Hello all, I would do a sim-emulator software that runs on my PC.
First thing to do is a an interface to connect my PC with sim slot phone.
So I am using this simple interface :
I took a CP2102 module, see this page for example
then I have put a diode between TXD and RXD, then I have connected RXD to
I/O of phone sim slot,
DSR of CP2102 module to RESET of phone sim slot and connected the two
| |________
DP------| CP2102 |___ \/__ RXD
------- I/O phone sim slot
|--------- DSR ------- RESET phone sim slot
|_________|-------- GND ------- GND phone sim
I have tested this interface with a phone , I can detect reset from phone
then I send this ATR: 3B 16 95 D0 01 7B BD 0D 00 ( this is the ATR I can
read form a real sim card with a phoenix reader),
but I don't have any response from phone.
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Hi all!
This is the announcement for the next Osmocom Berlin meeting.
Jun 27, 8pm @ CCC Berlin, Marienstr. 11, 10113 Berlin
Nico will talk about SAP (SIM Access Profile) in osmocomBB.
If you are interested to show up, feel free to do so. There is no
registration required. The meeting is free as in "free beer", despite
no actual free beer being around.
Updates and the blog post can be found here[1].
[1] http://openbsc.osmocom.org/trac/blog/osmug-20120627