On Sun, Sep 25, 2016 at 05:54:10PM +0200, Neels Hofmeyr wrote:
On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 08:01:52AM -0600, Sylvain
Munaut wrote:
I've just put this in place for
'openbsc.osmocom.org' :
rewrite ^/trac/wiki/(.*)/(.*)$
$scheme://osmocom.org/projects/openbsc/wiki/$1$2 redirect;
rewrite ^/trac/wiki(.*)$ $scheme://osmocom.org/projects/openbsc/wiki$1 redirect;
But so far the idea is to keep the trac online and browsable, right?
the main problem is that search engines still primarily seem to index +
link to the old trac instances. So we were keeping that alive for some
time. However, as the content is going out of date, and people still
show an interest in editing the old content, I think we need to switch
the trac off soon and replace it with links to the redmine, even if it
just links to the redmine entry page of that project.
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org>
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