There is an urgent need to migrate our most important public
infrastructure to a new server, and I will be doing that on
*Sunday, July 19 2020*, starting about 9am CEST.
The migration involves redmine (main website), jenkins, gerrit,
git, and cgit.
In theory, the migration should be quick. I would expect (significantly)
less than one hour of downtime. However, we all know Murphys law.
Services not affected are mail (including mailman lists), ftp, dns. So in case
of doubt, we can still use mailing lists to communicate.
In case anyone urgently needs osmocom source code on Sunday morning
during the downtime: There are public mirrors available on github.
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)>
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
(ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)
in /tmp/ I have some .dat files like :
/tmp/gmr1_speech_928_1_309814.dat . I think it is voice extract from arfcn
I tried
./gmr1_ambe_decode /tmp/gmr1_speech_928_1_309814.dat
I have stout garbage
I tried to review code in gmr1_ambe_decode.c to understand but I'm too bad
is it the way it is working ?
Thanks again
I need some explanations of the way it is working
this line is working fine
./ --args airspy -a 927 -s 6000000 -B L -f 1553968750 -g 19
-b 40
then after
./gmr1_rx 4 /tmp/arfcn_927.cfile
wireshark is giving all informations
I have "immediate assignment on ARFCN 928 929 930 931
I tried to do the same with 928 929 930 931
./ --args airspy -a 929 -s 6000000 -B L -f 1554031250 -g 25
-b 40
with 1 Gb of datas, I can retrieve only 2 frames in wireshark
I'm sure there is traffic on these 4 channels
Is "immediate assignment " means TCH3 and voice ?
I tried all branches on git hub with same result
What is usage of ? and arguments
What is usage of gmr1_ambe_decode and gmr1_rach_gen
Thanks for help