We purchased your product (simtrace2) to produce sniff sim cards.
I did all the steps to install simtrace2 for HostPC (Preconditions,
Compiling, Accessing)
I made sure that the computer recognizes the simtrace2 device via the
simtrace2-list application.
But when the simtrace2-sniff application is launched, only the application
greeting, the usb device used and the inscription "Entering main loop" are
shown. When sending messages to a sim card, the light indicators on the
simtrace2 board start to respond to this SMS, but nothing happens in the
output of the simtrace2-sniff application on the computer.
What could be the reason for this problem?
Please help me figure it out, if possible.
Best regards, Dmitry
Dear Osmocom community,
It's my pleasure to announce the next OsmoDevCall at
June 11, 2021 at 20:00 CEST
This meeting will have the following schedule:
20:00 meet + greet
20:15 presentation by keith: "Screen Sharing peek at TIC A.C. infrastructure in Oaxaca"
21:00 USSE: unstructured supplementary social event [*]
22:00 close of call
TIC A.C. is an operator of Osmocom based community cellular networks in
indigenous communities of the Mexican state of Oaxaca. Keith works with
Rhizomatica and TIC A.C. and will give us some live insight into how
they operate
Attendance is free of charge and open to anyone with an interest
in Osmocom.
More information about OsmoDevCall, including the schedule
for further upcoming events can be found at
Looking forward to meeting you on Friday.
Best regards,
[*] this is how we started to call the "unstructured" part of osmocom
developer conferences in the past, basically where anyone can talk about
anything, no formal schedule or structure.
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)osmocom.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
Hi all,
during the last days I've tried to setup cardem with a simtrace2 under
Manjaro/Arch and ran into some non-default problems. I've found
solutions to all of them and would like to share this :)
You'll find the detailed documentation below.
Have a great day,
# Card Emulation on simtrace2 under Arch/Manjaro
I ran into some troubles setting everything up under Manjaro/Arch and
document the troubleshooting as follows. All of this is about card
emulation via cardem.
Problem: Using the default firmware, the phone shows "invalid SIM card"
and handing over the commercial SIM does not work.
## System and Setup
$ lsb_release -a
LSB Version: n/a
Distributor ID: ManjaroLinux
Description: Manjaro Linux
Release: 21.0.4
Codename: Ornara
1. Smart card reader in the computer, commercial SIM attached, tested
via pcsc_scan
2. simtrace2 attached to the computer via USB, tested via dfu-util
--list and ./simtrace2-list
3. Oneplus 6T, rooted, attached via nano SIM breakout
4. Remote control via adb (optional)
## Building Things
I was not satisfied with the AUR version of libosmocore and needed to
build the firmware manually, so the following documents who to first
build libosmocore, then simtrace, and then the cardem firmware.
### Libosmocore
Both AUR versions didn't really work for me, I've tested with 2 due to 1
being out of date:
2 aur/libosmocore-git 0.9.6.r165.ff20641-1 (+1 0.00)
Osmocom core library
1 aur/libosmocore 1.3.0-1 (+15 0.00) (Out-of-date: 2020-07-29)
core libs for osmocom
#### Building libosmocore
Installing the requirements was straightforward for libosmocore, so I'll
skip it here. After the requirements, follow the wiki tutorial:
git clone git://git.osmocom.org/libosmocore.git
cd libosmocore
autoreconf -fi
sudo make install
Then the first problem occured: although libosmocore was installed
successfully, simtrace would not find it when running ./configure:
configure: error: Package requirements (libosmocore >= 1.0.0) were not met:
Package 'libosmocore', required by 'virtual:world', not found
The reason for this is chaos in the pkgconf paths. For me, manually
adding the path did not help because the .pc files were not in the right
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
The solution in my case was copying the .pc files from the libosmocore
dir to the default pkgconf path:
sudo cp libosmocore/*.pc /usr/lib/pkgconfig
After that, the simtrace ./configure worked and I could build it.
#### Card Emulation
To test different firmwares, I checked out
origin/hoernchen/simtrace_cardem (others might also work) and built the
cardem firmware manually. The cross-compile process on Arch/Manjaro
introduced another problem resulting in stdlib not being found:
libosmocore/source/backtrace.c:28:10: fatal error: stdlib.h: No such
file or directory
28 | #include <stdlib.h>
| ^~~~~~~~~~
This can be fixed via
sudo pacman -S arm-none-eabi-gcc arm-none-eabi-newlib
I had arm-none-eabi-gcc installed, but only adding arm-none-eabi-newlib
solved the problem for me. After that building the firmware worked well,
in my particular setting I used
make APP=cardem BOARD=simtrace MEM=dfu
After that I could flash the firmware and the card emulation worked.
## Flashing and Runing cardem
### Preparation
Check if the simtrace is detected and get the device information:
dfu-util --list
Go to the simtrace repo:
cd Documents/Repos/simtrace2/host/src
Flash the device, --device info might need to be adjusted:
dfu-util --device 1d50:60e3 --cfg 1 --alt 1 --reset --download
After flashing, it should look like this:
USB matches: 1
1d50:60e3 Addr=22, Path=6-1.2.3, Cfg=1, Intf=0, Alt=0: 255/2/0
(CardEmulator Modem 1)
### Running Cardem
From the wiki with some extensions:
1. power off phone
2. insert card adapter cable into phone
3. insert card adapter cable SIMtrace v2 board
4. plug SIMtrace v2 board in host computer USB port
5. connect external card reader to host (any USB CCID reader should do
the job)
6. ensure a card is present in the reader slot (not in the SIMtrace port)
7. check if the card is detected by the reader (use CTRL-C to exit)
For the next step it's important to use the correct device information
and path:
8. sudo ./simtrace2-cardem-pcsc -V 1d50 -P 60e3 -C 1 -H "6-1.2.3"
9. power on phone
After fixing all the above, I could successfully push through the
commercial SIM in the computer.
Yeeha :)