06.04.2011 19:59, Holger Hans Peter Freyther пишет:
On 04/06/2011 04:45 PM, Зайцев Андрей wrote:
Hello and sorry for my english. Please help me. I
need to decode
the message D-NWRK-BROADCAST (chapter from ETSI EN 300 392-2
V2.3.2). The fact is that I want to receive information of neighboring cells,
but do not know how to do it. Standard called following about this message:
“Upon receipt from the SwMI, the message shall inform the MS-MLE about
parameters for the serving cell…” How to modify the source code in order to
decode this message. Thank you.
Do you have a pcap file containing this message? Did you check if wireshark
with tetra support is capable of decoding this?
I have no pcap file and i didn`t check in wireshark. I have a file with
time sampling, i demodulated it and got the unpacked bits. Then I
processed the bit stream with Receiver Program form this
http://tetra.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/WikiStart#MailingList. But I exactly
assured that there is the message D-NWRK-BROADCAST in the bit stream.