I tried to install CalypsoBTS have libosmocore installed, osmo-bts osmobsc,
libosmo-netif, libosmo-abis, ortp, trx, libosmo-dsp everything went without
errors, following the instructions I created: touch ~/.osmocom/open-bsc.cfg
, then when you run : osmo-nitb -c ~/.osmocom/open-bsc.cfg-l
~/.osmocom/hlr.sqlite3-P-C --debug=DRLL:CC:MM:RR:RSL:NM shows me:<0005>
bsc_init.c:498 Failed to parse the config file:
'/root/.osmocom/open-bsc.cfg' file tried to create as administrator but
without success , pleas help me
View this message in context: http://baseband-devel.722152.n3.nabble.com/Calypso-BTS-tp4026753.html
Sent from the baseband-devel mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hello! I Need Help
I install these three programs OpenBTS, OsmocomBB, Asterisk
Then run them, Everything works well
OpenBTS sent an SMS to my phones
I answered and he checked me
I registered into OpenBTS a second phone
I tried to transfer SMS between phones - all good
but when I try to call from one to another I did not get
Asterisk writes
*CLI> Retransmission timeout reached on transmission 755803415(a) for
seqno 179 (Critical Response) -- See
Packet timed out after 32001ms with no response
What do I do?
View this message in context: http://baseband-devel.722152.n3.nabble.com/OpenBTS-OsmocomBB-Asterisk-tp402…
Sent from the baseband-devel mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Don't get me wrong, but your current description sounds like
"I have a problem, but I wouldn't say any details about that".
Please provide at least mobile application logs, and also try
to figure out some things yourself:
1) What is difference between both SIM cards you use?
2) Does mobile with "non-working" SIM perform successful LU?
3) Does mobile with "non-working" SIM receive any Paging Request?
4) Does one answer to Paging Request by sending Paging Response?
5) Then, does the L1 switch to a dedicated channel?
6) What is happening on a dedicated channel?
7) ... ?
OsmocomBB is not for end users, so you should do / learn a lot
of things yourself. After all, the source code is always available.
With best regards,
Vadim Yanitskiy.
Hello FreeCalypso and Osmocom communities,
I am in the process of creating an informal organisation representing
the interests of those members of the GSM universe whose interests are
not represented by GSMA etc, and I am inviting you to join me in this
venture. I propose that we name our informal organisation GSMUA,
standing for GSM Users Association, and my vision for this GSMUA is to
be a counter-body (antibody?) to the official GSMA. I just registered
the gsmua.org domain name, but there is no website or mailing list set
up yet. If someone from the Osmocom camp would like to host the
server infrastructure for gsmua.org, I will happily point the DNS to
you, otherwise the FreeCalypso family can host it on our server.
My vision for GSMUA is to represent the interests of GSM end users
(empowered end users who wish to fully own and control all aspects of
their user equipment while operating on public mobile networks in a
fully spec-compliant manner), small boutique manufacturers of GSM
devices (both MS/user equipment and network infrastructure), small
community network operators and others whose interests are not
represented by GSMA etc, especially in cases where our interests are
in direct conflict with the interests of big players such as giant
device manufacturers, giant commercial network operators and
A key goal of GSMUA is to be project-neutral, that is, every person
and every small company belonging to any of the categories listed
above (empowered end user, small boutique device manufacturer, small
community network operator etc) should be fully welcome regardless of
which specific project they are associated with. As of today there
are at least two different projects offering GSM MS implementations
(OsmocomBB and FreeCalypso) and at least two different projects
offering network-side GSM implementations (Osmocom and OpenBTS), and I
hope that this number of available alternatives will continue to grow:
freedom of choice is always a good thing. But at the present time
there exists no neutral soil on which members of different projects
with a common interest (GSM networks and devices serving the interests
of end users rather than big corporations and governments) and a
common enemy (just named) can meet, and this lack of neutral meeting
ground is the problem which GSMUA is meant to solve.
I also have one practical application for GSMUA in mind already: to
manage and legitimize recycling of wasted IMEI number ranges. By the
official rules of GSMA etc each different *type* of GSM mobile
equipment requires a different TAC, i.e., a range of at least 1 million
IMEI numbers. So if a small boutique GSM device manufacturer makes a
boutique MS device of which no more than 100 units will ever be made,
999900 IMEI numbers have to be wasted by the official rules. While I
don't know of any manufacturer who got a range of 1 million IMEIs and
only made 100 devices, we do have examples like Openmoko GTA01/02 and
Pirelli DP-L10. In the case of Openmoko GTA02 I've been told that
about 15 thousand units were made in total; in the case of Pirelli
DP-L10 it appears that the total number produced was somewhere under
100 thousand. In each case a full range of 1 million IMEIs was
allocated, and at least 900 thousand numbers out of each range are
currently unused and wasted.
If a small boutique manufacturer wishes to offer a boutique GSM MS
product to the general public and wishes to ship each unit with a
world-unique IMEI that stands a good chance of being accepted as valid
by common GSM networks, and the product in question does not qualify
for IMEI allocation by the official rules (e.g., the product is a
development board specifically intended for users to run their own
firmware and connect to live public networks with it, taking full
personal responsibility for their actions) - the situation I found
myself in with my GSM MS development board - I feel that the small
boutique manuf in question should be empowered to squat on a small
subrange of someone else's IMEI range if it is known beyond reasonable
doubt to be wasted and unused.
However, this recycling of wasted IMEI number ranges could be better
organized and given at least some aura of semi-legitimacy if there
were a community body set up to manage it, and this is where my
proposed GSMUA can come in. Once we get our GSMUA up and running and
assign a group of volunteers to be IMEI recycling managers, any small
GSM or 3G+ device manufacturer who needs a small range of IMEI numbers
will be able to request one from GSMUA, and we will allocate and
assign these small subranges out of whatever wasted range we decide to
squat on, ensuring that each requestor gets a different subrange.
So these are my ideas, and I would like to see them turn into reality.
We are going to need a simple website and a community mailing list at
gsmua.org, and for the IMEI recycling service we will need a small
group of volunteers to serve as its managers - I and Das Signal from
FreeCalypso will be happy to serve on that panel, but it would be nice
to also have someone from the Osmocom camp for better neutrality.
Bright Blessings,
Mychaela Falconia,
Mother of FreeCalypso
I needed some information from you, I want to implement a GSM Mobile stack with USRP as RF Frontend. Is it possible to build the DSP part of osmocommbb in a different TI DSP board other than calypso. As it is very difficult to find calypso phones now a days.
Hey guys, first of all I want to express my deep respect for this project,
this is truly amazing project and very well developed.
Second, I'm doing a few studies regarding GSM security (no, I'm not
hacking.) and I need to develop a feature for osmocombb, which is: the
ability to turn the L23 app as a zombie (C unix domain socket) waiting for
instructions (e.g.: connect to the network with predefined parameters
(IMSI), collect RAND, send sms,...).
Is there any documentation or flow regarding the code? It's very hard for a
non C coder to follow the flow... Or is there someone that can help me in
the Architectural level?
Thank you.
Hi Herald
I needed some information from you, I want to implement a GSM Mobile stack with USRP as RF Frontend. Is it possible to build the DSP part of osmocommbb in a different TI DSP board other than calypso. As it is very difficult to find calypso phones now a days.
I was thinking about how to setup an automated real device test for the repo and/or PRs especially. I have devices and cables, just was thinking about how to automate the re-loading of firmware (via an interface to the power button I suppose).
Any work ongoing on this front? I'd be happy to contribute as I have a server I'm going to use for nano3g, calypsobts, development.
On Thu, 5/18/17, Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org> wrote:
Subject: OsmocomBB compile testing / Re: libosmocore embedded build
To: "André Boddenberg" <dr.blobb(a)gmail.com>
Cc: baseband-devel(a)lists.osmocom.org, "OpenBSC" <openbsc(a)lists.osmocom.org>, "Vadim Yanitskiy" <axilirator(a)gmail.com>
Date: Thursday, May 18, 2017, 1:24 PM
Hi Andre and others.
We currently have a series of patches from
Vadim pending in gerrit for
They cannot move ahead, as we have no compile testing /
jenkins job which would give this a +1.
To resolve this, we should
also start to have a jenkins compile testing
job for OsmocomBB. The "host" (PC)
part of the code is built against
libosmocore, just like e.g. openbsc or osmo-bts. That
should be
possible even so far, and it might
make sense to start with that.
Basically you need to:
* git
clone osmocom-bb
* cd src/host/layer23
* regular 'autoreconf -fi &&
./configure && make'
compile-testing the 'embedded'
(firmware) part is not possible easily in
the current master. However, as a second
step, and after the
libosmocore embedded
build has run (and it is installed to
/usr/local/arm-none-eabi), and if you use the
branch in
OsmocomBB, you should also be able to compile-test the
firmware using
* git clone osmocom-bb
* cd
src/target/firmware && make
There currently is no "make check"
tests for either the host utilities
or the
firmware, and of course we have no clue if the resulting
will do anything useful on an
actual pone [yet!], but I still think the
two steps above would be very useful to move
ahead, and to unify the
submission/review/verification/approval/merge process in
with what we have established for the
network-side projects like OsmoBTS
& co.
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org>
"Privacy in residential applications is a
desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
Hi Vadim,
see attachment.
This was my 'test ballon': We now have automatic jenkins build
verification at least for the host part of OsmocomBB. Please re-push
your patch series again into jenkins, so they will get build-verified.
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)