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I have a v1.1p production board, and I am having problems getting
started. I am running Arch Linux, so some things may be different from
a Debian base. I have not yet tried interfacing the board from a
Ubuntu/Debian workstation.
I have succesfully compiled SIMtrace and its dependencies. The problem
is at no point have I gotten a connection to the board. dmesg shows
nothing and lsusb never shows the device. I have libusb configured on
this system and programmed other avr devices.
I tried to access the board with SAM-BA by following the firmware
page. I only see the red LED faintly light when I'm jumping VCC to
test, but nothing once I reconnect USB. I am right to assume that with
a newly acquired board, I have to flash it with the firmware?
Do you have any clues to help me talk to the SIMTrace board? I haven't
found much explanation of bootloader and reset buttons on the wiki...
Should I simply try with and Ubuntu/Debian workstation?
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/
I have a v1.1p running Version 0.4 compiled 20120113-094258 by
ich@sanmingze, connected between a Nokia 1616 and a macbook pro.
Host side software (including libusb) is from Git and running inside a
VMWare Fusion Debian 6 32bit VM.
The SIM card is:
Everything seems to work every now and then (I got a successful trace
of the things that interest me yesterday) but it doesn't seem to be
After following the "a problematic sim" thread I added more logging to
the simtrace application and generated a log.
The symptom is that everything works from phone startup, but then
stalls. After some time (when starting the OTA SIM application)
simtrace ends with "error usb bulk in .. -9"
The serial debug console doesn't show more than the initial startup.
Do I understand correctly that the fix proposed in "a problematic sim"
is for the firmware, which is not yet present in my version?
I attach the output from simtrace with the additional logging.
Any ideas? Is it OK to use simtrace from virtual machine or is bare
hardware required/best ?
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone has access to a LTE device (like a 4G USB
dongle) and has been able to trace the communication between the SIM
card and the device yet.
If so, it would be great to get some traces. Feel free to patch out
the IMSI, PIN number or any other private details (or simply filter
those messages, if you care to).
Thanks in advance,
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
I am having problems patching Wireshark with the simtracer patch.
I am using a Debian VM:
root@osmocom:/home/omsocom/simtrace/host# uname -a
Linux osmocom 2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Thu Nov 3 04:23:54 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux
== The patching ==
root@osmocom:/home/osmocom/wireshark-1.6# cat
simcard-for-wireshark-1.6.patch | patch -p 0
patching file epan/dissectors/packet-card_app_toolkit.c
patching file epan/dissectors/packet-gsm_sim.c
patching file epan/dissectors/packet-gsmtap.c
Hunk #2 FAILED at 300.
1 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file
patching file epan/dissectors/Makefile.common
== The reject file of the patching attempt ==
root@osmocom:/home/osmocom/wireshark-1.6# cat
--- epan/dissectors/packet-gsmtap.c (revision 38554)
+++ epan/dissectors/packet-gsmtap.c (working copy)
@@ -300,6 +301,13 @@
col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "GSMTAP");
+ /* Some GSMTAP types are completely unrelated to the Um air interface
+ switch (type) {
+ call_dissector(sub_handles[GSMTAP_SUB_SIM], payload_tvb, pinfo,
+ return;
+ }
if (arfcn & GSMTAP_ARFCN_F_UPLINK) {
col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_RES_NET_SRC, "MS");
col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_RES_NET_DST, "BTS");
Any advice on how to solve this issue?
Jan H
This is my first post to this list so a little introduction,
I work in security engineering for a large company that uses smart cards for authentication and encryption.
I am having trouble trying to use smart cards from an OSX client over Citrix. The same cards work from a Windows client. Hence the interest in being able to trace all APDUs in a non-OS specific format.
When I use simtrace with e.g. Gemalto Cyberflex cards, the APDU are shown as I would expect.
However, when the card type is a Gemalto Cryptoflex .NET alI see is the ATR APDU.
The Cryptoflex .NET cards are newer and supports a higher baud rate. Could this explain why the APDUs are not shown? There's a somewhat vague statement in the simatrace documentation to this effect.
Which version of the firmware is on git repository "git://git.gnumonks.org/openpcd.git"?
There are v.02 , v.03 and v.04 firmwares mentioned. But I could not find any branches nor version information in the master branch ...
I would like to patch the latest osx branch with the ATR /APDU patch ... [1] http://lists.osmocom.org/pipermail/simtrace/2011-December/000193.html
However I get strange effects: Only a few bytes are shown on Smartcard inserts and the ATR's
reported back to the application on the Mac are incorrect .
Btw. does firmware version and simtace client version have to match?
as I could not find any udpates since July 2011 about MitM capable firmware here, or on the Wiki page I wanted to check if there is currently active development of a MitM firmware ?
I would like to use it to manipulate fields from a physical SIM / UICC in real-time, e.g. non user editable fields like EF OPLMNwAcT.
As a next step I would like to develop a tool that simulates a UICC with several applications on it, so that only the authentication is being made by the real UICC / SIM and utilize the simtrace HW as the physical interface.
However the key to this is a proper firmware to interact with the ME <-> UICC communication in real time.
I have written some classes and decoder for specific fields in Python (using Smartcard and a PCSC compatible reader) that can read and write, authenticate etc. however I lack the ability to write the firmware on my own.
Hi all,
for the OSX USB fix (ZLP) I changed the signature of functions provided by the
DFU/bootloader part of the firmware. The following procedure works for me.
$ sudo dfu-util -a 1 -D ./dfu.bin
$ sudo dfu-util -a 0 -D ./main_simtrace.bin
reset the device