I eventually managed to build,In case anyone else is affected by the same issue, here is
how I modified the Makefile.
All the bestStefano
-----cut here-----CFLAGS=-g -O0 -WallCPIPPO=-I/usr/local/include/osmocom/core/
-I/usr/local/include/ -I.#LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib -losmocoreall: conv_enc_test crc_test
tetra-rx float_to_bits tunctl%.o: %.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $^ -o $@
$(CPIPPO)libosmo-tetra-phy.a: phy/tetra_burst_sync.o phy/tetra_burst.o $(AR) r $@
$^libosmo-tetra-mac.a: lower_mac/tetra_conv_enc.o lower_mac/tch_reordering.o tetra_tdma.o
lower_mac/tetra_scramb.o lower_mac/tetra_rm3014.o lower_mac/tetra_interleave.o
lower_mac/crc_simple.o tetra_common.o lower_mac/viterbi.o lower_mac/viterbi_cch.o
lower_mac/viterbi_tch.o lower_mac/tetra_lower_mac.o tetra_upper_mac.o tetra_mac_pdu.o
tetra_llc_pdu.o tetra_llc.o tetra_mle_pdu.o tetra_mm_pdu.o tetra_cmce_pdu.o
tetra_sndcp_pdu.o tetra_gsmtap.o tuntap.o $(AR) r $@ $^float_to_bits:
float_to_bits.ocrc_test: crc_test.o tetra_common.o libosmo-tetra-mac.a $(CC) $(CFLAGS)
-o $@ $^ -L/usr/local/lib -losmocore $(CPIPPO)tetra-rx: tetra-rx.o libosmo-tetra-phy.a
libosmo-tetra-mac.a $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ -L/usr/local/lib -losmocore
$(CPIPPO)conv_enc_test: conv_enc_test.o testpdu.o libosmo-tetra-phy.a
libosmo-tetra-mac.a $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ -L/usr/local/lib -losmocore
$(CPIPPO)tunctl: tunctl.oclean: @rm -f tunctl float_to_bits crc_test tetra-rx
conv_enc_test *.o phy/*.o lower_mac/*.o *.a-----cut here---
Da: "Sylvain Munaut" 246tnt(a)gmail.com
A: "sinager(a)tarapippo.net" sinager(a)tarapippo.net
Cc: tetra(a)lists.osmocom.org
Data: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 21:22:21 +0200
Oggetto: Re: osmo-tetra make error
I'm not
sure whether I'm simply missing some step or I'm facing an
Any hint?
They messed with the linker in 11.10 ... search the net, there is a
bunch of report.