I tried to install CalypsoBTS have libosmocore installed, osmo-bts osmobsc,
libosmo-netif, libosmo-abis, ortp, trx, libosmo-dsp everything went without
errors, following the instructions I created: touch ~/.osmocom/open-bsc.cfg
, then when you run : osmo-nitb -c ~/.osmocom/open-bsc.cfg-l
~/.osmocom/hlr.sqlite3-P-C --debug=DRLL:CC:MM:RR:RSL:NM shows me:<0005>
bsc_init.c:498 Failed to parse the config file:
'/root/.osmocom/open-bsc.cfg' file tried to create as administrator but
without success , pleas help me
View this message in context: http://baseband-devel.722152.n3.nabble.com/Calypso-BTS-tp4026753.html
Sent from the baseband-devel mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
After a lot of work[1] the gsm tester can finally:
* Start a virtual bts
* Mobile/virtphy processes
* Complete LUs for 10 MS.
The next step (besides having a proper test verdict) is scaling this beyond what a simple physical set-up can provide. Let's go to 100+ BTS and 10k subscribers but somehow I am still holding it wrongly and would like to have feedback to see how to evolve the gsm tester.
What do I need to change to scale this up and how to externally parameterize it?
* suite.conf:
Add one line per virtual bts to reserve (I would prefer to specify type+num)
* resources.prod.conf:
Add more Virtual BTS. I started to pick IPs from as it avoids having to configure special IPs.
* register_default_mass.py:
I need to somehow know how many BTS (and NITBs) were reserved. Or in the long run the topology of how to connect M BTS to N BSCs? Currently I can run until I get an exception but that is not desirable.
What's missing:
* High-level API of the SuiteRun to get me the toplogy of the network. It seems undesirable in the specific suite to discover how many BTSs were reserved in suite.conf or what the topology is.
* ARFCN usage. Besides the redundancy all my BTS currently have the same ARFCN. There should be an easy way to configure an band+arfcn pool.
* IMSI/MSISDN pooling. I would like to specify pools of IMSI/MSISDN pairs (and size) and then draw from it. I needs these to program into the mobile, NITB/HLR/AuC and for client to client SMS transfers.
* Configure these capacities from the outside. Changing from 1 to 256 BTS should be a single line (or even a parameter change).
Any idea or comment on how to achieve this?
[1] Hindsight is 20/20 and the difficulty was not adding scripting to mobile but getting the GSM tester to spawn the network and we are unfortunately not done yet.
We have been working on the handover feature in OsmocomBB and have
managed to make some progress including SB/BSIC detection in dedicated mode
which was not previously being successfully done in firmware. I wanted to
share it and seek guidance on the last bit of handover implementation on
which we are stuck. I hope someone would be able to help us or make use of
our work.
We took code related to handover from the osmocom-bb jolly branch by
manually adding/deleting stuff in the master branch as updating to the
latest copy was giving us issues. We added code from the “Safely change TPU
offset on TS change or sync change” commit till the “Use only sel_si for
information about the current cell” commit. Using the handover code in the
jolly branch and after making the changes explained below we were able to
obtain the handover command from the BTS. The synchronized handover case
works sometimes though still not every time, however the non-synchronized
case doesn't work at all as we are not able to get the physical information
command from the new cell. I'll explain the changes/additions we made to
achieve this.
Firstly, we noted that in dedicated mode SB burst was not being detected.
Changes were required at three main places in order to correctly perform
FB/SB detection:
- It was seen that the results for SB were being read from DSP API location
dsp_api.db_r->a_sch which is for the idle mode. The results had to be read
from the dsp_api.ndb->a_sch26 location for the dedicated case if
TCH_SB_DSP_TASK is used.
- After reading the FB we needed to update the quarter-bit offset of the
TPU using the TOA of the FB to sync it with the start of frame of the
neighbour cell in order to catch the SB (by changing the vaule of
l1s.tpu_offset using the TOA of the FB).
- Frequency compensation needed to be performed using the afc_correct
function before reading the SB.
* We actually kind of cheated a bit by adding 3 frames to the original idle
frame in order to give us more time to perform FB/SB detection including
the synchronizations mentioned above. This was because we weren't that
proficient with the code and someone with more understanding could do this
better. The call did not get dropped. We used the initial added “idle”
frame to perform the quarter-bit and frequency compensation which was
reversed in the idle frame with the response function to tune back to the
serving cell.
These things, when added to the code did the trick and BSIC of the
neighbours was obtained.
Once the BSICs were decoded the measurement report sent to the BTS became
meaningful and the handover command was received. Upon receiving handover
command, access bursts needed to be sent on the new channel which again was
not currently being implemented properly as in order to tune to the new
cell we needed to know its quarter-bit offset for start of frame, frequency
compensation and absolute frame number which were not previously being
obtained. Now that we were able to detect FB and SB these values were
stored for the neighbours following detection of these bursts and were used
to tune to a neighbour cell in case of a handover to it before the sending
of access bursts. However, here is where we are stuck. We were expecting a
physical information message following the access bursts but were not able
to receive it due to which the handover failed. If only that could be
achieved we believe handover should be successful.
Either we are not syncing properly to the new cell or we might not be
following GSM protocol properly. We also might not be reading the FACCH
properly for physical information message after tuning to the new cell as
we couldn't really understand that bit very well. We wanted someone
expertise on this matter and were hoping our work could be of use. We were
more interested in getting the work done first up.
Best Regards,
M. Awais Aslam
Dear fellow Osmocom developers,
I'm a bit surprised to notice that not more people have signed up for
OsmoDevCon 2019. I guess it was mostly an oversight when the date was
originally announced, and not a lack of interest? ;)
All details about the event are available at the related wiki page at:
Please enter your name at
in case you would like to attend. Registering early allows proper
planning. Thanks!
Looking forward to meeting old and new Osmocom developers in April 2019.
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
I am trying to load helloworld firmware into my phone (Motorolla C118) using sysmocom CP2102-25 cable by executing the following command
sudo ./osmocon -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -m c123xor ../../target/firmware/board/compal_e88/hello_world.compalram.bin
But I am not getting any response on pressing power button briefly. The command keeps on executing without any message. What can be the issue and how to deal with/debug this issue.
I have also attached a cu terminal by using following command.
$ sudo cu -l /dev/ttyUSB0 -s 115200
The cu terminal displays this message on pressing power button.
Hi all,
Somoene shared what looks like a quite useful datasheet for MT6260 at the kosagi/fernvale forum. I have downloaded it and looked a bit and it looks very helpful.
I have linked to it in the wiki at: https://osmocom.org/projects/baseband/wiki/MT6260
Original post at kosagi forum: https://www.kosagi.com/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=3313#p3313
I hope to rejoin my effort on porting layer1 firmware to fernvale in about 1 month.