I've just noticed one issue about E4000 driver that bothers me - IF
bandwidth at the chip is set to 8 MHz, where maximum bandwidth of
RTL2832U sampling is 3.2 MHz.
Wouldn't reducing IF bandwidth at tuner chip improve overall
sensitivity (and maybe noise level)?
best regards
Michal Rogala
Hi folks,
'rtl-sdr' is a great development. Thank you to all involved!
I'd like to throw in my bit: I've just released a beta version of my ExtIO
plugin <http://wiki.spench.net/wiki/ExtIO_USRP> with support for
RTL2832+E4000 (my one is called 'ezcap'). This means you can use the DVB-T
USB stick with Winrad <http://www.winrad.org/> /HDSDR <http://www.hdsdr.de/>
/WRplus, etc.
I've done a fair bit of work <http://wiki.spench.net/wiki/RF> in GNU Radio,
but I find having a simple/functional 'software specan' (i.e. those apps) is
another great test tool. The ExtIO plugin also lets you stream the received
baseband data from the app to GNU Radio over your LAN (just use the UDP
Source block!).
Apart from RTL2832, the plugin also supports all USRPs, the FUNcube Dongle,
and functions as a network client if you choose to connect your SDR hardware
to a separate computer and wish to stream the data & control the radio
across your LAN (lossless, compared to having to use a long length of
coax!). This protocol/implementation is called BorIP
<http://wiki.spench.net/wiki/BorIP> , and is essentially a transparent
network abstraction for the SDR receivers mentioned above (not really
necessary if you have a LAN-enabled USRP, but great for USRP 1 & B100). The
BorIP server is included with the plugin's installer.
Additionally, I recently released many new blocks (in the gr-baz
<http://wiki.spench.net/wiki/Gr-baz> module) and patches
<http://wiki.spench.net/wiki/GNU_Radio_Patches> for GNU Radio too, part of
which enables native BorIP reception support in GNU Radio (BorIP Source
block, and BorIP protocol/packet support for UDP Source Block). The enhanced
Source blocks are handy because they will notify you of hardware/buffer
overruns at the server and network packet loss. Other new blocks help with
automatic FEC decoding, and also include Variable Delay (great for blind
signal analysis), a simple eye diagram sink (originally from OP25
<http://op25.osmocom.org/> ) and a Fast Auto-correlation Sink
<http://wiki.spench.net/wiki/Fast_Auto-correlation> (originally from
I'm probably going to add my own implementation of a native RTL2832 Source
block to gr-baz tonight, so I may post again soon.
Hope this is useful!
Kind regards,
Balint @spenchdotnet <http://twitter.com/spenchdotnet>
Dear Osmocom-SDR community,
This email to inform you that the call for participation for the next Libre Software Meeting (LSM or RMLL: Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre) ends on 31st March: http://2012.rmll.info/en/participate/call-for-papers
This edition will take place in Geneva from 7th to 12th July 2012 (7-8 general public days, 9-12 theme focused, professional).
Personally, I'm co-coordinator of the media/TV/Radio/Graphics theme where we will have different projects for media and broadcasters presenting cases. There will be for example a presentation and demonstration of a high power transmission digital radio transmission based on CRC tools, USRP on a power amplifier/mask filter.
It would be of great interest for the communities to learn about the Osmocom SDR and RTL SDR (in a presentation) and possibly play with them (in a workshop). Applications would be interesting too.
So please don't hesitate to directly submit.
Don't hesitate also to contact me for more information.
Mathias Coinchon
I'm just wondering what the best way to be able to contribute code
into the rtl-sdr project is?
I've added support for the FC0012 tuner (based on the dvb driver and
cleaned up some), and would much rather contribute directly rather
than fork it just for the sake of the stuff I write.
There's a diff here: https://gist.github.com/2171926 against rtl-sdr
a few days back. I've got a couple of fixes that aren't in that patch
still to upload (like setting GPIO6 to flip the V/U band filter. Oops.)
I just stumbled over the rtl-sdr without any prior knowledge about srd
or the osmocom-project. I'm sorry if this hole project is just not for
newbies but I wanted to at least ask for help.
I planing to use the Noxon DVB USB Stick as an sdr to listen to our baby
monitor and extend it's radius this way.
My first step is to listen to a fm radio station by collecting some I/Q
on the stations frequency. But neither the I/Q nor the cfile I created
using the gnu-radio companion results in data I can listen to sending it
to /dev/audio. I assume, I'm making some major mistakes so I want to ask
for some hints or reading advice (some M to RTFM ;-)
Thank you,
Hoffmann P
A have a question regarding current development status of RTL-SDR
project - does someone develop any additional tools than those
available on osmocom git?
Actually I'm developing ExtIO DLL library to connect various SDR
software (ie. Winrad, HDSDR, etc) with RTL-SDR dongles.
I'm asking because I don't want to duplicate someone's else work.
best regards
Michal Rogala
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Hi everybody,
after a few weeks of apparent silence I'm here to report the current
status of the OsmoSDR stick. I know that a bit more reporting and
general traffic on the list would be good for the project, but please
be patient with us since this project runs in all our spare time - and
there is not much of that...
I have to admit that the advent of the rtl-sdr is bit a kick into the
stomach, but I fear that the problem lies with us and our slow progress.
However I can only stress that the OsmoSDR will be more flexible,
powerful, programmable (even stand-alone operation is possible!) and
sensitive. Many of you don't care much about sensitivity, but you will
notice the difference when you see it...
But now to the facts:
- - the OsmoSDR revision 2 review is completed and the PCBs are ordered
- - depending on the workload of the PCB shop, we have to wait ten to 15
working days for the PCBs to ship to Stefan Reimann (DG8FAC)
- - he will assemble 20 boards immediately (machine time is booked)
- - after that we will tests and checks that no fatal bug remains
- - after that the rest are assembled
- - we will have about 100 boards then (most probably a few will need
some rework as soldering is not a 100% process)
For the revision 2 we changed the following things:
- - clock output of the Si570 was reworked the mitigate voltage level
problems on the E4000 input
- - a lowpass in to E4000 input was added to kill harmonics from the
Si570 (the Si570 produces a square wave signal)
- - a ~20dB LNA was added to increase sensitivity to -125dB @ 450 MHz
(at least we hope so :)
- - a lowpass at the antenna input was added to avoid driving 100mW into
the E4000 when a WLAN near to the stick goes on TX
- - serial wire debugging for the SAM3U was added
- - a few lines at the FPGA were rerouted
- - LEDs moved to the border of the board
- - the board was shrunk 1mm to fit into a casing
- - the expansion pins were moved to fit into the 2.54mm grid (a
breadboard should fit neatly on top)
During the sensitivity tests I did two weeks ago I saw that the RX
spectrum is pretty clean and the RX filters in the E4000 are really good.
So - even with a few weeks delay - we can finally look forward to get
our hands at the OsmoSDR and we will have a really good receiver at
our hands!
- --
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The rtl-sdr is really great ! Congratulation and thank you for your work !
This really democratises the SDR to anyone with so low prices.
I have an ezcap ez646 USB stick, based on rtl2832u but this one has a FC0012 tuner chip.
I wondered if some of you had information or clues about this tuner as you have developped the driver for the FC0013.
Then I could attempt to adapt the code for this stick.
Mathias Coinchon