osmocom-sdr February 2015

  • 6 participants
  • 7 discussions

HackRF powered antenna support (pleeeeease :)
by Brad Hein
9 years, 9 months

gr-fosphor: error: work group size exceeds the maximum default value for the selected device (AMD HD 5450)
by Sipos Csaba
9 years, 11 months

Calling rtlsdr_* while receiving in async mode
by Oliver Jowett
10 years

librtlsdr maintenance and releases
by Oliver Jowett
10 years

Announcing OsmoDevCon 2015
by Harald Welte
10 years

A rtl-sdr driver fork for #Sdr-Sharp was created with software decimation
by rtlsdrfan@airmail.cc
10 years

by Leif Asbrink
10 years
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