Hi all,
today I've deployed some cgit improvements on
in the hope that it makes this tool even more useful:
1) syntax highlighting of source code (requested by Hoernchen)
The source code is now highlighted by pygments. I don't really
understand why somebody would want to look at source code a lot in a
browser, but well, it was as easy as to enable the existing pygments
based filter plugin.
2) rendering of "about" page from README.md
As you might have noticed, I've introduced a README.md in a number of
repositoires, and cgit is now rendering an about page for every
repository, e.g. at
3) gerrit change-ID hyperlink generation
All gerrit Change-IDs in commit messages are now automatically converted
to hyperlinks to the respective gerrit change, see e.g. the below
Please note that this works for the "Change-Id" line of the actual
change, but also for change-ids in the free text (e.g. "this depends on
change-id ... in libosmocore")
4) Osmocom ticket/issue hyperlink generation
Any Line that matches the "^((Relate|Close|Fixe)[ds]):" prefix is
scanned for occurrences of "OS#(\d+)" which are then amended with
hyperlinks to the respective issue on
Please note the OS# prefix is mandatory, so things like "OS#1614, 1615"
will not work, as can be seen at
Please format your commit messages accordingly.
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org>
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