Hi all,
the 100 SIMtrace production units have recently arrived from the SMT
factory. While this is good news, there are some bad news as well:
1) blocking capacitor C12 too far from LDO causing power oscillations
This problem can easily be re-worked by manually soldering a
capacitor immediately to the LDO input pin. Even though 60-75% of
the units seem to work without the re-work, we're adding it to make
sure there are no issues later on.
2) something like 20 to 25% of the units have some problem related to
the initial programming of the SAM-BA loader. Everything works fine
if the flashing is been done via JTAG, or later using sam7dfu +
dfu-util. The problem is still under investigation, but despite
something like 6 hours debugging and soldering additional capacitors,
even replacing the entire SAM7S have not rendered any results.
Please don't ask me to ship some units yet, as we are still testing
them. As per our original schedule, we will start to sell them at the
CCC Camp and then offer a webshop from the second half of August
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org>
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