Hello! I Need Help
I install these three programs OpenBTS, OsmocomBB, Asterisk
Then run them, Everything works well
OpenBTS sent an SMS to my phones
I answered and he checked me
I registered into OpenBTS a second phone
I tried to transfer SMS between phones - all good
but when I try to call from one to another I did not get
Asterisk writes
*CLI> Retransmission timeout reached on transmission 755803415(a) for
seqno 179 (Critical Response) -- See
Packet timed out after 32001ms with no response
What do I do?
View this message in context: http://baseband-devel.722152.n3.nabble.com/OpenBTS-OsmocomBB-Asterisk-tp402…
Sent from the baseband-devel mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi guys,
I think some of us would like to move to redmine and start using public tickets more frequently. So in case we move there are some topics to be discussed and I would like to start with a couple of them right now.
Redmine has a global linear sequence of ticket numbers. If we move from many tracs to a single redmine we can either:
* not import tickets
* only import from one project
* deal with changing ticket numbers
In terms of installations the GMR trac is broken in regard to tickets, there are some for SDR that are probably not being fixed anytime soon, baseband might be relevant and OpenBSC is unlikely to be relevant. I don't think we have ever used ticket reference in OpenBSC commit messages so in terms of OpenBSC having changing ticket numbers would not be a big deal. E.g. we could add a custom field with the old trac number?
We have external references that should be redirected to the new place. Is there any way besides maintaining a list in the apache2/nginx configuration and making redirects as we find broken references? Can we proactively manage this? Is anybody willing to come up with a script and nginx configuration for doing this?
kind regards
UGS is a portable system designed to send SMS messages and data to GSM
phones in a pre-defined area.
Unlike existed advertisement systems
UGS sends normal or flash SMS instead of broadcast messages (receipt of
broadcast messages can be disabled by mobile phone user);
UGS is an independent stand-alone system, which does not require any
cooperation with cellular operators.
UGS does not use phone numbers of mobile phones, hence there is no need in
the lists of phone numbers to be obtained from various sources. Those lists
are often not complete, outdated, irrelevant and costly.
The UGS can be used for commercial or security purposes:
Send commercial advertisements, announcements, free gift coupons, useful
information or welcome messages in specific places: shopping areas, banks,
restaurants, train or bus stations, exhibitions, shows, etc.
Send warning messages or requests to the people in the case of emergency.
Send messages with the request to contact police to potential crime
witnesses in the crime areas.
SMS messages can be sent:
To New in the Area or
To Known in the Area or
To pre-defined groups or
To everyone,
The UGS can be installed in a fixed location or carried to the places of
need in a small, hand carry suitcase.
Potential users of the system are small stores, large organizations,
advertisement providers, rescue services, police forces and others.
System can be operated locally or remotely via the Internet.
SMS sent by the system are free of charge; neither owner of the system nor
mobile phone users pay for them.
The system is comprised of compact Base Station Unit and notebook computer.
Because of unique sophisticated algorithm implemented in the system, the UGS
transmits very low power and does not interfere with existed GSM networks.
User can define any phone number or name of the sender, which will appear on
the screens of mobile phones.
Main specifications:
Frequency coverage: 850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz
Number of SMS: No limitations
Number of handsets: No limitations
System output: From 10mW up to 10w (adjustable)
Power: 220V / 110V / 24V / 12-16V or Batteries
Operation Range: 10...1500 m
SMS language: All languages
View this message in context: http://baseband-devel.722152.n3.nabble.com/USRP-Free-BULK-SMS-SMS-device-tp…
Sent from the baseband-devel mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hey there, I bumped into this error when testing gprsdecode from srldabs.de When I try the sample .dat files provided from srlabs.de it works fine though. Any hints?
Kind Regards
George AndguladzeSenior Software EngineerBusiness Management Technology