Hello! I Need Help
I install these three programs OpenBTS, OsmocomBB, Asterisk
Then run them, Everything works well
OpenBTS sent an SMS to my phones
I answered and he checked me
I registered into OpenBTS a second phone
I tried to transfer SMS between phones - all good
but when I try to call from one to another I did not get
Asterisk writes
*CLI> Retransmission timeout reached on transmission 755803415(a) for
seqno 179 (Critical Response) -- See
Packet timed out after 32001ms with no response
What do I do?
View this message in context: http://baseband-devel.722152.n3.nabble.com/OpenBTS-OsmocomBB-Asterisk-tp402…
Sent from the baseband-devel mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi guys,
I think some of us would like to move to redmine and start using public tickets more frequently. So in case we move there are some topics to be discussed and I would like to start with a couple of them right now.
Redmine has a global linear sequence of ticket numbers. If we move from many tracs to a single redmine we can either:
* not import tickets
* only import from one project
* deal with changing ticket numbers
In terms of installations the GMR trac is broken in regard to tickets, there are some for SDR that are probably not being fixed anytime soon, baseband might be relevant and OpenBSC is unlikely to be relevant. I don't think we have ever used ticket reference in OpenBSC commit messages so in terms of OpenBSC having changing ticket numbers would not be a big deal. E.g. we could add a custom field with the old trac number?
We have external references that should be redirected to the new place. Is there any way besides maintaining a list in the apache2/nginx configuration and making redirects as we find broken references? Can we proactively manage this? Is anybody willing to come up with a script and nginx configuration for doing this?
kind regards
Hey there, I bumped into this error when testing gprsdecode from srldabs.de When I try the sample .dat files provided from srlabs.de it works fine though. Any hints?
Kind Regards
George AndguladzeSenior Software EngineerBusiness Management Technology
I didn’t find anything useful yet. Everything seems normal during the IMSI attach procedure (location updating request, authentication request/response, identity request/response …), I can call and send SMS normally but the phone doesn’t get paged in any way. It seems strange that no differences can be seen during the IMSI attach procedure while some sim cards do not work.
On Mar 4, 2016, at 7:13 PM, Dennis Eisenbarth <dennis.eisenbarth(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> GSM specs, it is.
> On 04.03.2016 17:32, robert wrote:
>> I read about sim card types since it must be a sim card problem but I didn’t find anything useful.
>> On Mar 4, 2016, at 6:05 PM, Dennis Eisenbarth <dennis.eisenbarth(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>>> A good start would be a look into the specifications.
>>> On 04.03.2016 14:31, robert wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I tried two sim cards one that works fine and another one that doesn’t get paged, I noticed that during the location update procedure everything is exactly the same (using wireshark). The log files are also similar. Although both cards work fine if used in a normal phone (even with a motorola c123/118 …).
>>>> Another thing to mention is that some sim cards only work when i stick them on a BTS that has the "SI type 3, GPRS indicator" as follows:
>>>> "3G Early Classmark Sending Restriction: Neither UTRAN, CDMA2000 nor GERAN IU MODE CLASSMARK CHANGE message shall be sent with the Early classmark sending"
>>>> while they can only make calls without being able to receive anything on other BTS where the "SI type 3, GPRS indicator" is as follows:
>>>> "3G Early Classmark Sending Restriction: The sending of UTRAN,CDMA2000 and GERAN IU MODE CLASSMARK CHANGE messages are controlled by the Early Classmark Sending Control parameter"
>>>> I would be very grateful if anyone has some explanations to what is going on.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Robert,
>>>> On Jan 26, 2016, at 6:30 PM, Tomcsányi Domonkos <domi(a)tomcsanyi.net> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Robert,
>>>>> I think it would help us out a lot if you could provide at least one complete log file from the output of the mobile app, so we can start having some ideas.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Domi
>>>>>> 2016. jan. 26. dátummal, 17:24 időpontban robert steve <robert.steve07(a)gmail.com> írta:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I would first like to thank all those who participated in this nice project.
>>>>>> I recently started working with osmocombb and was able to have it working fine on a motorola c118.
>>>>>> However, I noticed that some sim cards can connect normally to the BTS, can make calls and send SMS but can’t receive anything. They simply don't get paged. While for some other sim cards everything seems to be working fine.
>>>>>> Does anyone know what might be causing this issue ?
>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>> Robert
osmocombb+c118 gsm-sniffer:
System :
ubuntu12.04-i386(or kali)
一:update system
update(or vi /etc/apt/sources.list )
Inside find software update source download from modifying their own country
Then save the exit
now open terminal
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
二:Then install a series of dependency
$ sudo apt-get install libusb-0.1-4 libpcsclite1 libccid pcscd
$ sudo apt-get install libtool shtool autoconf git-core pkg-config make gcc
build-essential libgmp3-dev libmpfr-dev libx11-6 libx11-dev texinfo flex
bison libncurses5 libncurses5-dbg libncurses5-dev libncursesw5
libncursesw5-dbg libncursesw5-dev zlibc zlib1g-dev libmpfr4 libmpc-dev
三:Create several directories , download ARM compiler
$ mkdir osmocombb
$ cd osmocombb
$ mkdir build install src
$ cd src
$ wget ftp://sources.redhat.com/pub/newlib/newlib-1.19.0.tar.gz
四:install gnu-arm-build.3.sh
$ cd ..
$ chmod +x gnu-arm-build.3.sh
$ ./gnu-arm-build.3.sh
See here you can directly enter
五:After you install the add environment
$ cd install/bin
$ pwd
$ vi ~/./. bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:/osmocombb/ install/bin
$ source ~/.bashrc
六:Download and compile osmocomBB
back osmocombb download osmocom
$ git clone git://git.osmocom.org/libosmocore.git
$ git clone git://git.osmocom.org/osmocom-bb.git
When installing libosmocore execute ./configure many people will encounter
No package 'talloc' found such a mistake , because they can not talloc, Here
is the solution
$ wget https://www.samba.org/ftp/talloc/talloc-2.1.7.tar.gz
$ tar -zxvf talloc-2.1.7.tar.gz
$ cd talloc-2.1.7/
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
install libosmocore
$ cd libosmocore/
$ autoreconf -i
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install $ cd ..
Compile osmocombb
$ cd osmocom-bb
$ git checkout --track origin/luca/gsmmap
$ cd src
$ make
七:Modify the problem file ( if you are gnu-arm-build.2.sh and no cell
scanning immobile problem , skip this step )
Enter osmocom-bb find these files and modify them
vi osmocom-bb/ src/target/firmware/board/compal/highram.lds
vi osmocom-bb/ src/target/firmware/board/compal/ram.lds
vi osmocom-bb/ src/target/firmware/board/compal_e88/flash.lds
vi osmocom-bb/ src/target/firmware/board/compal_e88/loader.lds
vi osmocom-bb/ src/target/firmware/board/mediatek/ram.lds
Found inside this string of code
In the following is added
Listed as:
To save , all changes well in entering osmocom-bb / src recompile
$ make -e CROSS_TOOL_PREFIX=arm-none-eabi-
八:Insert your brush into the firmware 118
in osmocom-bb directory
$ cd src/host/osmocon
$ sudo ./osmocon -m c123xor -p /dev/ttyUSB0
Enter appear so wait when you click c118 power button , click on it
If this is the brush into failure , look at your c118 cable, if you are
buying a new phone line proposed to insert a little tight . . Best to shell
九:Scanning station information
Open a new terminal or in osmocom-bb directory
$ cd src/host/layer23/src/misc
$ sudo ./cell_log -O
Then enter
$ sudo ./ccch_scan -i -a ARFCN
ARFCN is circled out above that value , such as column
$ sudo ./ccch_scan -i -a 59
十:install wireshark
Open a new terminal
$ sudo apt-get install wireshark
$ sudo wireshark -k -i lo -f 'port 4729'
In the filter input gsm_sms Then quietly wait for it。。。
View this message in context: http://baseband-devel.722152.n3.nabble.com/smocombb-c118-gsm-sniffer-tp4026…
Sent from the baseband-devel mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I have fernvale-nuttx running on a couple of MTK6260-based watch phones and plan on working on porting layer1 to these devices.
I saw the most recent activity on nuttx-bb seems to be http://cgit.osmocom.org/nuttx-bb/log/?h=gnutoo/layer1-2015-wip
wondering if anyone else is working on this elsewhere that we can coordinate?
If there are any particular suggestions/hints/warnings please chime in so I make better progress and have less trouble when I submit pull requests and such.
I have been working with OsmocomBB with C155 model.
After a lot of reading and understanding issues on mailing list, following
the right instructions I am unable to understand where the problem is -
cable or the locked tracfone C155 or my setup.
I was successfully able to build the project.
I am stuck on executing the following command
~/osmocom-bb/src/host/osmocon# ./osmocon -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -m c155
<No output at all>
<Even on slight push on power button no output>
Please find my specifications and findings below:
1. C155 locked tracfone.
2. FTDI adapter USB serial from - Fonefunshop
Is there a way to test the FTDI adapter ?
dmesg - list that FTDI adapter attached to ttyUSB0.
FTDI VCP driver is built into the Linux kernel. Do I need D2XX driver ?
3. I'm trying to write the firmware (layer1) with a working GSM sim inside
and not tracfone sim card.
4. strace gives me no trouble other than this access("/etc/ld.so.nohwcap",
F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) - Is it a worry ?
5. When I execute ./osmocon with all necessary params.
I open a new console and type the following ./osmoload memdump 0x000000
0x2000 dump. - Is this valid at this point? just to see where the actual
firmware is located at?
Dumping 12288 bytes of memory at 0x0 to file dump - Nothing gets dumped into
file dump
Although, I see some output - 'got 2 bytes from modem... ' in the osmocon
window - ./osmocon
It would be very kind if someone could guide me.
How do I verify there is a cable issue <Any software to test TX> since I
have bought these and if not the cable them am I doing something wrong ?
Looking forward to the reply!
View this message in context: http://baseband-devel.722152.n3.nabble.com/OsmocomBB-C155-stuck-at-flashing…
Sent from the baseband-devel mailing list archive at Nabble.com.