Good day! I am Jenrica from the Philippines and I am currently developing a
low-cost SDR ground radio receiver for L/S band satellites. I personally
emailed you to ask for your build steps for rtlsdr on gnu radio
installation (ubuntu 18.04). I have tried many ways already but I still
can't find the rtl-sdr source in the GRC. Your positive response is highly
Thank you
I am working on making a binary format for rtl_power to save space on
my server for observing the spectrum. I am wondering if anyone else would
be interested in this idea.
I am hoping keep the same format in terms of how the data is organized in
the file but instead of using text use some form of binary format. For
example for the date and time I think using a unix epoch timestamp would
I am hoping to receive any comments or criticism.
Thanks, KD9KCK