Hello Guys,
First of all: I am amazed by your project - many ideas come up in my
head what can be done with this tiny cheap SDR.
I have tested rtl_sdr with a linux-vm on my Mac successfully but
wanted to run it on my raspberry pi.
Unfortunately and thithout an explainable reason to me the tools
detect an E4000 instead of the soldered FC0013 on my stick - but only
on the PI.
To fix this issue I have changed the detection order in librtlsdr.c:
diff --git a/src/librtlsdr.c b/src/librtlsdr.c
index 3a67b53..cb34f1d 100644
--- a/src/librtlsdr.c
+++ b/src/librtlsdr.c
@@ -1073,13 +1073,6 @@ int rtlsdr_open(rtlsdr_dev_t **out_dev, uint32_t index)
/* Probe tuners */
rtlsdr_set_i2c_repeater(dev, 1);
- reg = rtlsdr_i2c_read_reg(dev, E4K_I2C_ADDR, E4K_CHECK_ADDR);
- if (reg == E4K_CHECK_VAL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Found Elonics E4000 tuner\n");
- dev->tuner_type = RTLSDR_TUNER_E4000;
- goto found;
- }
reg = rtlsdr_i2c_read_reg(dev, FC0013_I2C_ADDR, FC0013_CHECK_ADDR);
if (reg == FC0013_CHECK_VAL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Found Fitipower FC0013 tuner\n");
@@ -1088,6 +1081,13 @@ int rtlsdr_open(rtlsdr_dev_t **out_dev, uint32_t index)
goto found;
+ reg = rtlsdr_i2c_read_reg(dev, E4K_I2C_ADDR, E4K_CHECK_ADDR);
+ if (reg == E4K_CHECK_VAL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Found Elonics E4000 tuner\n");
+ dev->tuner_type = RTLSDR_TUNER_E4000;
+ goto found;
+ }
/* initialise GPIOs */
rtlsdr_set_gpio_output(dev, 5);
After compiling the lib the FC0013 is detected and the sticks works
great on my Pi.
Of course this is not a perfect solution and I will figure out later
in depth WHY the E4K_CHECK_VAL comes out of the FC0013.
Anybody else who has or had the same problems?
the Hardware used is:
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0ccd:00b3 TerraTec Electronic GmbH NOXON DAB/DAB+ Stick
Hi There
I have been working with a Sweex USB dongle that has the RTL3282u -
FC0012 chipset.
Its id is "1f4d:a803 G-Tek Electronics Group"
I have been able to get it working with rtl_sdr and rtl_fm.
Can you add its id to the source code for others to use.
Andrew Harrison.
I've ported my app to use rtl_tcp.exe instead of the native rtlsdr libs,
and while it is partly working (samples reading correctly, no dropped
samples, etc.), I have run into two issues.
First--when I start reading samples too quickly after setting the sample
rate, I get this error:
-f 100000000 -s 2048000
Found 1 device(s).
Found Elonics E4000 tuner
Using Generic RTL2832U (e.g. hama nano)
Tuned to 100000000 Hz.
Use the device argument 'rtl_tcp=' in OsmoSDR (gr-osmosdr)
to receive samples in GRC and control rtl_tcp parameters (frequency,
gain, ...).
client accepted!
set freq 105000000
set sample rate 1920000
worker cond timeout
Signal caught, exiting!
comm recv socket error
Signal caught, exiting!
all threads dead..
Use the device argument 'rtl_tcp=' in OsmoSDR (gr-osmosdr)
to receive samples in GRC and control rtl_tcp parameters (frequency,
gain, ...).
If I instead wait about two seconds after setting the sample rate, there
is no problem. There is also no problem if I immediately read samples
after connecting, where I set the sample rate on the command line.
The other issue is that tuning is very slow--about one second per call
to rtlsdr_set_center_freq. I had a similar problem with the rtlsdr.dll
library, and I found that tuning was very slow if performed from the
main thread, but fairly quick (maybe 10-20 hz) if done from the async
proc thread that rtlsdr_read_async launches.
That seemed a bit odd to me but it worked. I suspect that rtl_tcp.exe
is doing the same thing; calling rtlsdr_set_center_freq from the main
Ideas, anyone? Thanks!
PS: I'm running Win7-64, in case it matters. Also using the latest
version here:
There's been a couple of messages now, asking when you intend to release actual product.
I suspect that, provided you warn people about the "rough around the edges" code, the actual HARDWARE is good enough to sell.
The repair of code, relating to debugging, will improve when more people have the hardware - and can send fault reports.
You may want your code to be as perfect as the Sistine Chapel - but even Michaelangelo had to let the chapel be used while he painted.
-- Alan
Hi All,
I stumbled across the OsmoSDR on http://sdr.osmocom.org/trac/ - does this
supply 16-bit or maybe even higher samples?
It looks great J , I'm sure a high quality SDR with this frequency range
will be very popular.
Greetings, all!
I've recently been bitten by the rtlsdr bug and have since developed some
software around it. It's Windows-based and currently decodes (mono) WFM,
NFM, POCSAG, FLEX 1600/6400, and (very limited) AX.25 frames.
I would like to make a semi-limited release but have some concerns about
the licensing of the rtlsdr library after what SDR# went through (or
seemed to go through--I'm not sure what the whole story was). I do plan on
open-sourcing the whole thing eventually, but in the short term I'll
probably have a limited read-only license.
Simply put, am I in the clear if I:
- only access rtlsdr.dll through my own reimplementation of rtl-sdr.h and
- do not distribute the binary rtlsdr.dll, but instead link to the Osmocom
Thanks for the help!
- Scott
Hi list,
yesterday I committed code for the Rafael Micro R820T tuner to
Sticks with this combination (RTL2832 + R820T) are relatively new on
the market. The main difference to all the other supported tuners so
far is that it uses a Low-IF (3.57 MHz) architecture instead of
Zero-IF. That means the tuner is only connected to the In-Phase ADC
input, and the internal downconverter of the RTL2832 is generating the
complex samples. This has the benefit of having no DC offset spike in
the middle of the spectrum.
So far the tuner driver comes straight from the kernel driver that
Realtek supplies, and setting gain manually is not supported yet,
although functions for that seem to exist.
There is still is a lot that needs to be done, the best thing most
likely would be to completely rewrite the driver, or at least clean it
up dramatically. Initializing the tuner takes way too long at the
moment, since the driver produces a lot of I2C traffic, most of it
being redundant as it seems.
The driver originally had a frequency limitation of 40 MHz to 900 MHz,
but tests showed that the PLL of my stick can achieve lock up to 1766
MHz, and indeed both ADS-B at 1090 MHz and L-Band DAB at 1463 MHz, as
well as GMR at 1556 MHz can be received just fine with the R820T.
Also, the PLL could lock again at 1850 MHz to 1860 MHz, and the
reception of a GSM 1800 BTS at 1854 MHz worked as well.
Some initial comparisons [1] between the E4000 and R820T seem to hint
at the R820T being a bit more sensitive, especially visible in the
Tetra screenshots.
Given that the supply of E4000-based sticks is dwindling, I'm pleased
to see a new tuner that has the potential of becoming a good
replacement, and staying for a while on the market.
[1] http://steve-m.de/projects/rtl-sdr/tuner_comparison
I am new to SDR and such hardware. The ebay listing states that the
hardware does not work in the US. I am wondering if this hardware is going
to work for the purpose of playing around as a SDR?
Thank you,
Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2012 05:22:25 +1000
> From: Ben Ryan <benryanau(a)hotmail.com>
> To: <osmocom-sdr(a)lists.osmocom.org>
> Subject: "Best" sampling rate?
> Message-ID: <SNT139-W176A4A72E42D16D41CA612B6A90(a)phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Come to think of it, I've also found some samplerates to be better than
> others. No further info to share beyond the fact that I've noticed it too.
> Drops at higher samplerates are probably due to your CPU, IO latency, etc
> (esp if virtualised). You should be able to run 2.048Msps with AF rate of
> 44.1khz with next to no drops and smooth carrier audio. If not, and your
> CPU isn't maxed out, likely you have a latency or bandwidth issue.
> What's the rig you're running on?
> There appears to be an interaction between AF samplerate and IQ
> samplerate.. under HDSDR/Win32 anyways.
> It might well reduce skips and cpu load if the two rates were cleanly
> divisible but I haven't tried to work the theoreticals out..
> I just set 3.2Msps for spectrum scoping, then narrow to around 1.2Msps for
> FM/AM work. The audio rate is usually 44.1khz although sometimes whendoing
> an "audio print" of a signal using DRM mode I'll up it to 48khz. On the
> Core2Duo I get quite a few dropped samples at 3.2Msps/48khz though - it's
> hitting the limits for this system as-is (it's running VMWare MS plus it's
> got layers of drivers on it).
> Another thing to consider if under Win32: differing versions of libusb,
> ExtIO_RTL, ExtIO_USRP, rtl2832u++.dll files all behave differently wrt cpu,
> samplerates and drops.
> I haven't documented my findings yet but there's a complex relationship
> between the above elements and tuner range.. some RTL libs will permit
> 50mhz-~2000mhz, others puke at various spots on the dial etc.
Thanks for the inspiration. I actually re-wrote my code to use async mode
and now I'm getting reliable captures up to 1.92MSPS (my desired sampling
rate). I was using sync mode but apparently that's not fast enough to
capture all samples!
Come to think of it, I've also found some samplerates to be better than others. No further info to share beyond the fact that I've noticed it too.
Drops at higher samplerates are probably due to your CPU, IO latency, etc (esp if virtualised). You should be able to run 2.048Msps with AF rate of 44.1khz with next to no drops and smooth carrier audio. If not, and your CPU isn't maxed out, likely you have a latency or bandwidth issue.
What's the rig you're running on?
There appears to be an interaction between AF samplerate and IQ samplerate.. under HDSDR/Win32 anyways.
It might well reduce skips and cpu load if the two rates were cleanly divisible but I haven't tried to work the theoreticals out..
I just set 3.2Msps for spectrum scoping, then narrow to around 1.2Msps for FM/AM work. The audio rate is usually 44.1khz although sometimes whendoing an "audio print" of a signal using DRM mode I'll up it to 48khz. On the Core2Duo I get quite a few dropped samples at 3.2Msps/48khz though - it's hitting the limits for this system as-is (it's running VMWare MS plus it's got layers of drivers on it).
Another thing to consider if under Win32: differing versions of libusb, ExtIO_RTL, ExtIO_USRP, rtl2832u++.dll files all behave differently wrt cpu, samplerates and drops.
I haven't documented my findings yet but there's a complex relationship between the above elements and tuner range.. some RTL libs will permit 50mhz-~2000mhz, others puke at various spots on the dial etc.
> I was wondering if certain sampling rates were better than others for
> the RTL2832 dongles? I'm finding that if the sampling rate is below
> 1.1MSPS, I get few samples being dropped (but they still get dropped).
> Above this rate, randomly, I get a multiple of 94 samples being
> dropped.
> Are there certain sampling frequencies that are sweet-spots for the
> RTL2832 that produce very stable performance? Perhaps frequencies that
> are a fraction of DVB sampling frequencies?
> JP
> --
> Integrity is a binary state - either you have it or you don?t. - John Doerr