After seeing the osmo-fl2k[1] project, I've bought a USB VGA dongle,
hoping it would contain a FL2000.
The model I've bought looks identical (from the outside) to the black
one on the picture. Unfortunately it contains a different chip: a
Macrosilicon MS9120.
There is not a lot of information about this chip, the manufacturer does
not even publish a datasheet (I've sent them an email to ask for one,
but don't have high hopes).
What I've found so far is:
- someone's reverse-engineering attempt of the android driver[2]
- a bit of python code to read & write the chip's memory[3]
The second thing is for a different chip by the same manufacturer, but
it seems to work with my device as well.
So, I was wondering if anyone here has already attempted to re-purpose
this chip as a transmitter :)
- niklas