First Osmocom GMR code release
As some of the readers may already know, a couple of Osmocom developers
have been working on a new sub-project: OsmocomGMR.
The primary goal of this project is to provide a reusable and clean
implementation of the various layers of GMR-1.
What is GMR-1 ? Well, it stands for "GEO Mobile Radio" and it's a set of
specifications describing a satellite based mobile phone network heavily
inspired from GSM. One of the major commercial operators of GMR-1
technology is "Thuraya", providing coverage over
So far the implementation focused on the lowest layers:
* Physical layer with FCCH sync and demodulation support for
* pi4-CBPSK and pi4-CQPSK bursts.
* Channel coding layer (scrambling/puncturing/convolutional
And some ancillary tools to exploit those:
* A good capture tool to listen to particular ARFCN(s) and
channelize them properly
* Wireshark support (BCCH only so far)
The first 'demo application' using all of the above provides
functionalities similar to what airprobe is for GSM: An air interface
protocol analyzer that goes all the way from capturing data off-the-air
to sending packets to wireshark for analysis. Limited to BCCH only
currently but this will evolve with time.
Development was mainly done by Sylvain Munaut, with help from Dimitri
Stolnikov (early signal captures and his great capture tool), Harald
Welte (initiating the project) and Steve Margraf (testing different
setup and antenna ideas).
If you'd like to know more, you are encourated to read the wiki
( and join the mailing list
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)>
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