Hi all!
Just in time before OsmoDevCon, I managed to releaes a new version of
the SIMtrace firmware.
The list of changes is quite extensive and should address a number of
the reliability problems that people have experienced.
The changes include:
* don't activate pass-through and LDO supply for the sim card at
the same time, leading in power leaking from simtrace into phones
* fix a watchdog timer misconfiguration leading to occasional watchdog
* fix detection of sim insert/removal
* better VCC_PHONE detection
* reduce the amount of debug logging on the serial console and replace
it by statistics (count of bytes, overruns, parity errors, etc)
* statistics can be read from the UART by pressing 't'.
* no longer crash the simtrace firmware if no simtrace host program is
Using this v0.5 firmware and a pretty aggressiv program causing lots of
traffic (hunz' simdump) on a cm3121 reader at card Fi(9) Di(4) ratio 64
didn't cause any lost bytes or SIMtrace resets for me anymore.
Any feedback is appreciated.
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
We have tested on three systems with both Ubuntu and OpenSUSE.
Additionally, we have tested with both VMs and as a core system
Software Installed:
Installed the latest using the instructions from the user manual.
With testing against all three of the SIMTrace modules we purchased we
have found the trace appears to lock-up or freeze randomly through
processing of the APDUs. Since the phone still functions properly I
am assuming that the communication between the SIM and the phone are
still intact, it is just an issue with the output to screen/file
output. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
We will try and flash the firmware, but since we saw this issue with
all of the hardware we purchased we assumed there might be some other
Thank you.
Dear all,
Hopefully this is the right list for some questions on the SysmoSIM (aka
I have set the PIN1, PUK1, PIN1, PUK1, ADM1, AUK1, ADM2, AUK2 using the
non-standard APDU (80 D4 ..) successfully using the cyberflex-shell.
Verification of CHV1 and CHV2 are fine as well. (A0 20 00 01 08 ...)
However verification of ADM2 (which I need because I want to change the
Authentication algorithm)
A0 20 00 0B 08 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
returns status : 98 02 (no chv initialized).
It looks like I use the wrong APDU sequence for verifying ADM2 (I tried
some other sequences as well (e.g A0 20 00 0A .. to A0 20 00 0D ..) but no
My main question is : What APDU sequence is needed to verify ADM2 ?
Secondary less important questions:
-When thinking about AUK1, AUK2, what are these used for ?
-Do the cards support 03.48 OTA specs (if yes, can the Kic, Kid be set ?)
-Are there actually any specs of these cards available ?
(google gives www.elektroda.pl/rtvforum/download.php?id=351846 which
matches the ATR of the card, however this spec is of little use though).
Thanks in advance for your help.
i have a question about the functionality of the Osmoscon SimTrace
hardware system.
Can I log everything, also packets like silent SMS
Thank you for your request.