there is now a test sample (bit file) with speech at
Please only add samples to this page if you have the full
agreement for publishing from all involved parties (e.g.
operator of the network, people speaking during the capture).
This is not the place to share captures which were made
from someone else without their knowledge.
Best regards,
Dieter Spaar, Germany spaar(a)mirider.augusta.de
Hello, tgis is my problem
after download and install libosmore by git and install it ( no soucy)
i go to osmo-tetra/src
I do a make, for compile tetra-rx etc ... ok, no soucy
i make a "tmp" directory
i make the two fifo
mkfifo ./tmp/out.float
mkfifo ./tmp/out.bit
Ok, no soucy for the moment
I have a funcube and i'm launching with these commands
./osmo-tetra/src/demod/python/fcdp-tetra_demod_fft.py -D hw:1,0 -o ./tmp/out.float -L12500 |
./osmo-tetra/src/float_to_bits ./tmp/out.float ./tmp/out.bits |
./osmo-tetra/src/tetra-rx ./tmp/out.bits
Ok the program Osmo-Tetra FCDP"is running but i have an error msg from tetra-rx
./osmo-tetra/src/tetra-rx: error
while loading shared libraries: libosmocore.so.4: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory"
What is the problem ? i think the librairies are correctly installed
These are the terminal return message
-D hw:1,0 -o ./tmp/out.float -L12500 | ./osmo-tetra/src/float_to_bits
./tmp/out.float ./tmp/out.bits |
./osmo-tetra/src/tetra-rx ./tmp/out.bits
error while loading shared libraries: libosmocore.so.4: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory
>>> gr_fir_ccc: using 3DNow!Ext
sample rate: 96000
>>> gr_fir_ccf: using 3DNow!
Thank for your help
Can anyone will put some focus on Tetra Encryption
is any1 have tetra encryptions details and there key length etc
did any1 ever done cryptanalysis on it ??
also whats the current status of osmoTetra
are we able to hear no encryption traffic of tetra??
or some modification is still needed ??
where we can find details of tetra specs??
please consider me as very noooooob in Tetra
Akib Sayyed
Mob:- +91-966-514-2243
Hello, i am a newbie and i a just install osmo tetra under ubuntu 11.10
When i go :
cd osmo-tetra
cd src
cd demod
cd python
and launch
python tetra-demod.py
This is the terminal answer
gr_fir_ccc: using 3DNow!Ext
sample rate: 195312
in.dat: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tetra-demod.py", line 67, in <module>
File "tetra-demod.py", line 45, in __init__
IN = gr.file_source(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, options.input_file)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gnuradio/gr/gnuradio_core_io.py", line 385, in file_source
return _gnuradio_core_io.file_source(*args, **kwargs)
RuntimeError: can't open file
What is the problem ? i can't continue with this files problems.
Thank for your help.