Dear Osmocom community,
This topic has been past due for way too many years by now:
A re-organization of our major mailing lists.
I would like to propose the following changes. Pleas let me know if you
have any comments or feedback. I'm aware that renaming will mean people
have to update their mail filter rules, but I think we're long past the
point where the names of some of our lists started to confuse users.
== openbsc(a) ==
* openbsc doesn't exist anymore since OsmoNITB, which is also obsolete
* does already cover anything "Osmocom CNI" related
* Proposed new name: osmocom-cni(a)
== osmocom-net-gprs(a) ==
This date back to when GPRS was a highly experimental add-on to our GSM
code base. This list should simply be merged with openbsc@ as
== simtrace(a) ==
Historically was created to cover only the simtrace project.
We should rename this to osmocom-simcard(a) or something
along those lines.
I would like to suggest it covers
* SIMtrace / SIMtrace2 hardware + firmware
* pySim and related tools for working with SIM/USIM/UICC cards
* any other information / discussion related to SIM/USIM/UICC cards,
like OTA, ARA-M, ...
== osmodevcon(a) ==
This has been a private list for people attending OsmoDevCon
I would like to open up list membership to the general public, and ensure
it also covers the new OsmoDevCall. We could then have discussions regarding
feedback, topics, scheduling, etc. on that list.
Maybe rename it to osmocom-events(a) instead?
To differentiate: osmocom-event-orga(a) should remain a
private list related to organizational / administrative topics of those
involved with organizing future events.
== nextepc(a) ==
Should have been renamed to open5gs(a) quite some time
ago, I simply forgot about it. My apologies.
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)>
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