013), so this should help some users.
Tested against tag 0.6.0, but it should apply just fine to HEAD.
Brian Waters
Brian M. Waters
Based on some cursory googling, it's _not_ needed for FreeBSD, but I haven't tested. I'm not sure about the others.
A check for librt.so would be good; something like autoconf's AC_SEARCH_LIBS that actually searches libs for clock_get time() would be best. I don't know what CMake has to offer in that regard.
BWOn Nov 9, 2019 11:56 AM, Adrian Chadd <adrian(a)freebsd.org> wrote:
> is this applicable to the other BSDs too?
> Ideally the rule would be "only link in rt if it's present", right?
> -adrian
> On Sat, 9 Nov 2019 at 03:08, Brian Waters <brian(a)brianmwaters.net> wrote:
> >
> > Looks like I mistakenly included the patch as an attachment, so it may not have gone through. Here it is:
> >
> > diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
> > index 07d64ab..015fd48 100644
> > --- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
> > +++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
> > @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ if(UNIX)
> > target_link_libraries(rtl_fm m)
> > target_link_libraries(rtl_adsb m)
> > target_link_libraries(rtl_power m)
> > -if(APPLE)
> > target_link_libraries(rtl_test m)
> > else()
> > target_link_libraries(rtl_test m rt)
> >
> > Thanks,
> > BW
> >
> > --
> > Brian M. Waters
> > brian(a)brianmwaters.net
> >
> > On Tue, Nov 5, 2019, at 5:05 PM, Brian Waters wrote:
> > > Gets rid of librt, which doesn't exist on OpenBSD. The version of
> > > librtlsdr in the OpenBSD ports tree is extremely old (~2013), so this
> > > should help some users.
> > >
> > > Tested against tag 0.6.0, but it should apply just fine to HEAD.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Brian Waters
> > >
> > > --
> > > Brian M. Waters
> > > brian(a)brianmwaters.net
> > > Attachments:
> > > * openbsd.patch