On 19 Feb 2016, at 08:09, Holger Freyther
<holger(a)freyther.de> wrote:
The wiki conversion is not that great. We really have to do some work in post processing
and making sure that all content has been migrated. E.g. "Software/Overview" and
"SoftwareOverview" seem to confuse the importer:
http://projects.osmocom.org/projects/baseband/wiki/SoftwareOverview vs.
http://bb.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/Software/Overview vs.
I am fixing this but if somebody wants to help with some code/regexp it would be nice
In trac we have:
[[Image(motorola_filter_replacement_step_1_low.jpg, 250px)]]
For redmine we need:
{{thumbnail(motorola_filter_replacement_step_1_low.jpg, size=250)}}
Anyone wants to try his luck with a regexp to do this automatically? Or a bit of ruby code
to split and manipulate if it is matching [[Image?