Dear all,
It's been more than half a year that we transitioned the Osmocom
projects from the various trac instances to redmine.
Still, a lot of people end up on the old redmine pages. How do I know?
Because of the amount of personal e-mail I receive from people asking
for accounts or for modification of the content there.
[This is of course just the indicator, I don't mind those mails]. But
what worries me is that people are looking at outdated information in
the old trac without even knowing.
How do we proceed about that? I'm not quite clear. The first step
could be to add some kind of banner to the old trac installations,
indicating at the header / footer of every page (or even as a floating
block visible at all times) that this is old, outdated content that is
scheduled to be removed at a certain date, and indicating the top-level
page for the specific project in the redmine as an updated
source. After that grace period has passed, we should probably make all
the old trac pages redirect to the entry-page of the project in redmine.
Trying to link to the respective new page in each individual wiki would
be overly complicated and take a lot of time, unless somebody masocistic
enough would volunteer for creating such a list. It can probably be
auto-generated to some extent, but then each individual item would need
to be manually verified and fixed up, if needed.
Do you have other ideas on how to proceed in a better way?
Do we have any volunters about any of the above? I'm quite sure it
wouldbe easy to provide volunteers witha copy of the existing trac
databases or any other information that might be needed.
Thanks in advance for any assistance,
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)>
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