Hi again,
I am working on my own SDR project for Stereo FM radio support, but i
would like to also improve quality for rtl_fm application, i made
unoficial patch to add:
Complex FIR - to filter strong signals close to wanted signal
Real FIR - to filter pilot from FM
Stereo FIR
Stereo Deemphasis
AGC support - it can give better resolution of IQ data
Some other improvments in FM radio code.
All FIR filters has 3 possible variants, simple, LUT, SSE2 instricts, of
course SSE is the fastest one and it should works on Intel Atoms, but
not on ARM.
Feel free to use any part of code in any of you programs, I know that
this code is little to much to add it into rtl_fm, but maybe it could
somebody help to recieve HW stereo FM radio.
Speed of SSE code is much better than anything you can get around here,
on Core i7 it consume only 5% of one CPU, so i could demodulate at least
80 channels at the same time in stereo quality of course.
I tried this code only on AMD64 and GCC Linux, so i am not sure if it
can be compiled under windows.
Miroslav Slugeň
+420 724 825 885
Teramos Multimedia s.r.o.
Thanks to Andreas Reinhardt who have port my old acarsdec code to rtl_sdr (http://lists.osmocom.org/pipermail/osmocom-sdr/2013-July/000712.html)
I gain interest back to acars decoding and decided to rewrite completely acarsdec and to add it some new features, in particular a rtl front end.
So , I am please to announce the acarsdec 2.0 release :
Acarsdec is an open source, multi-channels realtime ACARS decoder for Linux.
It features :
- up to four channels decoded simultaneously
- multi-threaded
- error detection AND correction (all one error corrected and some two errors)
- input from sound file , alsa sound card or software defined radio (SRD) via a rtl dongle
The 4 channels decoding is particularly useful with the rtl dongle. It
allows to directly listen simultaneously to 4 different frequencies.
acarsdec -r 0 131.525 131.725 131.825
Will decode acars on 3 frequencies with the rtl dongle number 0.
try and enjoy
Thierry Leconte
Greetings, all--
A while back I asked some questions about licensing of the rtl-sdr
libraries, especially with regard to use with non-GPL software. At the
time, I was told that the ExtIO libraries were considered an acceptable
My code has been in development, and for various reasons--the largest being
the desire for transmit support--I have developed my own HW abstraction
layer called SDRIO. At the moment, I support rtl-sdr, bladeRF, and Funcube
Dongle devices via the abstraction layer. The layer will, of course, be
GNU licensed and thus free for anyone to modify or extend.
My intent is thus for SDRIO to live in the same niche as ExtIO and thus
have the blessings of the developers. I'm aware that you cannot give legal
advice; my hope is only that, if someone comes to me saying I violated the
rtl-sdr license, that at least I can tell them that I've talked with the
lead developers and that they've given me the same permissions as the ExtIO
I have placed the code here in case anyone wishes to look at the current
state (though please note that the text of the licensing is not yet
The SDRIO_RTLSDR module is quite thin and I hope does not give the
impression that SDRIO is just supposed to be a wrapper. If you look at the
other devices, you can see that they require more code and that the project
as a whole is quite a bit more than a wrapper.
Thank you for your time!
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I am trying to build sdrangelove on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
I did manually install cmake to have the required newer version.
I did install Qt 5.2 and had cmake run with cmake ../
After that, running make fails with this error:
[ 68%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/sdrbase.dir/sdrbase_automoc.cpp.o
Linking CXX shared library libsdrbase.so
/home/pe2bz/Qt/5.2.1/gcc/lib/libQt5Core.so.5.2.1: could not read symbols:
File in wrong format
collect2: ld gaf exit-status 1 terug
make[2]: *** [libsdrbase.so] Fout 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/sdrbase.dir/all] Fout 2
make: *** [all] Fout 2
I did a google search on the File in wrong format message but I can not
find a solution related to libsdrbase.so
Can anyone help me with this ?
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Hi there!
I'm using a dongle on a raspberry + rtl_tcp and sdrsharp on another
machine (quad core.... 3gb ram...good machine!)
The problem occour at 00:57
and at 1:34 in this video:
If i stop and start sdrsharp, it works ok for some minutes...then the
problem is up again!
No errors appear on the console of raspberry/rtl_tcp
I'm not able to understand if it's a problem of rtl_tcp,raspberry or
Things i've tryed:
1) Changed the samplerate
2) Changed the raspberry (tested tp1/tp2 too...getting 4.98v!!!)
3) Changed the dongle
4) Updated sdrsharp
The dongles tryed work ok on a pc
I've no more idea....
Anyone can help me?
PS: If someone know a program that works in linux and is similar to
For those who are interested I wrote a Z-Wave frame decoder for the
rtl-sdr, it can be found here:
The frame decoder is able to decode Z-Wave 9.6/40 and 100 kbps frames.
The frames are written in a pcap file format and piped to wireshark.
Hi there,
As LTE-Cell-Scanner doesn't support TDD mode:
I fork LTE-Cell-Scanner and add TDD support to it:
(Not reviewed by James Peroulas, so it is just experimental currently.)
It works fine with rtl-sdr E4k tuner dongle below 2.2GHz, but doesn't work
in 2.5~2.7GHz even with external MMDS-LNB.
Because the algorithm assumes analytic relationship between carrier and
sampling frequency error.
I write some matlab scripts (https://github.com/JiaoXianjun/rtl-sdr-LTE )
to separate carrier and sampling processing in algorithm. Aided by
MMDS-LNB, the scripts can detect TDD&FDD LTE cell in 2.5~2.7GHz now!
12 LTE Cells information are decoded. 2 are FDD LTE, the rest are TD-LTE.
Because here is China! (Partly because that TD-LTE is announed earier than
FDD by government)
Hope that in the future these features can be merged to original
Scanning results and video are attached.
My name is Allan an I am currently working on my final year project for college. The idea is to create a radar system that interprets MODE C interrogation signals and replies by aircraft and SSR and with this information determine where these airplanes are in your vicinity. The device I am using to receive these transmissions is a DVB-T dongle. I will have to create an algorithm that will use the ping of the above transmissions which I am aware of. My problem is that I am having difficulty understanding how I will decode the signal to read the altitude and differentiate between other aircraft transmitting on the 1090MHz frequency. Could anyone in this forum point me in some direction as to how to learn this? Also apologies if I am unclear.