osmocom-sdr October 2012

  • 15 participants
  • 10 discussions

News from the OsmoSDR frontier
by Christian Daniel -- maintech GmbH
12 years, 2 months

Latest Ubuntu update
by James Peroulas
12 years, 3 months

Beginner question about rtlsdr
by Jared Clements
12 years, 3 months

Re: Beginner question about rtlsdr (Jared Clements)
by James Peroulas
12 years, 3 months

Beginner question about rtlsdr
by Michel Pelletier
12 years, 3 months

RTL-SDR with MSI DIGIVOX Micro HD suppot
by Höss Lajos
12 years, 3 months

Mis-detected E4000 instead of FC0013 tuner when using NOXON DAB Stick on Raspberry Pi
by Christoph Gommel
12 years, 4 months

bug and parameters for rtl_fm
by Alain Prignet
12 years, 4 months

Sweex USB dongle with rtl_sdr
by Andrew Harrison
12 years, 4 months

Issues with rtl_tcp
by Scott Cutler
12 years, 4 months
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