*Holger Hans Peter Freyther* holger at freyther.de
*Wed May 22 12:23:01 CEST 2013*
| On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 03:53:45PM +0200, Arthur Léna wrote:
| >* I tried booting the iPhone using 2 different SIMs (this one from *
| >* Free Mobile and another one) and the trace seems very short using
| *>* the Free Mobile in comparison to the other one. By parsing the ATRs
| *>* of both SIMs, I found out that the communication is done at 312500
| *>* bits/s with the Free Mobile SIM and only 78125 bits/s (for a clock
| *>* running at 5MHz). Could this explain the loss of entire ADPUs by the *
| >* tracer? If yes, is there a way to remedy to this problem (firmware *
| >* update for example).
*| Some people reported success by reducing the size of buffered bytes in
| firmware.
| holger
There appears to be numerous references to "decrease the buffer in the
firmware" to workaround the problem of losing bytes... but
can you clarify which buffer to decrease, in which source file?
I am guessing it's the req_ctx.c / req_ctx.h?
I really don't want to feel this list to be abused for advertisements,
but in this case I'm sure it is of actual help to a number of people on
this list:
The sysmocom web shop finally has a 3FF (micro-SIM) adapter cable
available: http://shop.sysmocom.de/products/simtrace-fpc-3ff
Please note that (as opposed to the regular mini-SIM) we only have one
of the possible four orientations available. This is primarily due to
the high manufacturing cost of low-volume flexible PCB projects.
We would like to hear from you
1) if you need this adapter in different orientation (which, for which
2) for which phone model you have used this new 3FF adapter successfully
3) what kind of problems you may have encountered using it.
Thanks to Kevin Redon for doing the PCB layout of this part. It is
freely available as part of the simtrace.git repository since commit
On a related note: For nanoSIM, I think we would have to go for
dual-layer PCB with vias placed inside the actual card contact pads.
This will make production cost even more expensive than the microSIM
adapter. So unless there's significant interest in a nanoSIM adapter,
it's unlikely that we'd have some made. Please let us know if you
absolutely want one, and if you're happy to pay even more (e.g. 25-30
EUR) for only that adapter.
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org> http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
I just got a SIM card which can not be detected by the phone when having simtrace in the middle.
The phone is a Samsung Galaxy SIII, simtrace v1.2p, with current firmware.
The SIM card works when plugged in the phone directly, and SIMtrace with this phone work with other SIM cards.
This SIM cards allows high transfer rates, and the phone tries to do the PPS exchange, but somehow fails and the tells no SIM card is detected.