We purchased the Simtrace HW kit from you guys and I tried to sniff the communication between the sim and an iPhone 6. After installing the firmware and running simtrace, I was able to view the results on Wireshark. Looking into the results, all the field’s like EF.ICCID, EF.IMSI and EF.Keys had the same number (APDU Payload).
I got the numbers like ICCID and IMSI and it didn’t match them. Do you have any idea where the issue might be? Please let me know
I have been working with wireshark and SIMtrace.
And decided to extended the dissector for 'GET RESPONSE' (mf/df/ef) and
'STATUS' - according to the ETSI 11.11 Section 9.2.1 Page 39 - 41 and Page
46 (Definitions and Codings for response params)
Keeping update with latest wireshark commits.
I would like to commit to their gerrit.
Please could you let me know here - if the output is as expected.
Let me know your views/comments on the output so I can change it before
Also code can be viewed here 'https://github.com/GerardPinto/wireshark'
(properly forked and synced with upstream) or
reviewed by wireshark gerrit (Once I get your views on the output).
(1) Get Response MF/DF:
GSM SIM 11.11
1010 .... = Class Coding: ISO/IEC 7816-4 unless stated otherwise (0xa)
.... 00.. = Secure Messaging Indication: No SM used between terminal
and card (0x0)
.... ..00 = Logical Channel number: 0
Instruction: GET RESPONSE (0xc0)
Length of Expected Response Data: 32
RFU: 0x00
Total amt of memory not allocated to any of the DFs or EFs under the
selected dir: 0x00
File ID: DF.GSM (0x7f20)
Type of File: DF (0x02)
RFU: 0000000000
Length of following data: 19
GSM Specific Data
File Characteristics: 0xb3, Clock Stopping Indication: Not Allowed
- unless at low level, Frequency Required for ENVELOPE cmd /AUTH algo, CHV1
.... 00.1 = Clock Stopping Indication: Not Allowed - unless at
low level (0x1)
.... ..1. = Frequency Required for ENVELOPE cmd /AUTH algo:
13/4 Mhz
.011 .... = RFU: 0x3
1... .... = CHV1 Status: Enabled
DFs in Current Directory: 0
EFs in Current Directory: 41
Number of CHVs, UNBLOCK CHVs and administrative codes: 4
RFU: 0x00
CHV1 status: 0x83, Secret Code initialized
.... 0011 = False presentations remaining ('0' means blocked): 3
.000 .... = RFU: 0x0
1... .... = Secret Code initialized: Yes
UNBLOCK CHV1 Status: 0x8a, Secret Code initialized
.... 1010 = False presentations remaining ('0' means blocked):
.000 .... = RFU: 0x0
1... .... = Secret Code initialized: Yes
CHV2 Status: 0x8a, Secret Code initialized
.... 1010 = False presentations remaining ('0' means blocked):
.000 .... = RFU: 0x0
1... .... = Secret Code initialized: Yes
UNBLOCK CHV2 Status: 0x8a, Secret Code initialized
.... 1010 = False presentations remaining ('0' means blocked):
.000 .... = RFU: 0x0
1... .... = Secret Code initialized: Yes
RFU: 0x00
Reserved for the Administrative Management: 030000bbda00000000
Status Word: 9000 Normal ending of the command
(2) Get Response EF:
GSM SIM 11.11
1010 .... = Class Coding: ISO/IEC 7816-4 unless stated otherwise (0xa)
.... 00.. = Secure Messaging Indication: No SM used between terminal
and card (0x0)
.... ..00 = Logical Channel number: 0
Instruction: GET RESPONSE (0xc0)
Length of Expected Response Data: 15
RFU: 0x00
File Size: 11
File ID: EF.LOCI (0x6f7e)
Type of File: EF (0x04)
EF response Byte 8: RFU: 00
Access Condition Byte 9: 0x00, UPDATE: Always (ALW), READ/SEEK: Always
.... 0000 = UPDATE: Always (ALW) (0x0)
0000 .... = READ/SEEK: Always (ALW) (0x0)
Access Condition Byte 10: 0x14, INCREASE: Administrative Authority
(ADM), RFU: Card Holder Verification1 (CHV1)
.... 0100 = INCREASE: Administrative Authority (ADM) (0x4)
0001 .... = RFU: Card Holder Verification1 (CHV1) (0x1)
Access Condition Byte 11: 0x01, INVALIDATE: Card Holder Verification1
.... 0001 = INVALIDATE: Card Holder Verification1 (CHV1) (0x1)
0000 .... = REHABILITATE: Always (ALW) (0x0)
File Status: 0x01, Validation Status
.... ...1 = Validation Status: Not invalidated
.... ..0. = RFU: 0x0
.... .0.. = Read Update Status: Not readable or updatable when
0000 0... = RFU: 0x00
Length of following data: 2
File Structure: Transparent (0x00)
Length of a record: 0
Status Word: 9000 Normal ending of the command
(3) STATUS ( ETSI 11.11 Section 9.2.2) says -
The response parameters/data are identical to the response parameters/data
of the SELECT command in case of an MF or DF.